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Everything posted by sharper802

  1. Once Tebow works out at the combine he will be lucky to be drafted. After he comes out of the closet he'll be lucky to be let back into the state of florida.
  2. You can't be serious. It is a shame he is in the HOF and Andre won't be. He was terribly outclassed in the Superbowls. Character without talent gets you Dick Jauron and Ryan Denney. Marv's time as GM set the franchise back three years.
  3. He was resting in the 4th QTR with his team ahead and heading to the playoffs....
  4. What GM's would you have them interview? Casserly and Ron Wolfe are retired. Maybe they do the consultant thing but neither were interested in GM positions last year. All the others are currently working with their teams along with their assistants. Besides noone would interview for a job while Modrak and Guy are still employed. The first or second week after the season is when all the action will occur unless they are resigned to getting another coordinator from a playoff team ie. Grimm or the DC in Minnessota. Yes they can interview those guys in the first week after the season even if their team is in the playoffs but it almost never ends up in a hire that I can remember.
  5. Don't have to worry about looking racist now.... Fewell can be interviewed and dismissed the day after the season ends. Don't have to bring in another Rooney rule candidate, a rule that has done nothing for minority coaches. The same day they dismiss Fewell they can watch Shanahan sign in Houston or Washinton. Then the Bills can truly begin their search which will include DC in Minnesota, Jim Harbaugh, Charlie Weis, maybe Brian Billick, and Russ Grimm. Kirk Ferentz may be the out of left field hire although his Freshman QB looked so good he may stay at Iowa again
  6. While not big names the following were clearly much much better than the current starters and in the case of Butler basically sunk the season. Brad Butler - decent not great starting RT Leodis Mcelvin - decent maybe good starting corner Wood - probably very good RG Mitchell - decent OLB and certainly much better than playing a safety at OLB May as well include starting LT Bell as he has missed more games than he has played in. Butler's loss in retrospect may have been the most devestating injury for this year. Wood's injury might set the franchise back 2 years as he looked like a long term starter and he was a first round pick. Schouman, Ellison, and all the rest are garabge.
  7. Is there one other team in the NFL down by six late in the fourth quarter who would have Stupar on the field? Are you freaking joking? Hardy, Johnson, Jenkins, Parrish, Lynch are not better options???? I don't know if Nelson got injured or not but who cares. Maybe AVP was hoping he could catch the Jets players laughing their asses off seeing him out there. What other team carries 7 recievers and only two of them have catches in the game? How is that even done? Hell a missed catch by Stupar could end up in Reed's hand every once in a while could it not??? How does Evans not get more chances today?
  8. Great advice for a DE. The only problem Maybin is an OLB. The Bills FO needs to recognize it before they ask him to add twenty pounds and force him to try and stop the run. Aint never going to happen. Needs to play in a 2 point stance behind Schobel. Let's hope we see it today...
  9. For year 3 ---> 205 of 356, 57.6%, 2108 yards, 11TD 15INT I know people will want to eviscerate me but I still believe it is too early to give up on Trent Edwards. We have no idea what DJ did to his psyche. Fitz was only exposed to him for a short period of time. While in no way should he be given the job back, he should not be released at the end of the year either. He should be allowed to compete with Fitz, Brohm, and a draft pick. He will be in the last year of his contract and will not be costly to keep. Do what San Diego did. Bring in competition and hope we have to choose between two QB's that can play.
  10. This may sound odd but it has less to do with what the Bills or TO wants. I think it has all to do with what the rest of the NFL teams want. Would the NY Giants want TO now - hell yes? What about the Ravens? If there is a contending team lacking a wide-out that wants TO he is gone. If noone wants to sign him then the Bills have a decent chance if the new coaching staff is to his liking.
  11. If Miami is going to call timeouts at the end of the game then I say keep running the ball. They asked for it.
  12. He played ok today. He was great on kickoff coverage and had a few counter moves today. I have said all season he should have played at OLB. I have no idea, well actually I do - DJ is a f-in moron, why he was not moved to OLB at the bye after Kavika went down.
  13. Not so fast on Lynch. It was his play that let them kick the 56 yrd FG. He played fine today. Fred deserves to start and lynch will play valuable minutes.
  14. In college. He had to be switched to safety and never made it in the NFL.
  15. Wisest post so far. That is what good franchises do. NE has a rather poor draft history lately but they make up for it with quantity by moving down. Marv did the exact opposite. He targetted players and moved up wasting good draft picks to get McCargo and Poz. Those two third rounders could have been the missing OLB and Tackle this team needs.
  16. Can Marv be voted out of the hall of fame for his completely inept run as GM? I thought he was a borderline candidate for the hall in the first place. He should give his spot up for Reed.
  17. You mean besides the fact he was never a good passer, has played little to no football in three years, would have to learn an entirely new offense(probably not his strong suit), is a convicted felon, and despite his speed was sacked relentlessly which should work well with our third rate o-line. Other than those minor details should work out great....
  18. Better stop posting reasonable comments. The Board doesn't like it. Most just prefer you blame the offense's troubles on Edwards and still defend trading Peters while remaining delusional that Ellison can play in the NFL. Out top three needs are OL, OLB, and OL. This would remain true even if Maybin moves to OLB. I am all for making Brohm, Edwards and whomever else you want to bring in to compete for the job. Just give them a decent line to play behind and a dynamic OLB to create short fields to work with.
  19. Clausen or Pike are the only first round QB's I think are worthy of taking. I would not draft Tebow ever. McCoy, Locker, and Bradford all seem too risky for a first round pick. Current NFL QB's I think should be considered in no particular order... Brian Brohm Dennis Dixon Kevin Kobb Matt Hasselbeck Matt Leinart Troy Smith I will cancel my Sunday Ticket and never watch a down of Buffalo Bills football if they sign Vick. Other thoughts?
  20. Tebow is destined to be linked with Gino Torreta as the worst Heisman trophy winning QB's in the moderna era of college FB. Throw in Jason White. Notice how all the really good young QB's played in Pro systems like Flacco and Ryan.
  21. Sullivan is a retard who quotes himself from previously poorly written columns. He knows nothing and has no access to anything. When if ever did he scoop anything at One Bills Drive?
  22. Why does everyone think G. Wilson is so good? Just because he used to be a WR and he is an ok defensive player? Whitner was playing well at FS before the injury. I suspect the SS job is still his to lose when his ankle is 100%. He got most of his snaps at FS or nickel/dime units. Just speculating but I suspect that was to keep him out of the box and reduce the chance of reinjuring the ankle.
  23. Great post. You are quite correct to point out the switch can not be made with stroud at NT. He is too tall and not wide enough. I would not give up on Schobel / Williams though. I fully realize Schobel would be a very small 3-4 DE but the guy brings it. He has 6 sacks on a team that rarely has to defend the pass in obvious passing situations. Stroud should be able to move to a 3-4 DE and hopefully Schobel can hold down the other spot. He may be trade bait. Williams probably can man the NT spot on passing downs. True NT's rarely play 3rd down. Maybin needs to be moved to OLB whether they switch or not.
  24. He IS the worst radio host period! He is retarded. His interviews suck. He has no insight on anything. He regurgitates the same sentence at least 15 times in an hour.
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