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Everything posted by Red

  1. I agree with you, and think Spiller was smart. If you look at how San Diego was built, it started with Tomlinson. Then the QB was added. If I am not mistaken, wasn't Faulk in Indy before Manning?
  2. Sounds like sunshine and lollipops in theory....but help me again, why was Trent Edwards released? Wasn't the quote that the NFL is a "business" come out of Chan's and Fitz's mouths? How much money is Kelsay making now? Based on his on-field performance, Kelsay is a liability to the Bills when you also consider his contract.
  3. And? Then he should be a volunteer, and not an NFL player. Trust me, I think Vick is a moron. Not interested. But now you go to the other extreme, and think that we should field a team of choir boys because they are in church every Sunday? Bottom line: the Buffalo Bills need football players. Guys that will perform on the field every Sunday. That means both from a competitive ability, and staying out of trouble with the law.
  4. What he said.
  5. hunh?
  6. While I don't want to discount the fact that drafting a starting LT is a high priority, I would have to say that after watching today's game I tend to agree with you. Fitz got it done. More decisive. Now, I think they had a fire under their collective butts from losing 2 in a row and having Trent and to a lesser extent Johnson benched, the O-line played better. Heck, they finally run blocked. I guess I would have to say that QB and DE are our 2 biggest needs, with LT being a close 2nd.
  7. Watching the game today, I can't figure out why the Bills did not draft Gronkowski. We clearly need a TE. He is a big body who can block and catch, and he's a hometown guy. The Buffalo News wrote up an article on him prior to April, and I was hoping that it would be a sort of tip of the hat-type of thing that we may be interested. After watching today's game, I can't help but think that another one got away. We could use a TE like Gronkowski.
  8. Sadly, I think the Edwards-era has come to an abrupt end. I say sadly, because I was really hoping that Trent would be the one when he was drafted and would help get us on the right track again. Now with rumors swirling about him being shopped around as trade-bait, it's unfortunate that another one bites the dust. Clearly, Fitz is not the answer. He's more capable, but not an answer. We'll be drafting one #1 next year, I think. LT is very important. But I think our defense at this point has an excellent secondary, but average players everywhere else. We can never get consistent pressure on any team. A dominating pass-rusher would go along way towards helping our defense get off of the field on 3rd downs. Getting the ball back to the offense. Creating pressure which creates bad decisions which leads to turnovers. Besides QB, a dominating DE is sorely needed.
  9. It's funny, because I am a big believer in character. It's the reason why I think Michael Vick is an idiot, as are Tank, "Pac Man", etc. But the last time I checked, a player gets a contract for his production on the field as an actual football player. Sure, staying out of the news and being a good team guy are important roles; but I noticed how none of your points covered his lack of mobility in coverage, his stiff hips, his lack of a pass rush or ability to get to the passer, his poor tackling. While I agree that staying out of trouble and being a stand-up guy are important, they sadly are not the reason why a player should get a contract extension. On field performance is.
  10. This. Has. Got. To. Be. A. Joke.
  11. Well, I don't know why anyone with a working brain cell would watch that pathetic attempt of a pregame show on CBS, but Fitz played well today. I'd like to take Edwards aside, play the tape, and say "see, besides those 2 INT's THIS is how you lead a team and play QB"
  12. I like the idea of trading him if you know he is done. But as has been raised here by many others, what would we get for him? I can't imagine that he has much trade value. GET 'R DONE!!!
  13. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! This has got to be one of the best all time replies, ever!
  14. I was wondering this today,myself. Carrington is another good point. Kelsay just should not be on the field NOR in a Bills uni anymore. But I hope this is a sign of things to come, as he was playing on the D-line today. I was worried that a surgeon like Brady would carve Kelsay a new arse.
  15. Exactly. The Boner Trust in charge at OBD thought it brilliant to trade a #1 pick to the rival Pats for their old goods. Then, a mere 2 years later thought it prudent to spend ANOTHER 1st round pick on the now failed JP Losman. Funny, but I think the Modrak defenders are idiots. I mean, there looked to be a plan: McGahee at RB, Losman at QB, Evans at WR, Williams at Tackle. But you have 3 busts of 1st rounders, and 1 who is a solid #2 receiver on a team without a true #1 wideout and you can kind of get the sense that our scouting has been terrible. Hey- we're finally the best at something!
  16. Story out of Georgia this week. A private landowner, has a large garden in his backyard. He would grow quite a bit of produce, and when he would give the surplus to his neighbors, he was charged and went to court over it. The court decided that he could not give those vegetables to his neighbors. NY City dictator Michael Bloomberg created the salt ban. Restaurants are not allowed to use salt in any recipe. California has banned trans fats. These are not centralized motions made by 1 agency. Yet. These are gradual, regional erosions of freedom of choice, in little nuggets here and there. I'm not old enough for Medicare. But I honestly think there shouldn't be any. And let me offer you some advice....turn off the GE owned MSNBC, NBC, and CNBC. Chris Matthews is seriously deranged. Saul Alinsky was an evil, evil dude.
  17. I would not follow the Bills anymore if they moved. To me, they are the BUFFALO Bills. IF that ever changed, I'd be done. No more gear, no more money going towards that organization- wherever it would move to. Which would also, coincidentally, stop me from paying hundreds of dollars every year on DirecTV Sunday Ticket to only watch the Bills. I'd probably switch to another team; but I would not have the passion that I do for the BUFFALO Bills. I live in 'Skins land. I've liked the 49ers for years. Maybe I'd follow them. But I would not follow the Bills if they ever left Buffalo.
  18. Honestly, Gradkowski has flashed signs of brilliance from time to time. I like him. Campbell is a joke. On a similar note- I was driving home from work today and listening to ESPN radio, and a Cosell from NFL Films was on. He mentioned Kevin Kolb looking not ready to play, and what a mistake it was for Philly to trade McNabb off of 2 relief games Kolb came into last year and looked good in. They mentioned that moron Michael Vick, and then they started to talk about the offensive line. (This will get all of those Peters lovers fired up). Cosell mentioned that Peters has Top 5 talent, but never plays up to his potential. Sounds an awful lot like when he was with the Bills and holding the team hostage for more money 2 years in a row.
  19. Yeah sure. Wanting a smaller government, accountable to the people, cutting spending and taxes so as to allow the private sector to flourish and allow this country to grow again (and in effect, for people to have JOBS) is sure out of control. And man, wanting to return to the values inherent with the great men who founded this nation sure is a thing only jerks would subscribe to. @$$. You should shake the cobwebs off that thing attached atop your neck before its too late. I'd say the globalist/marxist plan used by BOTH parties over the past 20 or so years to move towards global governance is truly foolish, truly jerks (to put it mildly) moving us in that direction, and truly out of control. Ah, but I digress. Mike in Horseheads loves Big Brother telling him he can't eat salt, can't drink Coca Cola, can't eat a Big Mac, can't eat butter, can't grow vegetables in his own backyard and give the excess to his neighbors, can't dig in the sand at a beach in FL. Pretty soon can't buy normal light bulbs. To save the environment, you know. A slow erosion of liberty under the guise that a bureaucrat knows better than you. What's that saying from WW2? First they came for the gypsy? Then they came for the crippled? Then they came for the Pole, the Russian, the Frenchman. When they finally came for me, I cried out and looked for help, but there was nobody left to come to my aid. Mike, if you love a government that wants to tell you what to do "for your own good", with a socialist/ communist/ marxist leadership, then why don't you move to a country that practices these things? -oh, but this is a site about football.
  20. Sadly, I think this is correct. I have a hard time thinking Favre in his hey-day would tolerate such disrespect.
  21. Phew! For a minute there, I thought you were going to say I have to remove FIRE MODRAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! from my vocab....
  22. THROWIT, Despite all of the prognosticators, in all of the newspapers, I think you nailed it. GO JILLS!
  23. This post is like saying 'HEART ATTACK OVER...FLESH EATING BACTERIA IN!!!!!!! You are not alone, timestamp. We just went from the frying pan into the fire. Debating the merits of starting Fitz over Edwards is like debating the merits of having gonorhea over syphillis. "I'll take 'NEITHER' for $1000, Alex!"
  24. Randy Cross is a spastic retard. (And I mean that in no way to be demeaning to retards). He's horrible. He's a travesty. He's a mockery of broadcasting. A baffoon. A windbag... ...but Lee Evans is NOT a #1 wide out. A really good #2. But NOT a #1.
  25. To this day, I don;t know why Jeff Garcia was not signed for exactly this type of situation. I don't believe that Fitz will add anything. I mean, c'mon...a career backup lighting it up? Not gonna happen. He may have better decision-making and vision in the game, but he does not have the talent. We're in for a long season. We are at rock bottom for this franchise. Thanks, Modrak. you've really done a fantastic job for the past decade building the youth of this football team. It's loaded...with garbage!
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