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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. its a half day of travel (air plus time change) —all of it in the middle of any east coaster’s normal sleep time. There are any number of sleep aids a prepared traveler will use to stay on that schedule. Kickoff was 50 hrs after they arrived. again from multiple sources present the described effect was nothing like the relatively small number of Bills fans present. First I’ve heard that reported anywhere. Regardless, who the Londoners were cheering louder for made no difference
  2. you weren’t prepared. I’ve made that trip many times. It’s only 5 hours difference. Takeoff at night sleep in the plane. Wake up and it’s morning. Very similar to taking red eye from LA. I wasn’t at the game but I spoke with several who go to nearly every home and away, including London. Lots of stories about how Bills fans were everywhere m, taking over the town, as it were. Plus it seemed on the broadcast overwhelming Bills fans in the stands, it was constantly commented on by the announcers. I haven’t heard anywhere that a small minority in the stands were Bills fans.
  3. Bills should be able to handle an inferior team. Jets or Jags. NJ or London. Tottenham was a "clearly hostile" and filled with "80% opposing fans"? This didn't happen.
  4. Let's assume the unlikely---that Daboll is capable of any of this (innovations!!). Why would he wait until Week 6 to whip out all these "dangerous" plays?
  5. He can cry in his beer with Mario Williams....
  6. Making lobster risotto. Then hope to get a few night landings in before 8pm.
  7. so, 300 per...and you'll hook us up with your friend?
  8. Jordan was the best player coming out of college. Pippen turned into a star--but if you were around then you would understand the dynamic. If not then watch The Last Dance and get back to me. How many other teams at that time does Pippen be the alpha and become a HOFer? Jordan and the Bulls had won 3 in a row before Rodman showed up. Brady and NE had won 3 SBs before Gronk was in college. They won another with Gronk on IR. Kicker? They won 3 SBs with a more accurate kicker after Viniteri left. H had HOF Law and Seymour for the first 3 SBs only. Jordan could back that up right away. That's the way he was. But he didn't exactly have the same cast and crew for all 6 championship years. HE made those guys champs. Pippen was notoriously soft, Rodman was poorly controlled. Both bended to Jordan's will. Brady could not demand greatness until he had rings. That should already make sense to you, given who he was when he entered that first game. What's the hard part here? Diggs isn't doing anything like that. He's not even the best player on his team. The guy who is the best player has to watch these antics and then explain them to the press after. The press didn't create these tantrums. But they sure do lap them up---it's all part of the entertainment. But if you can point to where, by doing these things, Diggs is "being a leader", I'm here to learn.
  9. all 3 were multiple champions who were icons in their sports—their greatness gave them the authority to demand greatness from others—particularly Jordan and Brady, who were not surrounded by some of the best in the game. Diggs is none of those things. He’s a top 5 WR with no rings. Josh Allen is a better football player, yet he has to sit their and watch these antics—-then, worse, has to cover for Diggs in the press. Just play ball
  10. Can we get past the "passion for winning" thing at some point? There are more than a few better players in the league who don't resort to acts of drama (throwing helmets, tablets, shouting at QB) to reveal their passion. Simply put, "the media" understands Diggs's MO....and he delivers for them. Really, what else can Diggs expect from at this point?? Someone needs to tell him "yeah, we see the passion and appreciate it, but act like a pro". It's clear this won't be McD. Maybe Pegula calls him in or something.
  11. all of this. the drama IS manufactured...but not by the media.
  12. Hey Von....who's "we'?
  13. Enough drama. Who cares if they are buddies or hate each other…play ball. this isn’t the NBA
  14. Chiefs should be blowing out but for these goofy trick plays Reid for sone reason wants to call vs Denver
  15. he could never build a winner
  16. You missed the point. They would be the plaintiffs
  17. What is it OP is getting at anyway?
  18. She would sue him/the Bills if he dumped her (not sure what else you mean by "went sour") .......AND she would use the existence of her own illicit relationship as evidence of a toxic culture at OBD as evidence of workplace harassment? LOL That would make an outstanding opening argument counselor!
  19. No one at that hotel would know who he is or how wealthy he is. They saw a guy flashing jewelry and a big ring. They marked him. Im guessing that someone breaking into the safe isn't logging their use of the bypass code.
  20. Brandon was harassing individuals. No harassment here. Certainly the head of HR would know what was written and not written. It's possible she/he felt she was in the clear based on this. so you are suggesting they were accepting of their inevitable firing when they started this relationship? Fatalists? que sera sera?
  21. It's not true. It would seem odd that a company counsel and essentially head of HR would go forward with such a relationship knowing it would get her fired---same for Roth. We don't know how the rules about these issues are specifically documented in the Bills HR department. Maybe it is not explicit and they were relying on that to continue. Now that they are fired, could they take recourse?
  22. well, being misstated then conflated into an amazing array of scenarios that would not happen as a result of this--including as damning evidence for the company in any possible "sexual harassment" case brought by any employee against another. just off the rails stuff.
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