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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. No, the Battle of Britain was a good example. I know how the story unfolded. But it unfolded that way because the Germans didn’t know how successful their initial strategy was and how close it was to working. I’m viewing it with a lot of hindsight though. I stick by that, England was almost fought out due to their airfields being nearly all destroyed. But as far as SAMs go, I mean I’m kinda predicting that the Navy would account for that and handle the issue quickly. Dont give Iran too much credit, they’re a paper tiger. They could not sustain a fight with us and it would take away what shred of legitimacy the current powers that be have. I respectfully disagree with you on the issue.
  2. Why? Are there fortifications that can conduct artillary strikes that can also protect the straight? Cause if so, we have an answer for that. I dont know much about boat-war. If you do and are familiar with the straight explain it to me like you would a child. I understand boat-war is a complex thing, and I’m not joking when I say past the corvus I’m completely uneducated on the subject. Whered ya find that gem? And again, why are you so obsessed with me?
  3. Yeah ya can. You don't have to invade to bring a country to their knees. England was almost fought out in WWII without one German soldier stepping foot on the island. It can be done. If the issue is shipping lanes, and you sink their navy, they then cannot contest the shipping lanes. It's really that simple.
  4. It's not. What I believe in is handling the issues now so that our children may have peace. That, and **** Haj. **** Haj always. And no, jacking Iran up will not necessarily lead to WWIII. In fact, I'd suggest that it will prevent it. Further, you wont hear me advocate for an invasion. Destroy their navy, and their air force, bomb the **** out of them, and don't put ground troops in unless we absolutely have to, and if we do, NO NATION BUILDING / PEACE KEEPING CRAP! I'm not advocating for Iraq 2.0. That needs to end. Never again should it happen. Don't you wanna shoot Haj again? Make Killing Haj Great Again! OIF 1 was the time of my life. After OIF 1 the pogs started ruining everything in their attempt to make Iraq garrison. Evil, spineless, pogs. Did I lose friends? Yeah. It happens. It's sad. I cried every time a friend didn't answer our 1SG calling his name just before taps and the bang, bang, bang. Nothings worse than crying as a grown man. But you shed your tears and you go back to work. And you kill the crap out of Haj for it. Yeah. But the thing with war is, ya don't really have to invade. Destroy their navy, and destroy their air force, and level their military targets. Put boots on the ground only if ya have to, and then pull back. America needs to show the world 'we'll burn you to the ground, and we'll leave you with the ashes.' No reason to spend American lives and tax dollars doing a stupid Iraq/Afghanistan style sustained invasion. That is not what I'm advocating for.
  5. The good guys a The league is full of good guys doing good things and it’s always the knuckleheads that make the news. It’s a shame.
  6. And I was a 19D. So your comment was stupid if you were talking about me.
  7. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2018/08/28/blake-bortles-provided-free-meals-for-first-responders-in-jacksonville/ I love when players do things like this. There really are some great guys out there. JJ Watt’s one. Andy Dalton is another. I’m always happy to see dudes do what they can. Good guy, Bortles.
  8. Every time the man speaks I wonder how he’s a billionaire. Now, Kim....Kim, I get it. Terry is doofy looking and aloof.
  9. Really? See, leftists believe that since Jesus is popular in Europe that he’s the god of white capitalists. That makes Jesus and Christianity suck. Plus, clearly Jesus is responsible for the abomination that became the Catholic Church which is another thing that liberals know nothing about other than crusades and inquisitions. Even though they don’t know a damn thing about the crusades and inquisitions, they know to regurgitate those words. Plus, do you have to worry about Christians killing you for mocking their god? No. Because it’s a peaceful religion. Islam on the other hand — Bill Maher is the only liberal I’ve ever heard call Islam for what it is.....an awful religion.
  10. We live in a world where Omarosa and whores are politically relevant because a game show host convinced people he has big hands and therefor should be president. ?‍♂️
  11. I kinda turn into an !@#$ when an idiot implies that I'm a traitor because I disagree with one of their points. Especially after all I've done for my country. I wish I could find the quote, but I can't, and I wont say it nearly as eloquently... But I'm reminded of a passage I read on the great Scipio Aemilianus. He was being heckled in the forum for some of his positions by plebs. Plebs of which weren't all from Rome. They weren't true Romans like he was. He basically stated 'why should I, Scipio, give a damn what you plebs who aren't even really Roman think when I have heard the war cry of the enemy without fear and met him with my sword.' Now, Scipio had to un-ass the forum shortly after stating this because **** was hitting the fan and his comment really pissed the mob of plebs off, but, my man had a point.
  12. The Process needs to unf*** this or The Process will be out of a job.
  13. I love Churchill. I adore him. To me, only Julius Caesar lived a more impressive life. A Churchill quote I love is 'better to make jaw-jaw than war-war.' Im a peaceful guy. I am. But at all times I have at least 210 rounds of ammo close by. I HATE war. I do. I’ve seen the most awful things. The reason I’m a “war hawk” is that I believe capitulation of any kind only emboldens your advisories and only increases your chance of war later on and at greater cost. See, Chamberlain for example. Everything I advocate for is in fact to decrease the “butchers bill.” Ive made the understanding of conflicts my passion. I can actually explain how WWI happened. Most people cannot. I’ve studied the Bronze Age collapse of civilizations to understand. I make the study of history my everlasting pursuit to understand what happened and to recognize current events that could mirror yesterday’s tragedies. That shapes my foreign policy views. If people listen to why i advocate what i advocate for, it’s always to keep the butchers bill to a minimum.
  14. I imply a question was both stupid and offensive and you come running to state otherwise. Shocking. Just shocking.
  15. That question was stupid and offensive. Clearly not worth consideration.
  16. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/08/27/irans-strait-hormuz-control-stokes-tensions-could-prompt-us-response.amp.html Heres to hopin this escalates? ????????????
  17. Well then your point is good. Do you understand the Roman-Jewish conflict of the time? There’s a lot that goes into it that ain’t in the Bible. It is perhaps one of the funniest/bloodiest failures in diplomacy ever.
  18. Is that how you judge people? Comparing them to Jesus? Kinda seems like a great way to determine that everybody sucks.
  19. But why? Was it Allen or the line? That’s my question. It seems people are split.
  20. I don’t care which party it’s affiliated with. Transvestites can wear whatever underwear they want, but it’s either XY, or XX, and I will not cater to some snowflakes delusions.
  21. https://www.yahoo.com/news/myanmar-generals-had-genocidal-intent-against-rohingya-must-073843898--finance.html Right, cause when a people can’t coexist with Buddhists, it’s always because the Buddhists are so opposed to peace?
  22. I didn’t watch. I have no idea what happened other than it was ugly as hell. I want Josh Allen to succeed. If our line sucks, I don’t want Josh Allen to play until next year when we can get it fixed.
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