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Everything posted by abqmarko

  1. ok ok im learning the etiquette-1st post (probably last) but i will say if we do hire the AZ D coordinator then I stand by my original post Whaley should not be making those types of statements...what people are overlooking is that article that i referred to was removed
  2. Well WGR already pulled the article i quoted (someone please pull it up) so i guess we will se if the AZ D coordiantor is hired as the next coach.... if so you can buy me the next 5000 wings and if thats the case Whaley also should not have been opening his mouth...then again maybe you are used to the last 13 years and used to putting up with a horrible product
  3. If those guys are hired then id say he's out of his league...if you think it bodes well that a GM prematurley puts it out there then go for it....again IF they are hired hold those statments for the press conference.
  4. it was a lingering hangover but i think you get my point
  5. Agree completely...i hope for the genius side!!
  6. His candor
  7. "they have other opportunities..... but hopefully" if you read that A) he wants one of these guys hired (then that doesnt bode well for his savvy in the orginization B)He is throwing out the red herring (good job)
  8. there are 2 choices 1) he is playing possum 2) He wants one of these guys if so he shouldnt be putting it out there prematurely.
  9. Simply put if Belichick stated "HOPEFULLY THIS GUY CONSIDERS THE JOB" it would be a big deal and people would say wow he really wants this guy. Now if Whaley is playing possum and has no interest in AZ i say good for him, but if he in anyway thinks he wants either of those guys from AZ there is no way he has the savvy to be a GM....
  10. Hopefully and pause......then a continuance on the same thread means you want something....show me a statement where you express hopefully...i will chow down on some poop...it is what it is
  11. I have to say if Whaley has meade these comments “We go way back, we won Super Bowls together so I have high regard for their coaching acumen. Personally, I know those guys and hopefully…we’ll see what happens. I know they’ve got a lot of opportunities, we haven’t decided, we’ve still got to figure out what we’re going to do and after that, I don’t think it’ll make a decision on if they’re going to be our coach, but I can shed some insight on how they performed while I was with them and as people.” These comments are posted on the WGR web site if they are legitimate and prove accurate I have some real issues with his lack of candor. I work in a legal profession and deal with statements all day long, if the Bills end up taking either of these coaches, and if so I'd anticiapte it by weeks end, I have serious issues with Whaleys professionalism.. "hopefully we will see what happens" speaks volumes. Even if he thinks they are the best candiadtes, (which I dont) he should not be tipping his hand. Would any top level executive state/tip his hand and say he was going tp buy a certain stock or company before a contaact or agreement was reached... NO. If either of these guys (Wheissy or his D coordiantor) are hired it shows what bush league Whaley is and what the Bills have to look forward to. What a person say's and doesnt say is huge...."hopefully" so expalin that to me Whaley in objective fashion...i guess your mind i made up....if the hire goes through you and Russ are bush league already tipping your hand like that...prior to an interview etc what a mess if this is misdirection than id say AWESOME job guys, glad to see some savvy occuring at two bills drive!
  12. Great thread on Modrak and you are sport on by including Littman and Overdorf -what a group of three inept losers sucking Ralph dry
  13. Does anyone have any insight into why "The Three Pendejos's" (spanish for moron) are still employed with the Bills. I would like to know who has insight on why the three Ilisted (Modrak-Littman and Overdorf )ares still employed by the Bills. -The three I've mentioned seem to be a constant for screwing things up: -Chapter One The Draft- In MODRAK our draft has been below average, you need solid drafts ala Green Bay to find success with a team and location like Buffalo-we have not had that int he last ten years, the common denominator is Modrak (besides the other 2 I mention below) The last ten years drafting in the top 25% of teams and the Bills have done very poorly. why is this guy still around? Anyone guess? If you want to show you turned the page to the future of the orgainization cut this guy loose. Modrak if you read this please resign, the organization clearly has loyalty to you (for what reason who knows)By the way what is your partner in crime John Guy doing for work now ? -Chaper Two the Terrible Two-Littman and Overdorf. The Bills were a success under Polian and and John Butler, it seems the constant underminers were Littman and Overdorf-they ran 2 of best GM's this team ever had away. Butler has since passed away but hey, how has Polian looked since he left? You guys sure know what you are doing? Kudos! -The last ten years have been putrid..period! The common denominator is these three, does anyone have ANY idea why they are still employed by the Bills? If someone has some insight I'd like to hear it. Last thought, The Bills media, you should be swarming with stories about the incompetence of the orgainization and the common demonitors (Terrible Three) in the poor decisions need to be held accountable for the way this orgainization has been run the last ten plus years. To soley blame the coaches and 90 something year old Ralph is not a accurate portrayly of the real problem issues. Although Ralph writes the checks these otehr clowns are pulling the strings. Im not discluding Ralphs incompetent daughter either.
  14. Modrak is horrible get rid of him-another remnant from a losing regime
  15. Great info-Littman and Overdorf are two morons and Id throw in anoter clown they are keeping around by the name on Modrak. Great job getting rid of Polian afetr he left he made the Colts into one of the most consitent winning orgainizations in the history of the league
  16. What are you trying to say regarding Morts silence??
  17. Good Post!
  18. You right , I meant a second-but Id take a GB 3rd with a possible increase if Lynch performs Good points-clean it up now and lets see what kind of young players we have. Next years draft is crucial the way things are going you cant swing and miss on a top 5 pick...again
  19. I have already written this year off-I would consider it a success if we beat the Patriots and thats about it. If we are going to blow it up to rebuild lets do it. I still haevtn given up on Nix or Gailey they were handed what the team has been. By the way did anyone notice the PRESSURE Eli Manning was under last night, at least he attempted to throw the ball deep on a few occasions, something Trent cant or will not do. The one time he did throw deep this year we got a pass interference penalty-a big positive for the team. If he's not going to go for the win what do you really have to lose by gambling with Fitz or Brohm? I think under a great o-lne Trant can play decently-just not happenin with this O-Lne Positives- Next Years Draft-we pick early...very early and we have all our draft picks, none have benn given to other teams via trades #1) Trade Marshawn Marshawn is a good solid back, he would certainly help out a team like Green Bay and a 3rd rounder from Green Bay will be almost as good as a late second. #2) Trade other players (if you can get anything for them) that will be free agents next year-could we get a 4th or a 5th for Donte Whitner-he will be gone anyway next year? Any other players that you think are under utlizied and would bring value? If so id say unload #3) OT Ed Wang-OLB Danny Batten and WR Marcus Easley will be in camp. Not that any are proven players but all of them got injured in camp and will have a year getting used to the system a bit, hopefully one or two can contribute On a final note PLEASE draft or trade for some offensive lineman next year
  20. Just checked Koscheks bio, he taught wrestling at a Catholic School Erie Prep and then spent 1 1/2 years as the assistant wrestling coach at U of Buffalo
  21. True on Hamill but he wrestled at U of R and trains and resides in a smaller town outside of Rochester. I thought Koschek was in upstate for awhile in Highschool-not sure though
  22. Offhand outside of Western NY's heyday of years passed (Eastman Kodak etc) Rochester has had Actor: Phillip Seymour Hoffman and John Lithgow (from an earlier post Viggo Mortenson) Model: Tyson Bedford. Western NY is also a hotbed for MMA athletes as Jon Jones, Matt Hamill, Frank Trigg-I think Josh Koschek. Carmen Basilio the "Onion Farmer" also was from Western NY. Lest we forget the awesome Bills supporter in Tim Russert---GO BILLS!!!!
  23. good information. I only hope the new strength and conditioning coaches hit things suited to each body type. I live in Albuqerque, New Mexico now and its really the hot bed of MMA/UFC training in the world. Alot of the training involves lifting your own body weight, crossfit and core type exercises. Although MMA is very different from football the strength built is functional and would improve performance and reduce injury. I hope the new trainers look at these some of these training options.
  24. Agree-All of Western NY should be outraged over the fleecing NY taxes and politics give them
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