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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. Enough drama. Who cares if they are buddies or hate each other…play ball. this isn’t the NBA
  2. Chiefs should be blowing out but for these goofy trick plays Reid for sone reason wants to call vs Denver
  3. he could never build a winner
  4. You missed the point. They would be the plaintiffs
  5. What is it OP is getting at anyway?
  6. She would sue him/the Bills if he dumped her (not sure what else you mean by "went sour") .......AND she would use the existence of her own illicit relationship as evidence of a toxic culture at OBD as evidence of workplace harassment? LOL That would make an outstanding opening argument counselor!
  7. No one at that hotel would know who he is or how wealthy he is. They saw a guy flashing jewelry and a big ring. They marked him. Im guessing that someone breaking into the safe isn't logging their use of the bypass code.
  8. Brandon was harassing individuals. No harassment here. Certainly the head of HR would know what was written and not written. It's possible she/he felt she was in the clear based on this. so you are suggesting they were accepting of their inevitable firing when they started this relationship? Fatalists? que sera sera?
  9. It's not true. It would seem odd that a company counsel and essentially head of HR would go forward with such a relationship knowing it would get her fired---same for Roth. We don't know how the rules about these issues are specifically documented in the Bills HR department. Maybe it is not explicit and they were relying on that to continue. Now that they are fired, could they take recourse?
  10. well, being misstated then conflated into an amazing array of scenarios that would not happen as a result of this--including as damning evidence for the company in any possible "sexual harassment" case brought by any employee against another. just off the rails stuff.
  11. she didn't report to Roth. She reported to Pegula, per the Athletics reporting of the Bills front office structure. Roth did have a "superior title". So, not an underling I don't think anyone is saying they don't. Lot's of histrionic posts claiming this can be viewed as a boss taking advantage of "an underling". It's not that.
  12. as @GunnerBill has pointed out several times, this isn't the boss with an admin assistant. It's 2 of the 3 people who make up the Bills management team. they all report directly to Pegula, not to eachother.
  13. it's not a discussion about who is fireable
  14. I just wanted to get that straight. Thanks! pointing out that "all employees are replaceable" is not responsive to the issues being discussed specifically.
  15. you claimed it was evidence of harassment in and of itself---twice---saying it could be used as such in harassment claims, even as evidence of "toxic" behavior.
  16. the old "moral turpitude" clause! I argued the bolded upstream. these other posters respond with "it opens the door to massive harassment claims"... We all understand what is SOP nowadays. I'm disagreeing with your claim that it is a basis for de facto harassment claims by others unrelated to this affair.
  17. In and of itself two bosses having a relationship isn't grounds for "harassment" claims for others (your claim). If the company has a rule against it, then they broke a company rule, then then broke a rule. Simple as that. If you had decades of experience here, you would understand that--or at least be able to articulate why you disagree.
  18. These aren't profession thieves. It's staff with the universal code or the knowledge of the factory reset protocol for these safes. Plus, I doubt they necessarily target this guy or that. Those who are prone to steal are hitting any room they want. But you have to assume every safe is easily opened. Bring your own lock box as luggage, keep the good stuff on you or leave it at home.
  19. I understand as well. Just pointing out that unless the 2 involved were directly related to the firing, assuming such a plaintiff can prove he/she wasn't fired for just cause, I can't imagine a jury would put much weight in that. I bet the majority of the pool when told 2 of the 3 execs were a couple outside of work would say "so?".
  20. Reed should give "Shady" a call. His boys will have that jewelry back pronto!
  21. That worked out great! And now Pegula is the the sole executive of the Bills...
  22. Well people can file a lawsuit over anything in this country, so...sure, I guess. Unfortunately for that plaintiff, pointing out that others are a couple outside of work isn't grounds for another individual claiming "harassment", nor de facto evidence of a "toxic culture" or any connection to her claimed wrongs against her. She would have to prove their romance caused her harm and damage. If in fact, all of her claims are documented and provable, she obviously would not need to mention that those two were dating to bolster her case. That would make no sense. Unless such a plaintiff listed either of these 2 execs as defendants or as her harassers, a jury would wonder what their private life has to do with her specific claims.
  23. LOL Andre letting us know how what a dupe he is.... Hotel safes are a joke. Take seconds to beat. Also, staff have a default password/override code. Only a chump would use these safes. Keep your ring, cash and passport on you overseas---this has been known for decades.
  24. No one is disputing that--it's not germane to the discussion.
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