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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I wonder how it’s written? If I’m the GM I’ll write that deal if I can get out of it after year 3.
  2. Otto is like the best character on that show. Plus, he's got a bit of the Slash thing goin' on and that's f'ing awesome! Ah, also, the best fast food burgers hail from Wisconsin. Culver’s baby! That seems exaggerated a bit but it’s a great company.
  3. President Obama is a man of class and dignity. He and I do not share many opinions, but he and I could share a beer because I respect the man.
  4. Because I lived through the Obama years and I remember disagreeing with the man on many issues, but I never once took issue with his professionalism. So, when I see something like the gentleman I was responding to said, I’m taking it with a grain of salt. Like something that wasnt a big deal, but maybe it was also something Hannity spent weeks talking about as so much of Obama’s presidency was.
  5. Ya know, the Bush’s have been a thing for a while now. I mean the business plot / Smedley Butler shenanigans is 85 years gone now. They’ve been a thing for a while.
  6. I haven’t studied Nixon closely, or America during the 70’s. So I don’t know if he got testy with the media during the Watergate fallout. So since I don’t know, and because I’m curious, I’ll wonder till I satisfy my curiosity and look into it. That’s also my way of saying ‘people who lived through the Nixon years, how was he?’ Rings a bell now that you mention it. But, I gotta say, Obama was as never as transparent as he promised in 08, but he was better with the media, and a far better communicator than Trump. Ill tell ya who took hell but handled it well, W.
  7. ....I wonder if Nixon was like this as the end drew near on his presidency.
  8. Bro, here’s the thing — when you’re president you need to carry yourself with dignity and you need to be above getting into arguments with news outlets. Refuting a erroneous report through respected channels is one thing — what Trump is doing is just pathetic. I’m sorry Koko, I was deployed for most of W., but I gotta say to me, I’ve never seen this before from a president. Obama spies on reporters? I don’t remember what you’re refering too. But it let’s just say on the size and scope that Trump is feuding with the media — I’ve never seen it from a president before.
  9. I think so. Also, I’ve NEVER seen a POTUS declare war on the media the way Trump has. It is not “same old, same old.” It is completely new, and unprecedented in my life: Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, W., Obama, Trump. Completely new and completely unbecoming.
  10. Whoa, whoa, whoa, fella — if Obama waged the war on the media that Trump is this country would have seen armed revolts. C’mon, man.
  11. Ah, like, how he wants to control what the press says about him. That’s pretty concerning. Also, I can’t decide if I truly want an efficient government. See, I don’t think Congress is truly broke. I think that republics are just by their nature inefficient. Buyer beware on an efficient government; you may not like it.
  12. Oh my god. I just thought of something, man...I don’t wanna break anybody’s head, man, but if ya think about it, the only part of your reflection you can lick is your tongue. Thats true, kid. ?
  13. Yup, my bad. I’ll refrain. Hmm....what to use....ah yes, “douche-canoe.” There, I renounce all claims to “twat Waffle” but I do lay proper claim to “douche-canoe.”
  14. Just poor some bleach in your eyes. I imagine the live feed won’t be much different.
  15. Ramsey, IMO, is the best CB in the world right now. He can say what he wants.
  16. Ha! I do that sooo often. The fact I’m pretty decent at French too, you’d think I wouldn’t make that mistake.
  17. Until somebody does more than him, I’m sticking with Dalton.
  18. I truly believe that if our republic falls it won’t be to another nation, or a rouge general — it will be to an Elon Musk type. I’m a republican. I’m outraged. There are conservatives who do not like Trump. I support probably over 60% of his policies if not more, but his authoritarian desires motivate me to vote him outa office.
  19. Youre the “everything is the Jews fault” guy, huh? Im good on that nonsense, man.
  20. Ya know, bud, I’m not sure I’m following you on this. I think youre being sarcastic, but hard to tell. Ya know, I was lambasting Trump recently and a Trump supporter brought up a point that was halfway decent. He said ‘I turn a blind eye to his (Trump’s) unethical behavior because politicians in general are unethical so why should I care that Trump is a jackass if I like his policies.’ Now I don’t hold those feelings and I despise Trump. But I can understand how that person feels the way they do on the issue. Every immoral politician of the last 50 years deserves blame for the jackass in the White House.
  21. Well he’s a very stable genius so probably pretty good.
  22. Oh come on ya old puss, you can get meaner than “chucklehead.”
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