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Posts posted by prissythecat

  1. here's a great example why nix is the wrong pick for general manager. he was out of football, doing what exactly? only to return to head our scouting department. ok, so he coached in college and has had a hand in bills and chargers drafts. does he know anything about actual NFL players? is he familiar with someone like joshua cribbs? probably not unless cribbs was on the bills or chargers draft boards.


    i'd ship a second rounder to cleveland in a heartbeat for cribbs. i have to ask, do you think buddy nix even knows who joshua cribbs is?




    are your other 540 and odd posts on this board as stupid as this one?

  2. Redskins interested in Bobby April:






    The article says that Snyder is the one interested in April. I thought that Shanahan is supposed to be making the staffing decisions?


    The fact that there was a significant drop in our ST performance in 2009 after the rule change seems to be cause for caution on April and his actual ability to adjust to changing environments. Also , the miscues by folks like McKelvin and Parrish this year that cost games seem to indicate that there may have been a lack of coaching going on.

  3. So the only people interviewed for the GM job....was in house. Modrak, Guy and Nix are you !@#$ing kidding me? And you guys really think anything is going to change?


    So much for cleaning house. You can bet Modrak and Guy are staying now and 'helping' with the draft. So that means the same assclowns are going to be making our Draft and FA picks.


    The only way this thing was going to change is if Ralph cleaned house completely and brought in new guys, that didn't happen. It will not matter who the coach is, the same clowns are running the show.


    Only in buffalo do we keep giving guys their first shot at something instead of hiring anyone with any measured success.



    Its time for you to find another team to cheer for...

  4. I fear that Mr Brohm will look like the projected first pick he was suppose to be. By that I mean, he will come out against the 30th ranked pass defense and throw for 2 to 4 scores, and 250+ yards in a victory against the falcons. And remember this is an indoor game. While this is happening the Jets beat the colts, and during the game Manning gets roughed up a little.


    Then next week, the colts rest Manning, and Brohm throws for 200+ yards and 2 scores in a victory over the colts.


    That might sound great, but the colts have home field through the playoffs at that point. They are playing to not get injured.


    So everyone in Buffalo is now thinking they have the QB of the future after all, these numbers project to 3600 yards passing and 40 TDs in a 16 game season. the problem of course being that neither team plays in the dreaded 3-4 defense, both play a similar defense to Buffalo. And Bufallo has made players look like hall of famers


    And then the pain continues, we don't draft a QB even if Clauson is there. in 2010 Brohm comes out looking like the practice squad player the Packers made him, and suffer through the year again...then christmas 2010 we are talking about Locker.



    Its more likely that Brohm will be running for his life on Sunday behind our porous pass protection.

  5. If thats true we need Quinn. I dont like Notre Dame and am not some homer. I have watched Quinn in the pros and he has it. If he were on a good team he would be dominant. Quinn ends the search at QB and if we can draft 4-5 OL and have a somewhat competent team next season.


    After that I think we have to wait till next draft for a QB. Mallet and Locker may be there and they could be better prospects by that time. Hopefully Andrew Luck declares as well - which would be perfect if my Xmas wish of Jim Harbaugh were to be granted.



    Hmmm. Which games of Quinn's in the NFL showed that he has "it" ? I've watched a few Browns games including the one where Quinn played here in Buffalo and if anything , they showed that he is probably not going to be in high demand anywhere.

  6. The United Football League in its inaugural season is already proving why the league can help promote, develop, and sometimes even revive an athletes Football career giving him a second chance to fulfill his life long dream of becoming a player in the National Football League.


    The New England Patriots just recently worked out Cory Ross, RB of the California Redwoods and DE Erik Henderson of the Las Vegas Locomotives. The Browns sign OT Jason Capizzi also from the Loco's and the Panthers sign Tackle Rob Pettiti of the Florida Tuskers .


    Now comes the crowning jewel to help make the League a complete success in my opinion. Former first round draft choice of the Buffalo Bills, QB JP Losman is expected to sign with the Oakland Raiders after serving under HC and QB guru, Jim Fassel of the Loco's who helped coach JP to a UFL Championship.


    The general consensus is Losman is being brought in to do what he does best, throw the big strike long ball down field and bring back the respect to a once proud and feared Raiders Nation.


    Best of luck JP and do us all proud :thumbsup:





    Are the Raiders really looking to start JP? My impression of the JP signing was that it was a way to shore up their QB ranks since Gradkowski is out? Jamarcus is now the starter again right?

  7. I like Tebow, he reminds me of Jim Kelly a little, same strong frame and build, big arm, gutsy as hell, there's allot to like about the young fella in my opinion and we have to be looking at this closely, this could be our QB of the future.


    Its also possible Losman or Bollinger may be a good choice for a football team looking for a starting QB. They are both ready to step in and take over the starting role after a preseason of preparation.




    Did you watch yesterday's Florida vs Alabama game? Everything that is bad about Tebow but is normally masked by the huge talent differential between the Gators and most of the other NCAA teams was readily apparent in that game (horrible throwing mechanics, questionable judgement, you name it) . Tebow will need a lot of work before he can step onto an NFL field as a QB.


    Losman and Bollinger starting in the NFL next season? Losman could not even impress the Colts enough to merit a spot on their practice squad. And Bollinger is a perennial 3rd stringer who couldn't even make an NFL roster this year.

  8. His mechanics seemed very poor -- he seems to throw more off of his back foot than any QB I've seen in a long time. He should have had four picks, not one.


    Btw, that game should have been a blowout by half time (28-10). The score was not indicative of the play, although I guess it goes to show that good running games get you three and good QBs/WRs get you seven in today's NFL.



    Would you say the mechanics are poor because he had no time to throw the ball with of our non-existent pass protection? I am not saying that Fitz is a great QB. But any NFL QB can throw properly when they have adequate time.

  9. Did they interview him? I dont recall Fassell coming to one Bills drive. I am just merely stating that 35 times is a little exaggerated thats all. And I am not saying Fassell would be the best coach...but he may be the best option right now and I really think he will come back in the NFL with a chip on his shoulder.


    Yup. They did. He bombed his interview.

  10. read what he said again..you tried to insult him and just made yourself look like an idiot




    The Bills were one of the teams that contributed to that 35 times figure lol. Fassel interviewed with the Bills a few years ago and failed miserably. It seems highly unlikely that they would be taking a look at him again at this time.

  11. was wondering if anyone out there could explain how the Colts clinched their division with a 11 - 0 record and the next team down being 6 - 5, but the saints did not??...saints are also sitting at 11 - 0 with the Falcons sitting at 6 - 5 same way as the colts division...shouldn't the saints also have clinched??..just wondering why I guess. ;)



    The tiebreak is probably not yet in the Saints favor...

  12. (I am willing to start a rumor that I am sure isn't true at all, but I wish it were! So in my virtual football world here it goes....)....The Buffalo Bills are going to trade M. Lynch to the Oakland Raiders just prior to the 2010 NFL Draft. They are suppose to receive Oakland's 3rd and 5th round picks for M. Lynch's services. M. Lynch commented that he is glad that his time with Buffalo is coming to a close and that he won't miss the snow and boring Buffalo nightlife. M. Lynch also said that he is glad finally to be back home in his native California and that it will be great to play football in front of family and friends. He also mentioned that it's good to be going to a team like the Raiders who have a committment to excellence.

    The Bills also included a 7th round draft pick to complete the deal. Providing M.Lynch passes his physical the trade will be completed 2 days prior to the draft. Al Davis commented that "M.Lynch is on the verge of superstardom in this league and was surprised that Buffalo was willing to part ways with the running back".


    So what do you all think? Should we trade Lynch? What do you think we would get? 2nd, 3rd? 4th? You never know just what impact us fans may have? Maybe a billboard would work again? Lets go Bills !


    What have you been smoking? Must be some really good stuff.

  13. Plus he's an offensive guy and makes all of his players accountable for their actions. I wanted him when the Bills hired Mularkey and I wouldn't be upset if they got him now.



    People seem to forget that Fassel was interviewed for the Bills HC position a few years back... Management wasn't impressed. So what makes you think they will like him the second time around?

  14. Good Post rabbit,


    Jay Cutler kind of reminds me of JP Losman and before Cutler fans start freaking out, I think Cutlers very talented and I also feel the same way about JP Losman. The great job Jim Fassell is doing with Losman has shown amazing results in a very short time and it wouldn't surprise me to see JP Losman get another shot at the NFL again.



    Brooks Bollinger has significantly better stats than JP does in the UFL.... And Bollinger was cut by the Lions this year.

  15. Brady is not the reason, its the team/system. Cassel went 11-5 as teh starter last season. Id love to see what Jim Sorgi could do with the Colts.... :pirate:


    Bottom line is Manning on the Pats, they win those 3 SBs and easily a 4th (maybe even a 5th) to go 19-0 (take note of what Brady look like when he was pressured - compare to Manning). Brady on the Colts - they dont make the playoffs that many years in a row/have that many 12 win seasons in a row/win 1 Superbowl etc. If ESPN didnt suck his willie 24/7 a lot of you wouldnt share their opinion of him.



    So if Cassel went 11-5, what would the record have been if Brady had not been injured at the start of the season? Your analysis of the situation is overly simplistic...

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