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Everything posted by prissythecat

  1. I thought there was nothing wrong with Tre
  2. +1 “ neurologically intact “in this case would likely have been determined from a simple bedside evaluation of things such as movement of extremities and ability to understand and follow commands.
  3. Most of what you are referring to is a team level issue rather than NFL one . A team should have contingency or succession plans on how to handle impacts due to player or coach unavailability . The NFL already has procedures on serious player injuries on field such as potential paralysis (see Mike Utley or Kevin Everett ). What they didn’t have is what happens if there is a traumatic injury where a player is clinically dead and is revived .
  4. The answer to your basic question is simple . In the case where NFL says the game goes on, the Bills would have to forfeit the game and take a loss while New England gets a win. On the other hand , if NFL is regularly in contact with teams and listens to preferences about needing more time to cope, they may very well postpone the game . However , one must remember there are huge logistics/ financial impacts from a postponement . And NFL players are employees just like everyone else. Workplaces don’t stop work for weeks because an employee had a cardiac arrest on the premises .
  5. What makes you think a change would happen considering Hamlin was a defender who was hurt by fluke impact on his chest area when he made a tackle on Higgins the Bengals WR. There were no illegal contact issues
  6. This is patently false . if a patient’s advance directives are for a full code , the medical staff will do everything to try to bring them back during an arrest , including breaking ribs .
  7. Yes. He would most likely be dead if it was a vascular injury. Even local cardiologists here are saying they feel its commotio cordis. https://www.wkbw.com/news/local-news/medical-experts-discuss-damar-hamlin-what-may-have-caused-cardiac-arrest
  8. Wouldn't a vascular injury serious enough to cause Hamlin to go down require emergency surgery to repair the vessel. That doesn't seem to be the case here
  9. Would cpr be effective in the case of an aortic rupture/dissection.
  10. Time to bump this thread unfortunately
  11. I’m pretty sure that if we were to lookup the posts of @High Football IQ we would find posts about Darnold and the Jets’s eliteness lll
  12. how many seasons in a row have you said that the dolphins and jets will be elite ?
  13. a brief lesson on how Sportsbook a work https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vigorish sport books or bookies only care about having roughly equal bets on either side . When this happens they make money from the vig . They don’t take “calculated risks”
  14. This is why one shouldn't post after having a few drinks. As an earlier poster said, Giants are locked into the 6th seed. They can't do anything to change that.
  15. I thought it was the other way around? Beating an NFC team actually hurts our playoff seeding
  16. What symptoms did Tua display on the field for the latest "concussion"? Thats the key point here. Throwing ints is not a generally accepted symptom
  17. The article basically says it all. He acknowledges that the doc is saying that he has a very small chance (1%) of coming back for the season. Hyde is holding out hope for that 1% based on how he feels and not what the doc says. 1% ain't realistic.
  18. https://reviewtimes.com/news/432062/hyde-hints-at-possible-2022-return/
  19. Neck surgery for herniated disk. He's not returning to play this year.
  20. plus EJ had that weird dart throwing passing motion that certainly did not help his accuracy
  21. Chucky the QB connoisseur actually cut EJ from Raiders.
  22. yes, EJ just needed more time to perfect his ability to miss receivers by a mile lol https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/ej-manuel-threw-one-of-the-worst-passes-ever-gets-benched-for-cardale-jones/
  23. So since original premise of this thread is false--ie, Rochell terminated his contract to sign to the active roster of Raiders and not because of dumpsters--should it now be closed?
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