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Everything posted by sharper802

  1. How desperate am I for attention to respond to my own incredibly well thought out post...LOL?
  2. Because the Bills could have had Deshaun Jackson. Hardy wasn't good before he got hurt and Jackson is a superstar. And don't start with the we already had a bunch of short recievers non-sense.
  3. 1. Fire Modrak, Guy, and Overdorff along with the entire coaching and training staff except April 2. Bring in a true football GM 3a. Cut and/or not resign Reed, Fitzpatrick(Edwards is a cheap back-up QB), Denney, McCargo, Chambers, McKinnney, Wendling, Corto, Ellison, Mitchell, Stupar and every other TE not name Fine or Nelson, and then maybe even Whitner 3b. I would keep Kelsay, Parrish, Hardy, Steve Johnson, Spencer Johnson, Jenkins, and every other lineman they have including Incognito, Meredith, and Simmons 4. Hire Russ Grimm or Leslie Frazier as HC and take a shot at Weiss as OC 5. Trade a second round pick for Kevin Kolb 6. Franchise TO - why should they just let him walk w/o at least trying to keep him? 7. Sign the best OLB available in FA - there won't be a top flight LT available - only Buffalo would give them away 7a. Decide whether Maybin is a DE or OLB 8. Draft best available offensive tackle with first round pick assuming they can't trade back 9a. If they can con someone into trading back in the first round still take the best offensive tackle available followed by either a DT or OLB. 9b.. Use the rest of the draft to stockpile LB's, and d-lineman 10. Hope the Bills get healthy especially Wood, McGee, McKelvin, Byrd, and D. Bell.
  4. AVP will be lucky to be a radio announcer next year. His only chance is as a QB's coach in college or the UFL. He is awful just like the rest of this team.
  5. Put more than a High School quality o-line in front of him
  6. Good job. I would only sub Clements for McGee if you consider only CB play. If you look at overall role on the team then McGee's KR ability makes him more valuable than Clements.
  7. How can the Bills win now? I mean with all his proven run after the catch abilty now lost to injury. Too frickin bad all he had to do was catch the ball for his first first TD in three years. Can't wait for the first of what shoule be a few of Marv Levy's ridiculous extension decisions to be gone...follwed closely by Denney.
  8. Don't worry they will be in LA soon enough and you can think back with fond memories of Will Wolford and Howard Ballard..... Hmmm is it really that hard to run a team....
  9. Now everyone can come back to the reality of living and rooting for a team in Buffalo. Noone wants to come to Buffalo except an aging primadona WR that can't find work anywhere else. Even Owens said "it wasn't ideal". The best the Bills can hope for is a hot shot coordinator. What we will probably get is a retread HC - Martz or Fox most likely. I don't think this is all bad. Shanahan's record while very good is not that great over the last few years. His defenses have been awful and his personnel choices even worse. Maurice Clarrett - third round. In Washington he will have a credible GM. In Buffalo he would have had a car salesman for a GM.
  10. Do you really think Pike is going to last until the second round? With Jake Locker not coming out Pike may be a top 20 even top 15 pick.
  11. Tebow will be lucky to be some teams version of Mike Alstott - half RB/halfFB. He has no shot at playing QB in the NFL. My hunch is he avoids the senior bowl so he doesn't look bad in a pro-style offense.
  12. I agree the passing game has been non-existent but to point to a yardage number as a mark of a good passing offense is meaningless. TD to INT ratio is much more important. The Bills have sucked in that stat as well.
  13. Get no arguement from me on that point. The windows in the NFL are small. That is why Cahd Henne and his big arm may make it in the NFL and Trent's rag arm won't.
  14. Why is everyone giving up on D Bell? I agree a LT is the top priority in the draft but Bell stil has a chance to develop. OLB is a must!
  15. Fitz had 297 against Jacksonville and they still lost. I am going to go out on a limb here and say more 300yard passing games come in losses and not wins. The losing team abandons the run and plays catch-up getting a bunch of garbage yards in the end. What did Brady throw for 150 when the Pats beat the Bills again? I am more interested in a QB and offense that executes in the red zone. DJ's offenses up until this year actually moved between the 20's but often failed to get TD's instead settling for FG's. That was the amazing thing about the first game of the season when the Bills scored the TD inside the red zone with the screen play. I know noone expected that. I thought for the briefest of moments - holy crap D. Bell can play LT and AVP may actually be ok at OC. Of course it all went to **** after that...
  16. Please don't forget Orapko is playing OLB not DE. What a shock the Bills coaching staff didn't realize Maybin could have made more of an impact this season at OLB. I had no problem with him being a situational pass rusher to start the season. But when Kawika Mitchell went down Maybin should have been moved to OLB especially when the team had the bye week to get him ready.
  17. First I am not giving up on Maybin at either the DE or OLB spot. But god dam. The Bills could have picked either USC LB and hit a gem. I blame DJ and his man-crush on Ellison for this one. Ellison does't belong anywhere except special teams. Now we have a developmental project to account for a first round pick and two huge holes at OLB.
  18. Money is not the problem for this team. They are well below the salary cap and losing a very good DE just makes more problems. Not that I am advocating this, but the only good that could come from Schobel retiring would be facilitating a switch to a 3-4. A free agent NT would need ot be signed(from where I do not know) and Stroud, Williams and Johnson could possibly play DE's in a 3-4 with Williams playing back-up nose guard.
  19. The season ended a long time ago. Pick your time - a. the day they traded Peters b. the day they didn't draft a LT c. the day they fired the OC a week before the season started d. McKelvin's fumble e. Brad Bulter's injury Let's hope the Bills find a coach the first week after the season ends. Personally I want the Vikings defensive coordinator as HC with Weis as OC
  20. My brother played in back to back title games in Rich for Lockport in 1990 and 1991 if my memory is correct. He played guard and ILB. Randy Smith was the star tailback.
  21. None of them are. he just made that up. When the salay cap went up a few years ago almost every team had millions to spend. The days are long one when teams had to shed numerous veterans to get under the cap. Teams know how to manage the cap and the new CBA drove the cap to much higher levels. The only thing keeping a quality HC and or GM from coming to Buffalo is Ralph. We all know it. If it wasn't for Ralph Polian and Butler would never have left. I have no doubt Brandon can take care of the business side of things but Levy, Modrak, and Guy have proven to be incompetent and much much worse than Donahoe. Hell if Bledsoe doesn't choke in the Pittsburgh game who the hell knows if Donahoe would still be here or not. Ralph will either need a dramatic change of heart or his heart will need to stop beating for a quality HC/GM to come.
  22. Why do you think Russ Grimm would not want to run the football?
  23. One outstanding GM - Bill Polian One very good GM - John Butler A couple good coaches - Levy, Knox, Saban 50 years of the same owner. It is not going to get any better until Ralph dies or sells the team. There is no point to investing any emotion in this team anymore until Ralph is gone. At that moment there probably will be a month or two long window to try and find someone to keep the team in Buffalo. Save your energy for then. That is when the city will need it. Otherwise the team will be gone. Sure the records will stay(what other city would want the team to be called the Bills) but all that will be left with them will be memories.
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