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Everything posted by Red

  1. Marc Bulger?!!!?!? You know, marijuana is legal for MEDICINAL purposes only, dude.
  2. I've lived in 3 nice sized cities since leaving Buffalo in 1999. Los Angeles, Tampa, and DC (where I now live). None of these "big city" papers, NONE of them, have the in-depth sports coverage of the Buffalo News. The Los Angeles Times covers the Lakers and Dodgers, but you would not even know that they have a hockey team. And forget about the rest of the nation. Forget about the NFL. Tampa was big on their Bucs and Lightning, and did cover baseball (in part because of the D-Rays but also in part because- I think- so many clubs have spring training in Florida) to a reasonable degree- but the coverage of any team outside of the region was pathetic. DC is probably the worst. Sure, the 'Skins, Nationals, and Caps all get their fair share. And the Wizards get some play too. But as far as anything in-depth or truly interesting like a Larry Felser or Mark Gaughan Sunday edition about something other than the locals is hard to come by. I would think that for a paper in the nations capital, they could try a little harder for more of a national "feel". IMO- The Buffalo News sports reporting beats all 3...hands down!
  3. Meh. As much as I am a respecter of Mr. Parcells and his ability to turn chumps into contenders in a relatively short time- he is not infallible. I.E.: He takes chances on players, too. All that we can say about the signing is that the upside of Incognito warranted a "let's sign him and see"; despite his history of ultimately hurting the team he is playing for more than the one he is playing against. Another point I'd like to make is that if our O line is in such a shambles, and both Nix and Whaley feel that Incognito does not at some level atleast ease some of the holes...then I feel confident that they know something that we don't. And if nothing else, perhaps Incognito will try some stupid crap and we can re-ignite the Bills-Fins rivalry. That would be a positive, IMO.
  4. Holdonaminnit! IF you read the article, it states that ESPN is quoting this. But if you go to ESPN, Graham is simply regurgitating Schefter. This does not prove anything yet.
  5. Thought the same thing wherever he played. Kind of reminds me of London Fletcher in his intensity on the field. I've always liked Andra Davis. Glad we could get this done.
  6. Tim Graham over at ESPN has also bought into it as he has quoted that the Bills have signed him as well. Problem is, his hack reporting is just a reiteration of the Schefter tweet.
  7. I don't watch any college football. Perhaps someone who watches Syracuse football could help us with a more unbiased review?
  8. Exactly. And I believe that TO acted like a professional (for the 1st time in his career, ironically) solely on the basis that he knew it was a "1-and-done" in Buffalo, and with his age and declining skills AND the market proving last year that his services are hardly in high demand (hmm...still on the market?) he could USE Buffalo to show future suitors that all of those stories about TO were just that...stories.
  9. Ok, I love the brilliance of Parcells, but you might be reaching with Incognito. All 32 NFL teams are looking for talented players that have the physical tools to win. Case in point, childish behavior of players such as Lynch, Owens, "PacMan", Vick, Burress, etc, etc, etc in recent years may indicate the need to have them placed in a straight jacket upon leaving the stadium every time, but does not detract from the obvious fact that they can play the game of football on a professional level. Likewise, much has been made recently about the teams playing 3-4 defenses and the extreme lack of talented big men to play the NT role. There is a shortage. I think Incognito is another of those type of players who has all of the physical tools, but is either not mentally stable enough or disciplined enough (or both) to be a reliable player as a starting G in the NFL. Sure, we may all joke about the Bills needing some more "crazies" on the offensive line. But on a more serious note, despite all of the talent in the world, would you want Ryan Leaf running your team? Todd Marinovich? Can you count on Incognito? Parcells is looking to improve his team in any way possible. Taking a chance on a talented player with a history of behavioral issues (that cost the team- key point) is just that- taking a chance. I think that is less about the brilliance of Bill Parcells (and coincidentally less about the corner you are trying to imply the Bills front office is in by letting Incognito walk) and the idea of taking a chance on somebody, hoping they clean up their act.
  10. Dream on. Suh is clearly the best player available in this year's draft. No way he makes it out of the top 3.
  11. Delhomme has a bad season last year. Brady and Anderson have thus far had bad CAREERS. Big difference. Delhomme gives them a better chance at winning than either Brady or Anderson ever would. That's not to say that either he or Wallace will lead them to the Super Bowl- far from it- but I think Delhomme, if he bounces back, can still produce for a year or two before calling it quits. That should give them some time to find their future QB. At this point, you have atleast got to applaud Holmgren for making moves to better the team.
  12. Fitzpatrick does not have the tools to win consistently in the NFL. I think he was an inept signing by an inept front office. I don't question his heart, but I he does not have what it takes. We could certainly upgrade. Oh, I see that Philly has now signed Jeff Garcia.
  13. This has got to be a joke, right? As others have indicated here, there are several serious considerations to make, and players need to be interviewed prior to even making an offer. Physical status and health, personality, etc are all important when considering bringing somebody else's player into your locker room. Which makes the TO signing even stranger, but I digress.... There is only so much one can glean from watching game tape and talking to former coaches, players, etc. Let me ask you a question: when you go to buy a car, do you just call the dealership and make an offer on a car you saw in a commercial?
  14. Yeah, I agree. I don't believe the QB's are anything great this year, but there is reportedly depth on both lines- which is exactly what we need. Providing our improved front office is better at judging talent, moving to the late part of the 1st round for perhaps a late 1st and a high 2nd would be great. To have something like 3 or 4 picks in the top 50 would be awesome.
  15. My sentiments exactly. For all the young-in's...our own legendary Jim Kelly refused to report to the Bills when he was drafted and instead opted for the Houston Gamblers of the USFL. Cornelius Bennett balked at coming to Buffalo. B. Smith always made comments. So did Reed and Thurman. But once things started getting good, not a one of them wanted to leave and every Plan B guy loved the idea of coming to a contender. Winning cures all ills.
  16. Yes, I can agree with this. The problem is, I don't buy the "small market" mularkey (no pun intended ). Green Bay makes it work. Cincy makes it work AND has a franchise QB to boot. And Jacksonville- perhaps the 1 team that is in an actual financial position to move to LA- still is competitive in free agency and fields a consistently tough team. Perhaps the main issue is that there was no plan in place once Marv, Polian, Butler, Nix, AJ Smith, Kelly, B. Smith, Thomas, Reed, etc all retired or left town. It was a gradual fade. Kind of like WNY for the past 4 decades. I feel that money may be tighter than it is for teams like NY, Dallas, and Washington. But, BUT there also needs to be serious attention brought to the terrible job done by the men hired to judge and select talent for the Bills this past decade. Now, two of them are gone (Guy and Donahoe), but Modrak is still on the payroll. Why has Ralph been so content with such horrible performance? I mean, if they are forced to spend less than anyone else, then you would expect that they would have the best front office in the league in order to make sure that every dollar is spent on only the best possible talent. On a positive note, I think that they finally get it. Nix, Whaley, no more Guy...these moves are solid. Losing Jauron. I feel much more optimistic now about the long term viability of this team with a better front office and coaching staff. I think we start turning the corner now.
  17. Well said. This is the same answer for the sad state of everything in this nation- government, education, politics. You name it, we have fallen asleep at the wheel.
  18. I'll take. I agree with your percentages, and think that drafting beef early and often is the smartest thing to do at this point. Tebow fans see him now in the 3rd round, and I think that is accurate. This would allow us to take a LT with our 1st, and maybe a big NT with our second. I feel better with Nix and Whaley running the show, but Modrak is still the VP of scouting, and his glorious tenure has graced us with such gems as Mike Williams, Donte Whitner, and James Hardy.
  19. I'm all for banning posting while under the influence of mind altering drugs. Anyone with me?
  20. Total bummer. Grew up watching Little House on the Prairie re-runs before Happy Days re-runs as a kid. Fearsome foursome, FTD, the guy was cool. RIP Mr. Olson.
  21. Ok, ok...the rant was ridiculous, i agree. But you honestly think having Mr. Marketing himself as the GM benefitted the club the most? Singing TO while blowing up your offensive coordinator, offensive line, and then scrapping your entire offensive plan a few weeks into the season because of the prior screw ups was not a marketing gimmick? Truly, you can't be serious. TO was entirely a marketing move. If it wasn't, then perhaps you can tell me what the LONG TERM plan was in signing an aging, historically toxic locker room malcontent of a WR that has been TO throughout his career? What was the plan? Sign him for 1 year until something better comes along and hope that he doesn't send your starting QB to the psyche ward in the mean time?!!? And I loved all of the Vick garbage. Thankfully that charade seems dead. If the Bills were seriously involved in the Vick camp after the TO debacle then I would have to say that it is ENTIRELY marketing, and there is no interest in BUILDING (key term) a contender. Neither of those 2 players mentioned displays any type of character to build a team around. But if you want sizzle to sell seats, those 2 bring it in droves.
  22. I like the idea of bringing them both by.
  23. Who cares? Did anyone hear about Leon Seals? Phil Hansen? Darryl Talley? Mark Kelso? Don Beebe? Steve Tasker? Andre Reed came out of Kutztown State. Probably not. But they all turned into pretty solid players once they got with the Bills. I compare it to low round draft choices. They may not have the glitz and glamour of those 1st rounders, but I'll take a snarling 7th rounder that plays like a 1st than a Donte Whitner-type of pick that so far has talked more than produced on the field.
  24. I don't know. On the one hand, the players are the ones literally placing their lives on the line. They are 1 play away from a wheelchair. Football is entertainment. High dollar entertainment. Just like movies. For all of the griping about players contracts this and that, I never, NEVER hear anyone ever complain over the $20 million so-and-so makes for a movie. 1 stinking movie. Now, a movie is spread out across a much bigger market (domestic, foreign, merchandise, and DVD's), but when was the last time an actor put his/her life on the line and took the constant physical pounding that is professional football? But on the other hand, how much do tickets cost to go to an event? How much does it cost to buy a jersey, or a beer at the stadium? Sports have gotten out of hand, period. How many hundreds of dollars do I have to pay for a jersey of some player that will most likely be gone in 4 seasons? How much are they charging me for a pretzel? A beer? Parking? A ticket for a seat where I can atleast see the play on the field? I really believe that both sides could use a little cost control and trimming so that an average family could once again attend (and enjoy) a game. To lose sight of this is to lose sight of what really drives our sports mania.
  25. Yeah, I really hate to agree with this because when he was in Jacksonville (pre-steroid bust) he was a force and highly regarded when paired with Henderson. I see Stroud more like a Richard Seymour-type of player in a 3-4. And to be honest, I don't think that the 3-4 these days is truly a 3-4 like the Bills ran in the early 90's. Those early 90's teams had Bruce Smith and Phil Hansen at end, and both were a tad undersized but strong at the point of attack and in Bruce's case...well, the Hall of Fame was not a fluke. With the exception of Jeff Wright, we then always had total studs manning the NT position (think Mt. Washington), which I believe is the true fundamental definition of the 3-4. Nowadays, the players are mixed and matched so much, and things are so hybrid that its hard to get a true vibe for the overall scheme itself and how players fit into it. For instance, Aaron Kampman was awesome as a 4-3 LDE for Green Bay, but then they switch over to a 3-4 and move him to an OLB, and he struggled mightily. Is this an omen for Schobel (should he return) and Kelsay? Kelsay seems way to stiff in the hips to effectively cover anyone, and he was never that great of a pass rusher. So, can Stroud play DE? Well, for starters, he sure is bigger than either Schobel or Kelsay. Time will tell...
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