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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. This is all to do with the Lefts racism. They see it like this: Jesus = the “white god” and since all people are precious except for white people because white people created slavery and racism, Jesus sucks balls. Im an agnostic and I’m pleased that I live in a nation that has sooo many Christians because I find that Christians live a good and peaceful life with their neighbors.
  2. The holocaust was an economic policy? Idiot. You’re an idiot, and I’m soooooooo done. And yes I know, “too stupid to even realize it” and all. You and Twat Waffle Jr., keep telling me. I love it. Makes me laugh. I’m a really successful guy for somebody so stupid. Weird. And, to my face people don’t call me stupid. Weird. Its just so weird that I’m so successful but I can’t get two people who disagree with me on a message board to conclude I’m anything but an idiot. That’s so strange, isn’t it? Well, Tom, I will say it was idiotic of me spending soooo much time on that matter. I know I’m not wrong — and I know I don’t care what you think. I don’t care what the board thinks. Because despite the fact you think I’m retarded, I got nice house, I got people who call me “boss,” and I am rolling. But yeah, I’m an idiot because you and Twat Waffle insist so. Good thinkin.
  3. I said what I wanted to say. That said, I work for a living and today ain’t an office day. You’re a dumbass, and I will never consider genocide an economic policy. Good day, sir.
  4. Dont ya got a book you should be workin on? Hm? A book? Got some pages to write? Research to do? I have a title for you, cause you’re writing about ‘boat war things’ right? Call it: “The life and exploits of much braver men than I” Thats a good name for it?
  5. Holy ****. ?‍♂️ I know what needs to be done. Somebody find their address. Cant be mad at the judge. I think you’re right. Protocol is to protect us all.
  6. Stalins 5 year plans can and should be considered economic reforms with an emphasis on industrializing the nation. It worked. He NEEDLESSLY starved, imprisoned, and executed millions in doing this. His crime against humanity is not economics. I need say no more than that. Genocide isn’t economics. Further, your dumbass friend, Tom, argued that the unintended results of the mass killings of sparrows was “economics.” It isn’t. It was a shortsighted move that Mao made in which he was told repeatedly not to do. It was an unintended consequence that had the opposite effect of its intent. Not economics. Tommy, I never stated I’m superior because I have a degree. By odds, 33% of the posters here do, and probably 20-25% have advanced degrees. But this conversation is my AO and I won’t entertain debates that are closed cases. Im as humble as I am cocky. And yeah, keep the weed-hate going, idiot. On economics, wouldn’t legal weed just be awful? Idiot. I’ve seriously chastised myself the last two days because I’ve let my production fall because of message board arguments with unemployed people. ?‍♂️ God, it’s not worth it. Think what ya want old man?
  7. I know you worked all day/night on this but no. Im not going to spend two-three hours of doin the research to counter your Russian propaganda. Genocide was part of Stalin’s plan to industrialize — yes. But that doesn’t make genocide a product of his economics. It was willful genocide just like the holocaust. To call it anything else is idiotic. When I kick your ass, nobody will say ‘that was just economics.’ They’ll call it willful violence. If you ever ever come to Atlanta let me know. We carry down here, pumpkin.
  8. You’re an idiot. I know and have studied WWI from a diplomatic perspective and I asked a professor friend of mine for a book on the monarchal aspects of the conflict. I dont care to debate a man on battle tactics who’s never heard the clap or zing of a bullet as it just barely misses him. I have no desire to talk tactics with a man who has never heard the sound of indirect fire making that “swooshing” sound — “silent death” my ass. You can hear it. And I have. You are an old man who’s read about things I’ve done. Nothing more. Ya know Tom, I’d never ask you to reveal you’re real name — but I’d LOVE to read one of your books to see how good ya really are.
  9. No, you don’t know what you’re talking about. Economic thought and criticizing communism may entail some examples but it’s not a history book. You deserve no respect and you’ll get none from me. By the way, if you’re ever in Atlanta let me know — I’d love to meet you. And down here — we carry!
  10. I just googled because I was curious about your "book." Ya know why I'm not familiar with it? Because it's not a history book. I mean, if Hayek stays relevant for a couple hundred more years you could cite it as a primary source and such, but it's not a !@#$ing history book. See, the title intrigued me because if the book was about Stalin starving folks, based on the name I figured 'maybe the author is arguing that Stalin's actions continued the serfdom that the Bolshevik's promised to rid Russia of.' And that's an argument I could enjoy. But that's not what the book is about. It's not even about Stalin. So your book, is not a book on what happened during the incident we're talking about. It's a man arguing his thoughts. And what's really funny is that if you click on the reception on Wikipedia the first name that comes up is the very neo-liberal economist who I pointed to in the beginning debating your know-nothing-dumbass, Keynes. Keynes who's economic thought was influential on FDR and whose theories helped bring the country out of the Great Depression (que the rapid conservatives who mention WWII -- and they're not wrong accept when they try to take credit from Keynes) and Obama used Keynesian economics to bring us out of the great recession. You're a know-nothing with a google search engine. Sure, you're clever, but you're a know-nothing. Great book to back your point about what happened, lol. !@#$in' idiot.
  11. I know in economics class ain’t nobody ever brought up genocide. Foolish old man. I’m unfamiliar with the author. Actually, I rarely consider the author when reading unless I’m a fanboy of the author. Right now I’m reading a phenomenal book on WWI, The Guns of August, and I couldn’t tell you the authors name. Some woman. British I’d wager too based on the constant, repetitive theme of the book that the whole shindig got started because of the Kaiser being a dick, and trying to compensate for his little hand.
  12. I don’t respect you enough to continue in this. You’re googling. You’re a phony. I’m educated. But keep up with that Russian propaganda? Stalin is revered in Russia. Did you know? Of course you did. You know everything. I read an incredible article arguing against the invisible hand and basically stating what your stating. I wish I could remember where I read it. I think you’re right. To a limit. Bismarck’s liberal reforms did great things for Germans. And Bismarck was no liberal. His reasons weren’t really benevolent. But the results were good.
  13. Tom, if you can’t understand murder isn’t economics, then I’ve given you too much credit. If you cant separate an ecological disaster from killing sparrows from economics then I’ve given you far too much credit. To argue what Stalin did was an accident is revisionist history. Russians do that. Are you Russian? Clearly communism is a proven failed commodity. Because that’s so, one doesn’t need to make craziness up to prove it. The facts themselves are quite clear. I deal with what really happened because doing anything else supports conclusions that are wrong. Im not arguing with you on it, old man. What Stalin did was murder. Murder isn’t economics. I know how/why it fit into his five year plans. Call it domestic policy for all I care. But not economics. The book on the failure of communist economics is extensive enough without trying to slip bull **** into it. Stalin = murderous thug.
  14. Naw, I gots to get back to billing because I have to have money to pay guys. This is taking too much time and I have more bills than you can count. So I’m out for a bit. You win bro.
  15. Have you been to a college of any kind? I find a there’s a strong belief amongst the uneducated that colleges are Marxist training institutions. From experience I found that not to be true.
  16. Ya know, I only know a little latin. I bet without google translate, that’s all you know. Don’t use a language you don’t know. But you can’t help it can you? You like to pretend to be all-knowing and you don’t even know what we’re talking about. I’ve written research papers on it. Ya know what I do when I don’t know something? I ask questions if I’m interested to learn more. I usually say ‘hi, I’m not familiar with this subject. Can you tell me a bit?’ You, you google and pretend to be able to lecture. Phony. I never used that logic. Degrees do not equal intelligence. They do indicated an academic familiarity and training.
  17. “Everybody knows I’m right. EVERYBODY knows you’re wrong!”? This message board is really important to you, huh?? By the way, jackass, the research that gives any credence to the notion that what happened in the Ukraine wasn’t intentional genocide is despised by real historians as Russian revisionist bull ****. The fact your spouting it confirms my suspicions that you’re full of ****. Itd be like arguin that the the civil war was a states rights issue and not about slavery. Know where that bull **** came from? Early 20th century, southern revisionists. I’m just done. You can google and find articles supporting any cockamamie idea out there. The difference is, I know better. Also, I’m bout to log out for a bit because I’m behind on business things. And I do not take nearly as much time on my posts as you. Get back to work! If you have a job anyways.
  18. Oh, should I read the book by “Hayek?” Hows about Ive read a great deal on Russia, especially the late 19th-mid 20th century because that’s what people with history degrees do. They read. And I don’t believe I ever read “Hayek.” But yeah, let me put that to the top of my list to appease you. Youre so obnoxious. It’s obvious you’re a ‘googler.’ Dont confuse use your google search bar with my degree.
  19. Oh my god, kid. This message board is really important to you, huh? Look at how much time you just spent to convince people who don’t know you that you know what you’re talking about! That’s really sad. I really feel bad for you. Wow. That’s sad. Scary actually. Wow. How long did that take you? Is that how much you need this “community?” Anyways, don’t confuse your google search bar with my degree.
  20. Guy, I !@#$ed education so good my diplomas got “cum” on it. BTW, learn the difference between willful genocide, and economics. Idiot.
  21. For a guy who states he deals with facts I rarely ever see you post one. You debate by decree like a 3 year old: ‘the game is called I win and I win because I say I win.’ But carry on, keyboard warrior. Carry on. God knows nobody can stop you.
  22. Dude you’re a jackass. Willful genocide is NOT an economic position. But let’s break down your post here. Your first paragraph states: ‘you lost the argument.’ That’s a definitive statement that you just concluded. In that case, clouds are made out of pancakes because I said so. Your second paragraph is what people like you do. You don’t know what you’re talking about so you pack your paragraph with “big” words to try to sound smart but in the end you said nothing. Your paragraph could read: “You’re wrong cause I say you’re wrong.” That’s all you ever write. That’s all you’re capable of. The funny thing is you tut-tutting around acting like you’re in the know. You’re not. You’re a jackass with a keyboard and a digital thesaurus. ???
  23. The part where it was willful genocide and not a byproduct of economic stupidity, you old fool. ‘Hey Tom, grow grain, and if I see you eat any I’m gonna kill you!’ That’s not an economic failure. An economic failure was when Churchill went back to the gold standard. Do you see the difference? Stalin was being a dick. On purpose. Intentionally starving people isn’t economics.
  24. Yes, there are a lot of idiots. Enough of it has been tried. Look, I get the Bolsheviks. I understand the early gang. What they did made sense. But their failure is undeniable and it just doesn’t work. China has proven it doesn’t work too and their recent success proves capitalism is best. There was once a time when socialism seemed a good idea. Literally 100 years ago. But to continue pushing forward with the failed ideology is idiotic. I’m a business owner; not a commie.
  25. NO! I'm just saying if you've read Marx (and I have) you'd know that the man was brilliant as an analyst, but bonkers with his predictions. Like, he predicted that the state would confiscate children. That idea is insane. Even people with socialist beliefs would be unlikely to give up their children. I am NOT arguing it'd work if people did it how Marx wanted. I'm saying nobody has done it because Marx was soooo off on what he thought would go down. When you read Marx, he sounds rational when labeling the class issues. You think 'well this sounds right.' But when you read his predictions, one almost wonders if it's the same guy because while at first he sounded rational, his predictions are just absurd. I mean the fact I have to write that out. Ridiculous. A man can say 'nobody did it like Marx said' and not be a Marxist.
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