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Everything posted by sharper802

  1. Because Fitz sucks and Brohm was so bad no other team in the league wanted him after he was cut by Green Bay last year... Edwards is the starter. End of story. Let's hope checkdown gameplan was Jauron and his collection of not ready for prime time offensive coordinators. If Edwards is not the answer we can look forward to 2-14 and our pick of Locher, Luck, or Mallet.
  2. Do you really think the player has anything to do with when they arrive in camp. Everyone says they want to be there but until the team agrees to pay then what they are slotted to recieve a deal won't get done. Who's fault is it Maybin didn't make it to camp? Blame the FO.
  3. Don't you mean since Polian left as GM? Levy was the reason the Bills failed to win a SuperBowl by being consistently outcoached in the big game. It is a joke he is in the HOF.
  4. How sad Levy traded up for Poz when they could have stayed where they were and drafted Woodley. Woodley is everything Poz isn't. The Steelers stay put, don't waste draft picks, get the better player, and pay him less.
  5. I think the ship sailed a long time ago on whether he was a bust or not. The only thing left to be determined is if he is the worst draft pick in NFL history.
  6. Because the offensive line has a chance of being worse than last years....
  7. Lynch is the most talented RB to play on first and second down in non-spread formations. Get over it. Spiller plays in the spread and 3rd down. Freddie will get 7-10 touches as Lynch's back-up.
  8. Obviously you don't spend a lot of time following the Bills. It is fairly common knowledge they are best friends. Jackson talked to Lynch quite a bit during his suspension at the beginning of last season.
  9. But the player hasn't proven he sucks yet... as in Steve Johnson has more upside than Josh Reed because we know that Reed has sucked for years. In three years we will know that Johnson sucks as well and can talk about another 7th round WR with upside
  10. They won't keep 4 QB's. If Fitz is the back-up Brohm will be gone.
  11. Beacuse Levi Brown was drafted and not signed as a FA he would have to be cut and resigned to the practice squad. Like Brohm he could then sign with any team he wanted. I can't see the Bills running that risk if they went to the trouble of drafting him. He will be the third string QB.
  12. No. It has been fairly well documented all you have to do to stop the Wildcat is blitz everyone. Until someone like Pat White can become a legitimate throwing threat while running the Wildcat it will not be a staple of anyone's offense. If defenses were concerned about the pass they would shift a LB to cover the real QB lined up wide and leave the corners defending the WR's. As it is now the corners stay wide with the QB so the LB's can stay close to the line knowing it will be a run. Blitz the OLB's and SS and you stop the Wildcat. End of story.
  13. He was making a fool of himself doing college games the last few years. He should have retired years ago. He was the only one of the three ESPN broadcasters that had a clue and that aint saying much. The ESPN Sunday night threesome was one of the worst annoucing booths of all time. I certainly do not miss him saying "let me tell you something" about a hundred times a game, but even that was more tolerable than anything Theisman said.
  14. Fitzy is wildly inaccurate.. That can't be taught. He will be lucky to be a back-up somewhere next year. Edwards starts, Brohm backs-up unless there is a surprise veteran cut, and Brown is the designated clip-board holder.
  15. Lynch is going to be the starter - get over it. Trade the Coe College product who is now 30yrs old Fred Jackson to the Bengals if you want. In fact see if we can make it a two for one and give them his fellow alum Marv Levy so he can't cause any more problems.
  16. What optimism were you referring to and from whom?
  17. Do you trust anyone from last years coaching staff to make the correct personnel decisions????
  18. Erik Flowers, Mike Williams, John McCargo(he was a first and a third round pick), JP Losman, Dwight Drane(1984), Tony Hunter Maybin would has a long way to go to be as bad as this bunch
  19. Wasn't DJ recommended and then ultimately hired by a former HOF coach???
  20. I wouldn't ask him to make his firt attempt at optimism by writing good things about McCargo. He sucks and worst of all he represents a quality offensive lineman the Bills couldn't draft in the third round with the extra pick they had from Baltimore.
  21. Good point. I forgot that. Then the question is how much signing bonus money is Spanos willing to dole out.
  22. But wait accoring to this board I thought Lee Evans was the one calling the plays and refusing to run accross the middle. I'm confused....
  23. R u serious? He is a convicted criminal and a spread option QB who I think is less than 5'10". Were u talking about the California Penal league draft?
  24. As trade fantasies go, this one has a bit of merit. The question is would the Bills be willing to break up a top notch secondary in a passing league for the chance at filling a hole at LT. I would fear AJ Smith may know a bit more about McNeil's injury status than the Bills do. That being said the Chargers are likely facing some cap issues with Merriman and Rivers needing deals. Maybe they move McNeil but I doubt it unless he is injured or has crazy contract demands. Neither of which is a good thing fot the Bills. In the end I say don't mess with either backfield. Leave the best young secondary(also one of the least expensive) in the NFL together as well as a pretty decent RB combination. Let's see what Bell can do and what Trent can do with Gailey calling the plays. Even if all goes well this year the Bills are still likely looking at a top ten pick in a deep QB class. There will be a QB next year if Trent fails and if many QB's go early then some quality tackles will fall in the draft.
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