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Everything posted by sharper802

  1. It would become too big, take on a life of its own, and then slowly devour the internet....
  2. Not to be a cynic but couldn't we have gotten Frazier as HC and Gailey as OC... This would have solved both the OC and DC problems....
  3. If you are still living in Buffalo and are one of the few to have a decent job, what else are you going to spend your money on? Honestly either enjoy a Sunday or piss away your money at the casino... I left a long time ago but have brothers in the area. Is there anything else except the Sabres?
  4. http://www.buffalonews.com/opinion/columns...ory/926307.html
  5. Yes the special teams were very good for most of the last half of the decade. How many playoff trips did that turn into? Special teams don't matter unless you suck at them(ie. Kaeting in the playoffs). Just be competent by not turning the ball over, miss easy FG's, and avoid penalties that kill field position. Cribbs, Parrish, Hester best returners in the NFL the last 3-4 years. Bears still lose the SB becuase they had no offense and are now afwul along with the Bills and Browns. ST's don't represent 1/3 of the teams plays even though by looking at the Bills roster one would think they represnet 1/2. April was a great ST coach and wish him well. This teams needs a competent OC be it at the coordinator or HC spot. They can find anyone to make the ST's decent with Moorman and Lindell.
  6. Well I could see a few problems. First the Bills already hve a couple pf tema presidents in Brandon and Nix. Secondly I am pretty sure Dungy wouldn't be bringing Peyton Manning with him. But maybe with Dungy God would root for the Bills.....
  7. You are right I mean they hired Greg Williams and things got better, and then they hired Mularkey, and Jauron. I really don't know how much more getting better Buffalo can stomach.....
  8. There are plenty of rookie LT's that start and play well. Jake long, browns and broncos also had great rookie lt's.
  9. Beacuse he was a sepcial teams coach and not qualified to be a HC.
  10. Master at getting people in the seats? I am pretty sure the stadium has been sold out many many times before Russ turned training camp into a carnival. Honestly what has Brandon done except make training camp enjoyable fot the kids to be elevated to his position????
  11. Why? Because he is the only one who will interview for the job???
  12. What's the difference between ball hawking and catching a terribly overthrown or tipped pass??? Look, Byrd was a bright spot on another bad year but at least half or a bit more of his INT's were on terribly thrown passes. He was beaten in coverage his fair share as well. Maybe his instincts put him a 1/2 step closer to making the play. In the NFL 1/2 step is probably the difference between competent player and ProBowl player. Would Whitner have made those same plays at FS? Judging from the past probably not.
  13. I did. I live on the west coast where there are jobs, a future, and hope unlike in Western New York.
  14. Does he really? I mean where does he get his money? The Bills may be worth a lot but so was everyone's house three years ago. Does he really have the cash these other owners have? Do you think he has the same coin Paul Allen, Jerry Jones, and Robert Kraft have? Even with the salary cap punishing morons like Daniel Snyder it still has to effect how the Bills are run be it lowballing future HOF GM's or not being able to attract high profile HC's. Full disclosure I am not sure hiring and overpaying for a high profile HC is the best way to run your business anyways - again see Daniel Snyder past and Paul Allen future.
  15. Grow up. What else is there to do in Buffalo but watch the Bills and Sabres? Paper bags couldn't make the Saints get any better. Years of booing could not get Matt Millen fired in Detroit. Whether you care about the Bills, read about them, cheer for them, tailgate at the games, buy the overpriced water downed beer or watch on DirecTV has no bearing on anything. We don't matter and we never will.
  16. Both have aging owners that probably aren't even in charge of their own medical decisions let alone a multi-million dollar franchise. Neither can "lure" a HC. The Bills aren't even as bad as the Lions who had no problem hiring several HC's even with a moron of a GM. At this point I wouldn't even doubt a report that Marv Levy was coming back to be the coach. What a joke. Even the Bengals aren't laughed at - well except Shank Graham. Time to just give up and watch the Sabres. Maybe if Nix has a good draft they can hire the guy that slapped the crap out of one of his players at UCF or was it USF. Maybe they should look for a rugby coach? Please Ralph just pass away so either the team can move to LA and I can stop caring or the team is sold to someone who can make me want to care about this team.
  17. The players don't want to change anything. If their is a work stoppage it will be a lock-out by the owners not a player strike. Then the players can blame the owners for no NFL. There won't even be replacement games.
  18. Haven't you heard - we are a total 100% laughing stock.
  19. The fuss should not be that Kiffin wanted to go to USC or that he left Tenn. The stunning aspect of this is that USC wanted him...
  20. No matter who the Bills hire it can't be a worse decision than Kiffin to USC.
  21. Agreed. If the Bills draft a QB it will be Trent, a rookie, and maybe another veteran - Bulger perhaps to battle it out in training camp.
  22. Vick was one of the most sacked QB's in the league. Being fast has nothing to do with getting sacked. Losman and Rob Johnson were fast and got sacked a ton. Avoiding the rush is about knowing where and when to trhow the football. Vick will never be a starter in this league again.
  23. It will be Edwards unless they trade for Mcnabb or Kolb. Fitzy is too inaccurate. Brohm - who knows? Edwards is in the last year of his contract making him relatively cheap for a starting QB. He will be given one last chance to start just like Drew Brees was.
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