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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. Yes I put that in my post. The 30ccs makes no sense, unless she actually doesn't know if he's compatible. She wants him type and crossed.
  2. Colorado did stink. New roster. Good game. how's that creeper? lol
  3. 28 billion?? come on--the entire paid streaming/over the top viewing revenue is under 20 billion last year.
  4. she wants a "cord blood transfusion" from Apple? I mean his mother might still have that placenta in her freezer, but.... All kidding aside, other than severe in utero anemia (from whatever cause), I'm not sure what condition of the fetus would benefit from only 30 ml of the father's blood. Typically any transfused blood would be crossmatched with the mother's blood type (not the father's). So it's not clear why she can't donate but he can. Any O negative donor would be able to as well.
  5. Suuure it's creepy, right pal? Just letting us know?
  6. I hope his puts an end to any criticism of any play calling by Dorsey at all this year. If only Josh Allen prepared this hard. sigh..
  7. its b beside the point and just a dumb ad hominem attack. Bereft of intelligent content. Same lame thread **. Typo on phone
  8. “Josh isn’t Tom Brady” isn’t a meaningful criticism. yo have no idea how Allen prepares, yet you decided (anyway) to start a THIRD thread off the Whitlock comments. this is really bad LAMP nonsense.
  9. OP should suffer Araiza’s fate for dropping this steaming deuce
  10. so what? Let Josh’s play do the talking. Why cry over hot takes? Let alone start the same to ally lake thread after Simon locked the previous one. And calling a guy “fat” as your best counterpoint to what the guy said. That’s pretty lame.
  11. Where did Whitlock touch all of these thread starters?
  12. Do have the Knicks and Mets
  13. He can put together an O-line...
  14. 1. we all know/knew who his Canadian partners were. EVERYBODY was speculating that they might move the team north (because they are from Canada!). That's why Trump made this move. 2. any bidder was going to squeeze the public for a new stadium at the end of the Ralph lease. That's not even worth mentioning. There was no canadian stadium waiting. Likewise, any bidder would know they had a better chance of getting a heavily subsidized stadium that would be far cheaper for them than a relocation fee and kicking in for a new stadium somewhere else (as you pointed out). Moving would have been incredibly expensive. That group didn't have that cash money for all this. 3. "The NRA"?? they were in on this too?? wow!! 4. reports were that Bon Jovi group had 1.3 billion offer on the table. 5. The "Trump story" obviously wasn't told by Trump--in fact, his involvement was kept secret throughout. The entire scheme was cooked up because Trump could not get his lender to sign off a statement verifying his net worth....because he constantly lies about it. Plus he didn't want to bid over 1 billion (which he was only putting up 20% in cash). So he had Caputo cook up this scheme to trash the JBG group. It's not "mythology". Once Trump made his bid, he "disassociated" with the group---but it went to the next level with Caputo. 6. the scheme didn't consist of "distributing some fliers' by "Caputo" (lol): "With Trump having removed himself from the picture, Caputo took the gloves off. "We immediately made it far more aggressive and anti-Toronto than the president ever envisioned, mostly because we didn't have to worry about getting him crossways with the NFL," he said. The group gathered thousands of signatures for a petition demanding the team remain in Buffalo and started a "Ban Bon Jovi" movement to rid upstate New York of the New Jersey rocker's music. A local radio station, Jack FM, started playing a version of "Livin' on a Prayer" with new lyrics that went, "Johnny used to get played on Jack / Now he wants our Bills / But Buffalo just won't take that / He's wack." It generated so much noise and color that Texas A&M, which has trademarked the phrase "12th man" took notice and sent a cease-and-desist letter to the group over its use of the phrase." there's more detail in this article:https://www.gq.com/story/donald-trump-shady-scheme-to-buy-nfl-buffalo-bills 7. "double what they are currently worth" would place them at 7.4 billion--that would make them the 2nd most valuable team in the NFL. There is zero chance that moving the Bills to out of the country would make them the 2nd most valuable team in the league. That's laughable.
  15. yes those articles detail who the guy’s Canadian partners are. That was the “public knowledge”. Partners from Canada naturally raise the question of might the team move. Noting in those articles details any plan to move. Soon after the second article you cited was published, Trumps plan was devised (no doubt picking up on this speculation and pumping it up as inevitable. it was no more likely to happen then Pegula moving the team if he didn’t get everything he wanted for this new stadium. you really weren’t “onto” anything, it turns out.
  16. they were never going to move. Only a few still refuse to believe that. Pine for who? As long as the team has competent, non meddling ownership, who cares who owns the Bills? Or any team, right? I’m just pointing out your continued folly of belief. You’ll by any BS that guy wants you to.
  17. he had a very bad experience...
  18. Ask Bob Kraft. He fooled everyone in your town except you. Yet this scheme cooked up by one famous swindler got you hook line and sinker. Anyway, there was a way out, but it would be very expensive until the lease ran out (when, Ironically, "the guy who saved the Bills from moving to Toronto" threatened to move the team if he wasn't gifted a new stadium! can't make THIS stuff up lol). Plus, the Bills stipulated that any bidder that mentioned or was found to be planning to move the team could not participate in the bidding process. So obviously the trust overseeing the bids didn't believe the team would be moved. The "moving to Toronto" stuff was a complete and well orchestrated fabrication, that's all. Why anyone would still believe this, in 2023, after all that became public knowledge years ago, is employing willful ignorance.
  19. A study by bidders who live in Toronto? So what? Ralph’s ghost put a poison pill in the sales contract re: moving the team. You were taken in by your boy again Do c. The “noise” (moving to Toronto) WAS the scam. It was orchestrated and worked to perfection. All involved have admitted this.
  20. He's no Jerry Jones...
  21. he's no Fendi Onabun...
  22. How many teams carry 4 true RBs? What would be the gameplan for the 4 of them?
  23. So....4 RBs? Is that the right number?
  24. again with the Colt McCoy stuff?? come on people...
  25. The Browns should be an unnamed team
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