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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Do you know how many prominent people I’ve studied who have misspellings in their letters? I mean a rigid, antiquated, wrongheaded, viewpoint suits you well. But maybe, expand your horizons. Because by your rigid standard the following people people were dumbasses: Churchill, Einstein, Hemingway, and BENJAMIN f’ing FRANKLIN were ALLLLLL dumbasses. So, I’ll enjoy being a dumbass if that’s the company I keep you kooky old fool.
  2. That’s fine, man. And, I know. It appears im growing quite the fan club! What can I say, I’m douchebag repellant.
  3. Ya got me there. But if semantics is all ya got, ya ain’t got much. I screw that up word up constantly. I constantly spell rouge “rouge” and the restaurant still to this day for me is unspellable (damn French!) without auto correct (which also butchers me sometimes). Also, I typically don’t waste my team editing what I write on a message board. If you were as smart as you pretend you’d realize that’s my damn point. The biggest reason the liberal media is rolling out the red carpet for the man is due to his Obamacare vote, and feud with Trump. But the the reason I dismiss the insane allegations against him is because if those skeletons were in his closet the liberal media would have brought those demons out a decade ago. It’s unthinkable that those allegations could be true, and the liberal media that all these Trump people hate so badly wouldn’t have brought it all up. Turns out that McCains closet was a lot cleaner than most contenders. He ditched his wheelchair bound wife. That’s true. But further than that — I dismiss most of what people insinuate because if there was anything to stand on it’d have been drug out a decade ago.
  4. So you’re saying that the liberal media missed their chance to lambaste the republican nominee for president a decade ago because he’s part of the cool kids club? ?
  5. Hahaha, I’m actually in favor of a great deal of Trump’s policies. I’m a “republican.” I am not however without morales or convictions. I despise Trump because he’s a national embarrassment. Ya know what the establishment does well? They don’t embarrass us. Like, I miss, W. W would embarrass us because he sucked at speaking. “Is our children learning?” I rest my case. Now we have a petulant child that tries to tweet policy. Trump is an embarrassment on the national stage, and I hate him. I also despise a draft dodger becoming commander in chief. Oh my god, how is being a coward and draft dodger not a disqualification for that office he holds? I also differ from Trump on national policy. If I were POTUS my European agenda would be containment of Russian influence. Trump threw that right out the window didn’t he? Also, he’d like to remind you not to pay attention to ‘Russia stuff’ in the news because the news is very, very bad. Trumps attacks on the press are beneath the dignity of the office. Trump is the very definition of a demagogue. Demagogues are bad.
  6. I understand the sentiment. I do. There’s no denying an “American aristocracy” of sorts. But his not belonging to the club does not necessarily mean he’s a good idea — he isn’t. He’s actually a worse idea. I mean look, a lot of times ‘non establishment’ types take the reigns it doesn’t go well. I feel this is one of those predictable situations. Every generation wants a ‘strong man,’ a man who means what he says and says what he means. I get it. But that don’t make Trump a smarty choice.
  7. What I’m saying is if your accusations were true they would have been widely reported and published. The man was a presidential contender for God’s sake. He’s been heavily vetted. If the evil accusations you accuse him of were true, then professional reporters would have widely reported it. Got it?
  8. If you can find evidence that would pass academic muster that proves McCain did those reprehensible things, no. But I’ve never seen anything on it that’s credible. And I don’t believe there is credible evidence.
  9. American soldiers. And depends on the enemy. Enemies can respect each other.
  10. Not true. I was madder than anybody McCain opposed the post 9/11 GI Bill because I NEEDED it. But i honor soldiers when they die. It’s an awful habit of mine.
  11. You’re right on this. Your last link wasn’t a Chan 4 link. I glanced too quickly. I’ll admit when I’m wrong. Here, I was wrong.
  12. I think John McCain did more for this country than you. And being a combat vet, I have respect for other vets. Especially for ones who had it harder than I. McCain went through hell, and so I honor his service. Go back to Chan 4, guy.
  13. I accuse you of being a Chan 4 idiot. You deny it and then back a future point with a link from Chan 4. Mate, y’all ought not be calling anybody bad at thinking. Now, don’t you have some message from Little Orphan Annie, I’m sorry, I mean, “Q,” to analyze? We need patriots like you to use internet message boards to get To the real truth ????
  14. You talk about what I write? ? You need more hobbies. And, I don’t care. I don’t care if he laughed. I don’t care. I don’t care if you rank some SERE instructor ahead of me — I don’t care. Honestly, if you’re talking about your internet people to your real people, you should spend more time talking to real people.
  15. A systemic genocide is not an economic platform. It’s so evident I won’t argue it. Nor is sparrowcide. McCain wasn’t perfect but he was a good soldier and served his country well and with honor. And there are things that could be added to your list of negatives too. But McCain will be remembered with honor, I assure you.
  16. Well that’s definitive. I mean the only play I have left is “no, you’re terrible at this!” Look, fella, the history books will never write of McCain the things you suggested because they have to be sourced and peer reviewed, and outside of message boards, nobody has published those accusations against McCain. My god....ever since 9/11, regular nobody’s have felt convinced the internet enables them to “get to the real truth!”
  17. Your version of informed is not my version. I do not “educate” myself with memes from Chan 4. And neither does any learned person I know. And Star Wars is gay by the way. Yoda was the gayest.
  18. Absolutely, I do. Its good business. I rely on people to do their jobs because that’s how society functions. I rely on my doctor to inform me of my health — I know, I’m crazy for not checking my own self for cancer, right?! I rely on scientists to do science things on my behalf. I use the information they provide to me to make informed positions — it’s crazy I’m not out there sciencing for myself all day and every day, huh? I must be lazy. I’m sure you do your own sciencing, though. When I read a history book I’m assuming that the sources the author is claiming are legit and I rarely or never inspect their sources...because if I did 1 book could take me over a year. And I rely on news organizations to present me with sources and documented news, and I rely on internet message boards to bring me unsourced craziness. I do do a lot of relying. From doctors to mechanics. A lot of relying. Shouldnt you be yelling at some kids to get off your lawn?
  19. Oh my?! How damning. Shocking the news hasn’t gotten ahold of this well sourced and verified info. That’s so weird. The only time I EVER find out McCain is a musslim loving Nazi is from people in the know on message boards. So weird.
  20. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/us-ambassador-victims-amsterdam-stabbing-americans-104529185.html Haj hates you. Haj will ALWAYS hate you. Haj will never coexist with you.
  21. I’d be willing to bet that when Donald Trump dies he will not receive the national respect that McCain received. I wouldnt be shocked if flags don’t even go to half staff on the day Trump dies. Funny thing about McCain in hindsight. His awful choice for VP came to represent and for a time lead the part of the party that made Trump possible.
  22. I’ll be happy if we don’t come out of this season regretting our 1st or 2nd draft picks. If those two guys look good then the future looks good.
  23. Bro my god, you cannot be f’real, right?
  24. If the Bears gave two 1’s then I’m glad we stayed put. Plus, we don’t got the rom to extend him right now. Listen, most pass rushers deteriorate after 31ish. Not all, but most. So why give up two 1’s for four years of production? It may be elite production, but one could expect an early 1st rounder for the Bills this year that may have a pass rusher we could have and get 10 years of production out of. Im glad the Bills did nothing on this.
  25. OK, WE GET IT, KIM! Ladies can do things too! This has Kim written alllll over it.
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