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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Surrender? Huh? Is there a battle? Also, idiot, Tom should be embarrassed because those situations weren’t ECONOMIC failures. We were talking “economic failures.” And there has never been a society that has done things exactly how Marx said. What’s your point?! And Tasker wasn’t right about anything. He never says much other than the person he doesn’t like is stupid and he pretends to know what he’s talking about and he doesn’t have a !@#$ing clue. “French Revolution”?
  2. Volunteered for USAREC. Main reason was I was determined to get out and shooting Haj isn’t a desired skill in the civilian world, but sales is. I’m cocky. But humble. I’ll have you know I went to SFAS. Wanna know what happend? I’ll tell ya...I quit. It’s my everlasting shame. I’d be humbled by the company you keep. Well played. How many times did he commit treason?!?
  3. Arnold was rightfully pissed. Also, how many times did he commit treason? Once or twice? Or none? I can’t decide.
  4. I studied history. I studied French. There’s one man in particular I despise. Who I also find guilty of economic stupidity. You should be able to guess But I DO NOT count your two examples. Stalin’s 5 year plans were intentional. It wasn’t accidental. It wasn’t a result of economic policies. It was genocide. Now, Mao — that was the misguided idiocy of killing the sparrow. Not economics. Neither were ECONOMIC results. TOM. But way to dress up the names. Oh, and, you’re an idiot.
  5. Dude you shut your whorish mouth. I was witing for a retort about Stalin and Mao. You poop....poop mouth. And my better example weren’t even on your list. SCREW YOU TOM. YOU RUINED IT.
  6. I didn’t retire. I ETS’d with nearly a dime in. I had a stellar career. Consistently rated ‘among the best’ on my NCOERS. But, let’s just say I felt rather under appreciated like Benedict Arnold. I felt I should have been made promotable sooner and my delay to E-6 pissed me off so I said screw it, went to USAREC (google it) and rode my time out. I put 100 people in he army before I got out. Still, there’s no way that they make up for my loss. But I tried. But not one of em was worthy of making up for me. See, I suffered Alexander the Great syndrome. The Oracle of Delphi told me I could not be killed. I acted like it. Well, at least I acted that way in my teens and twenties. I’d probably be a little more careful now. I’m a bit older too. And no, Tom. You ain’t know nonebody more knowledgeable than I.
  7. Dude, them dogs HATED whitey! What was with that? Like, Haj HATES dogs. Hates ‘em. But Iraqi dogs hate white dudes. They’d go crazy when we walked by. No ****, I shot one one time without even thinking bc it scared the crap out me. We were doing a raid. Been there all day — we were working our way up. Boring day. Nothing goin down. I turned the corner and BAM before I even knew it I popped one that lunged at me. Scared the crap out of me. I was tired, bored, and wasn’t expecting it. We started using our guys with suppressors to shoot them because at night they’d give an OP away. I love dogs, but not Iraqi dogs. We had some FOB puppies though.
  8. Lol, you gonna lay some Robespierre on me?? Ive studied that revolution at a graduate level. You’re using big words (I never do) to try to sound smart ? How’s about you answer my question about 20th century Marxist economics and how millions starved as a result of commie economic policy? How about you start there, Napoleon?! I mean without google you couldn’t even tell me what triggered that whole, sloppy, bloody affair. Which has one of my fav stories ever — the one about the Queens necklace — but you know it, I’m sure?? Im still laughing about that. The reason it’s sooo funny, is that if you did know about that....thing, the French Revolution, you wouldn’t use that as your proof of your knowledge. You’d stay away from it. There’s no consensus on that thing. It’s highly debated today. And it was well documented through many different points of view. It’s arguably more complex than WWI. Like I’m very familiar with the topic. The Marquis Lafayette is one of my beloved heroes. I know a ton about that and the more I learn the more questions I have and the muddier the waters get. And when did the Revolution end and begin? There’s no concensus on that. Lol? you’re so full of ****. You’re a googler who pretends to know things.
  9. Ya know the best part about it being 15 years? I remember the good times more than the bad. I remember laughing, gambling, lifting weights, the action, the boys. I remember it and I smile. The good times is what I remember best.
  10. I respect you and your feelings. Tampa — F that road. Also on the issue though, is the Iran thing gonna go away without a war? I can hope but it’s just been trending that way hasn’t it? Now, we did kinda instigate the Iraq-Iran war. That was kinda us. So I get Iran’s viewpoint. I still say kill em. I literally cannot. It’s been 15 years since my first deployment and I didn’t keep a journal. I wish I did.
  11. That, jackwagon, is because what does “liberal” mean. And I didn’t make it up. Google what “neo” means. I’m just stating where I set the timeline at because there’s a timeline to the progression of economic thought. But ya knew that right? Ha, !@#$?
  12. Ok, not that laissez-fairs economics have gone out of style, I’m pretty sure you just unleashed your entire understanding of macroeconomics on me. But I attribute that phrase more to the enlightenment era to French Revolution which was NOT 20th century. What im referring to as neo-liberal is FDR-today. That’s my personal definition on it though. But again, what Marxist ECONOMIC reforms led to the deaths of millions. I really wanna know. Tell me. And im not talking about “Pinochet.” What I’m saying is you don’t know enough about what you’re talking about. You — big hat, no cattle.
  13. I’d love a face-to-face debate with you for two reasons. 1. I would slap you with the back of my hand. 2. It’s clear you don’t know what you’re talking about. Your knowledge is limited and you’re a Googler. You Google something and try to pass it off as knowledge you’ve always had. Thats why you play with GIFs and semantics. And your points are more often than not ridiculous. I’m a decorated combat veteran and you call me a traitor. Retard.
  14. G’head — when. Say when. G’head. Gimme an example. And I said ‘neo-liberal.’ But use the commies, g’head. I mean, I know the right name for you to drop, but I doubt you do. I give you bait and you take it — then I ask for specifics to the issue and you got nothin. Googling right now, eh? The guy you were arguing with has a stronger historical argument than you do, and I’d wager you don’t know what Marxism is because I’d wager you never studied Marx. Marx’s analyzation skills were on point and well said. His predictions and theories were wild and just wrong. But you wouldn’t know that. As for the guy you were arguing with, google, John Maynard Keynes. Because those neo-liberal economic principals have weight and history to them. But you wouldn’t know. Because that kinda education can’t/won’t be found on message boards, tough guy.
  15. Like when? When have neo-liberal economic principals led to starvation for million? G’head. Tell me.
  16. Poison — as in a woman’s weapon? You’re a riot.
  17. We have bombs that lay anti personnel traps. Nasty things. Not sure how’s effective theyd be on amphibious target though. But A-10’s could probably handle them well.
  18. Right. I wanna kill people so that makes me a woman. Good thinkin?
  19. That makes sense. I mean, our PT boats in WWII were pretty successful. So that's a similar concept I think. Could be wrong.
  20. No, I’m quite serious on wanting revenge. I’m not joking when I say I hate Haj. I hate Haj. I hate him as in I’ll take any excuse for a cause for war. 04-06, where were ya? I was in Najaf on the summer of 04. From 05-06 I was mostly in the north until we mercifully we got to go to Baghdad. I love that town — never a dull moment. Always something to do. I have a habit of believing someone when they say they know something. If I’m uneducated on the topic and curious I ask questions. They call it “learning.” I’m a learner. It’s what I do. I ask questions when I don’t know the answer. Ya know, I could Google and pretend to be an expert. But that’s not my style.
  21. 1. Navy can be land based too! 2. Ok, fine. Sure. One of the reasons we were so successful; PVS-14's! 3. I'll wager I've walked in more indirect fire than you...so, got it. I also have studied ballistic flight paths of bullets so I'm good there. 4. They says I learnt all me needs to know on the topic. Further, how many boost phases does a missile have? I would think that some of them have variable speed engines that can give them a boost if they're being locked on? But I don't know much about missiles. I like ground things. I like my feet being firmly on the ground. I stick to them things. 1. They deserve it. They were undermining us and funding the Iraqi insurgency the whole time. We knew where those cool IEDs were coming from. 2. They are one of the global leaders in state sponsored terrorism. Let's burn their country to the ground? 3. Protect shipping lanes. Hannibal is studied still today. His tactics were amazing. He was brilliant. He could win battles, but not the war. There's value in studying and knowing that. There's value in understanding "Fabian" tactics that Rome employed after they got tired of getting killed by Hannibal. There's value in that knowledge.
  22. I'm not missing that point. Wreck them. Wreck the home country. Disable their government's ability to pay and supply their terrorists. Burn them. Kill 'em. Make an example of them. But, despite my saying all that, I only believe in a "just war." We have to give them a chance to back down before we attack. I'll address the boldded numerically. 1. I'd bet my mortgage on our navy vs. theirs. And I'm Jon Snow when it comes to boat war. 2. Not tell you typed it. That's a whole lot of jargon to say 'shoot, move, communicate' which I'm sure makes people think it's fancier. War ain't fancy and neither am I. I was a recon type -- that's what we did but if anybody created jargon that long to say it....well no. Hell no. 3. I've played with MILES gear but the only computer game I've ever played is Rome: Total War because of course I have. I don't know why a couple of attack subs, and a couple destroyers, and a carrier couldn't wipe out the Iranian navy in a couple of days. It seems to me very possible. But again, I ain't no admiral and I don't understand how the navy pieces fit together. War isn't simple, it's always complex, and I don't know the capabilities. But it's Iran -- we kinda owe them a kick in the ass. Plus, understand for me it's personal. We know where those goddamn IED's were coming from. What does that mean?
  23. Hey, like I said, I'm ignorant to boat war, but I have the upmost faith in our Navy....except for parking. They suck at parking. How many boats got into accidents at ports last year? No wonder the world thinks we're awful drivers.
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