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Everything posted by Mr. WEO

  1. He usually doesn't disappear until a season ending game.
  2. McD Career Miracle...
  3. this again? they are 3-6 this season. every loss one score.
  4. He’s a bum anyway.
  5. someone rigged Jerry Rice?
  6. so if they lose, they did so to signal their lack of support for McD? Oh, Tipster..... Look there can't be a guy on this team who would not rather have a Reid or Shanny as their HC right now. If they beat KC, it has nothing to do with their "feeings" for McD. Silly to even consider this They just want to win.
  7. I'm getting into all these "run the table" threads hitting this week... May we have another?
  8. The kid is a 20 year old college student. He's not an employee of the NFL, he's a contracted photographer for Miami games. He wasn't fired, he was suspended from being on the field/sidelines. The NFL said he is free to do other features, etc for them.
  9. Get back behind the counter Dom....I'll take a chicken parm, extra sauce. I enjoy how he adds the "Italia" patch to his Eagles shirt there---as though you didn't already understand he's a Philly goomba poster boy..
  10. 1. Bills Offense was #2 in scoring under Dorsey—better than the year before him and the year after. 2. I can’t get employees fired
  11. Bills are 6-6 now with Dorsey's replacement. Is Brady next to go?
  12. He did throw him under the bus with a justified firing. The pattern of blaming others by McD isn't really something that Dunne has been the first to notice........I think you understand that.
  13. how has that worked out over the years?
  14. That might have true at the end of the year. And it was correct. Pointing out the obvious isn't n axe to grind. Did countless posters posting for Dorsey to be fired have an axe with the Bills to grind? Of course not. Makes no sense.
  15. what's on his agenda? You can answer my question now. Where, when reading this long form article, did you discover his hackery and sharpening axe? what should he not have written about?
  16. what's a hack and where in those 20,000 words you read in that article did you conclude that's what he is? enlighten us
  17. stop--lol come on. he makes it clear in his piece. Did he have "an axe to grind" with Rodgers and McCarthy in that long form piece he wrote in 2019 about the 2 of them? read the article.
  18. "sh**ts" real....
  19. wow bright eyes. ok. anyway, I was correcting your inference had not been collected. It obviously has been. The objective evidence are her own words and then also the responding officer's physical assessment that her appearance was consistent with the actions she described. In Texas, making a false 911 call is a Class A misdemeanor. Charge her. This "BDSM" defense hasn't even been brought up by the victim, but...kudos for you for going there. The "hey it wasn't Von Miller, it was some other dude who sounds just like him! I just wanted Vin Miller to get arrested for it (because I love him and he's good to me)....so I could then say, wait it wasn't Von, it wasn't the other dude who sounds just like him......it was NOBODY! Never happened. This is insane and sad!. This is actually outrageous!" defense pretty much speaks for itself...
  20. what are the dirty parts? I must have missed them...
  21. That's one way to misread the entire piece... nice summary. lol.
  22. For any posters still struggling with what's wrong with McD--his off the wall citation of the WTC terrorists as paragons of teamwork and communication should convince even the most irrational homer that he is, intellectually, dull as a butter knife. over and over--he's not smart en ought for this job.
  23. who is burying public records?
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