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Everything posted by abqmarko

  1. Tim, I realize this may be an odd question, but what is your take on someone with the power of Tom Donahoe being allowed to reside in an entirely different part of the country-would the majority of other successful teams alow it? Also, what do you think will top few rounds of draft needs the Bills will look at-namely Guard or Center-do you see one picked in the top two or three rounds Thanks alot
  2. Good post-I still hope Buffalo looks at the center position with the 2nd rounder-Mack if available would be a steal and he can play G if they want him to develop the 1st year.
  3. Agree and i think that Mack/Wood will likely be VERY good centers and could play that spot 2nd year (maybe first) for to long we have lacked a dominant center-thats a big reason the 3-4 D's kill us
  4. Center position Alex Mack or Eric Wood
  5. Buffalo has disregarded the OC positon since the days of Kent Hull and the result has been a consistent eyesore on every offensive line since. This year we now have OC/OG Hangartner who was 2nd string behind Ryan Kalil a second round pick and above average OC but not a top 10 center. This draft we have the opportunity to get a very SOLID center in Alex Mack or Eric Wood both of whom should surpass Kalil in their second year in the league. There may be 2 other OC candiates in the 3rd round who might be available but I see these top two as having the greatest potential with the least risk. I just hope the Bills brass anticiaptes this opportunity and picks one of those two players-both of whom can start at guard before sliding over to center. We could concievably trade down and take Mack with a later 1st round selection and get an additional second then go heavy D in the second round or hope Eric Wood falls to us in the second round-either way we need one of these young centers. The Bills lack of signing a veteran OG/OC outside of Hangartner leads me to think they may be thinking rationally on this issue whichis a little shocking, (compared to the last ten years of drafts lacking any logial OL pick).
  6. I totally agree with you-If one of the top two or three they target last until 11 grab them if not try and trade down and get another 2nd rounder-on that basis top two rounds #11-Trade down for the 22nd pick #22-Cushing, Maybin, maybe Ayers 2nd round-CENTER-Alex Mack or Eric Wood 2nd-off trade-TE Casey, DE Barwin
  7. Not knocking Hangartner and his potential, but the fact is Hangartner was a backup C-OG on a good line and backed up 2nd round pick Ryan Kalil. While Kalil is a good young center he is not in the league of a Nick Mangold, who was taken the same year. This years crop of centers may be the best in the last 10 plus years and there are at least 2-3 that may equal or exceed Mangolds level. The fact is that there are several solid center options that should be available in the second round, equal to Mangold, who is a superior center to Kalil. In the most recent discussion of Hangartner, Jauron stated that they wanted a veteran, experienced center to start this year. I hope this doesnt mean we miss on this years crop, especially with the AFC East beast nose tackles. Best case scenario draft wise is to pickup Alex Mack or Eric Wood in the second round-they could start at C/OG and have tons of upside. BOTTOM LINE: Draft one of the top two centers this year and we should have a stud in the middle of the line for the next ten years and have a Center that will outperform the Center who started ahead of Hangartner.
  8. I think its more of our "talent evaluators" than the later picks. Give me a no nonsense blue collar type player-Alex Mack type-they pan out
  9. Hangartner can play EITHER OG or C, This is the "year of the center". I hope we pick up one in the second round-Alex Mack or Eric Wood, both can also play OG. Hangartner was secong string behind Ryan Kalil taken in the second round the year before-this new crop of C's are going to be better than Kalil and likely one or two may compare to Nick Mangold. In the AFC East the center is key and these guys are solid. The center position is one of the more underrated positions in the NFL.
  10. Great scenario; 1st round trade down for an additional secong rounder-great draft talent this year in that round. Late 1st-LB's Cushing, Maybin, Maululuga 2nd-DE's Connor Barwin or Ayers 2nd (off trade)-Year of the Center-Get one Hangartner can play either Guard or Center-selection Eric Wood or Alex Mack I'd even trade our third or one of the fourths to jump a few spots up to grab one of those players. Cenetrs are vital in the AFC East
  11. DE's have a hard time impacting the first year or two-LB's play at a much higher level. I'd say trade down if we can and take Cushing or another OLB or Maulaluga, Laurinitis if Poz can play outside. 2nd round Ayers or a sleeper pick in Connor Barwin-both bigger men than Maybin. Also if we get an extra second with the trade down take on of the Centers, Hangartner can play Guard or Center-Wood or Mack if available.
  12. Like the picks-Especially the trade down-like the Eric Wood pick-Hangartner and Wood can both play Center and Guard so it gives you some versatility-this is a great Center year and i think Buffalo should pick one in the top 3 rounds. I also like passing on a high DE prospect I think guys like Ayers and Connor Barwin have the most upside.
  13. AGREE! Deep center draft and Hangartner can play Guard-
  14. Great post. The other part of the equation is to get some pressure on the QB and maybe we'll see some picks.
  15. I agree. Unless the impact guy they want falls to eleven I would trade down and grab an additonal second rounder
  16. Lynch would be fired from the overwhelming majority of jobs in which you need to keep a good public image and be responsible, except the NFL. They are happy to sell jersey's with players names on them and players are happy to get $$$ deals based on their image but do face any repercussions from their employer for illegal/improper behavior. I'm not talking aboiut being Bob Hope I'm talking BASIC behavior where you dont get arrested, use illegal drugs, carry guns, assault people, run dog dog fighting rings etc. According to you it appears you either have a double standard for NFL players or you wouldnt care if your kids teachers, social workers, entertainers (via Pee Wee Herman) or anyone else who had an impact on a kids life behaved this way-they need a break, blame it on the upbringing-maybe if he was fired other athletes would learn and it would stop these all to frequent problems. By allowing the PacMans of the world to hold court your hurting every kid on the fringe, they see no reason NOT to behave this way. No one player is above the game.
  17. The salaries are ridiculous, especially in light of the recent economy. If the NFL owners want to pay these guys that much money they are foolish. Would any other company be allowed to dictate to the business owner terms, the way pro athletes are allowed to? No. The NFL has been built on owners putting out a great product for DECADES versus a Chad Johnson who plays great for a few years. I side with the owners obviously and I think more people do. I would tell the players and players union to stick it. Subject #2 These guys make all this $$$ then complain about being role models(and unfortuantely in this society they are). So to player and owner, if you want to place your name across the back of a jersey and allow some kid to emulate you guess what, your off field actions better be responsible. If your not responsible and are arrested smoking crack, shooting people and assaulting people, guess what? You should be fired, period! But no, the NFL unfortunaltey appears to want to cater to the Pacmans and Vicks of the world. If so, I hope I never see a young kid with a jersey of those guys again. I'm not law suit happy and think the majority of law suits have no credible basis and are a reason for alot of problems in our society. I could however see some parent, victim or injured bystander suing a player or the league based on the message they are sending to impressionable youths and/or delinquent parents. If I was the injured bouncer inthe Jones case I'd sue the league in additon to Pacman Jones for setting the tone for the culture they are representing.
  18. Williams-played pretty-B minusgrade-played well last year and I think is the most underrated player on the team. It seems everyone hates the guy but he has an awful lot of tackles and more sacks then many of our other D-lineman Kelsay is grossly overpaid C grade, his comments when he was sigend showed he was even suprised with the money he was paid-should have been signed for much less and at the end of the season was outplayed by Ryan Denny Roscoe- D grade (not utilized so difficult to gauge) could work fo a deep ball team which at this point is not Edwards strength or Bills philosophy-trade him Butler-solid C grade Played fairly well-outperformed Dockery based on the price tag-its tough for a guard to play all that well with the centers we have. Royal-Blocking C grade, pass catching D grade-Trade him Duke Preston- D grade-At least showed some fire when Edwards was hit late unlike some of the other overpaid lineman-still not a good starter-backup material With the money you spend for a few elite players you need them to standout and play well-Peters and Dockery did not play that much better than Butler-if they played as well as they were paid Butler would look alot better. Really the consistent weak link has been the center position, thats the only position I saw as an eyesore on the line-outside of a passcatching TE-Fine may come around but we need another one signed and Royal traded.
  19. I AGREE---What annoys me with the Bills braintrust is that they allowed Modrak to reside full time on Florida and not even live in the community of the team he represents. There's information that he inherently misses by NOT being around co-workers/players on a regular basis. Theres a level of trust I'm sure players and other management do not have when they dont really know or see a co-worker. This lack of visiblity creates a lack of candor, honesty and trust that has to effect the team adversely. If he is not commited enough to commit to the team why is the team commited to him-T HE BOTTOM LINE: He is the one consistent factor the Bills still have from the loser era begining with the other TOM, Tom Donahoe. Give me a break. The record speaks for itself-we didnt even pursue a Center , a known position of need last year, and Bill Polians (ex-Bills) team started a rookie from the University of BUFFALO-the Bills didnt even see a need to bring in a free agent at the worst position on the O-Line-beautiful! Great job Modrak! lets increase his control!
  20. Will someone please correct me if im wrong?!! These are the basic facts on Tom Modrak; #1) Modrak is allowed to live in Jacksonville Florida and does not reside in Upstate NY, Is this some hidden advantage to a business (as the Bills are) ? Allowing someone with alot of the team control to reside in a different part of the country lends itself to problems, PERIOD! They are not in the day to day loop of the organization. Do you conduct job interviews by phone-no reputable company does you need face to face contact to be accurate on whats happening and up to speed on the daily events that help your company. #2) Name the great drafts we have had in the past; lets see Bill Polian did a great job, now with the Colts and John Butler also had better drafts and FA pickups. BOTTOM LINE: Since Modrak has been around the last ten years we are now setting a record for missing playoffs. Accoring to you lets wait and give the one guy who should be getting a pink slip, and eating oranges down in Florida, more power-WONDERFUL.
  21. The Bills have had the worst center play in the AFC East the lat 10 years and continuing with Melvin Fowler and Duke Preseton. The AFC East have animal DT's, many playing over the center. The lack of a quality center has been a huge eyesore for the team and it has not been addressed at all. When you see your starting center 5 yards back and blown off the ball over the years you would think it would be addressed at some point. Every other teamn in the AFC East see's how important it is EXCEPT the Bills coaching and scouting department. Heck, their head of scouting (Tom Modrak) doesnt even have to live in Buffalo-you cant tell me theres a little lack of communication going on.
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