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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Robert Downey Jr from Tropic Thunder?
  2. Whats that? A peadophile ring is being run out of the pizza shop?
  3. Its what I call working. Got sick of the office so I went to work in the field today and “turn wrenches.”
  4. Only when it’s pointed in my direction. At ease, 3rdnlng.
  5. Then you’re a dipshit. I know now lots of people quite well, who are dead, from reading their writings. From Caesar to Hume — I feel I know them quite well. But thats an abstract concept and so you’re probably as capable of understanding it as you are of getting an erection. Now I shall return to my wrench turning. It’s good to get a day outa the office!
  6. Ya know one of the reasons I hate internet conversations is you’d never say that to my face. Amazing how people are so respectful to my face, but on internets I’ve been called everything from an idiot to Hitler. Funny.
  7. If DC Tom is Michael Scott (and he is) I just want to say congratulations on being Dwight Schrute.
  8. No, you misunderstand — it’s not your “education” that had me guessing your age to be mid-50’s, it’s your crankiness. So, how does a guy your age get so cranky? You don’t get laid much do you?
  9. Can you not say the same for yourself? Do you not have areas of which you’re an expert? Do you not feel you have a vast knowledge? Are there things that you completely unfamiliar with? Because if you answered yes to those questions then you could write as I did. Oh? Well that stinks. I wanted to win.?
  10. My MOS is irrelevant to this. My statement wasnt incorrect. I freely admit when im not an expert at something (which is something you’re clearly incapable of). Why are you so obsessed with me, Tom? Also, Tom, it is clear you’re a disingenuous jackass. On every subject and to everyone you present yourself as a man of knowledge on the topic. You do it so often that you cannot possibly be acquainted with all that you claim to be. It is out out of my sense of humility that I freely admit im not an expert in things, and I typically state so before asking questions to increase my knowledge which is vast. But I don’t know everything. I know this topic from a certain standpoint but what I do with it is I rely on doctors and experts to tell me what the available evidence states and then I attempt to understand it and learn it. I’m genuine like that. Anyways, you suck balls. I’m better than you. And I could totally beat you in video games. That last one was harsh, but I feel it had to be said. By the way, how old are you? My guess is mid-50’s based on everything I’ve read from you.
  11. Tom, I’m not getting into thermodynamics. Know why? I don’t know **** about it. Like, not much. Even though I do a bit because of my trade, it’s not something I have an understanding of. That said, you’re truly a moron who wants to take issue with settled science. If you want to prove I don’t science well I’ll save you. I cannot speak on the atmosphere, and greenhouse gases. It’s not my knowledge base. But, what tiny bit I learned and retained from kindergarten to college biology all dictates you’re a douchebag.
  12. Tom, are you retarded? Seriously. Crayons, do you eat them?
  13. Hey look, it’s just something I see on the regular. I do. I see people say ‘since climate change has happened without the burning of fossil fuels, the burning of fossil fuels has nothing to do with global warming.’ So, you’re joke is funny — but I encounter a lot of flawed thinking. I really believe we need to put philosophy back into schools to some degree.
  14. This is embarrassing. This climate change denial is flat earth / anti-vaxer stuff. The science is simple -- why don't we freeze at night? Because greenhouse gasses act as a blanket trapping heat in. So, if you add to those gasses, it's like piling on another blanket while in bed -- you're going to get hotter. It's almost like this whole debate started because somebody got pissed that they're not allowed to just toss their used motor oil in the local water supply. Yes, we know for a fact climate change is a thing that needs no intervention of man. We all know that. Archaeology tells us this when we find bronze age civilizations far from fresh water -- they weren't far from fresh water when they were a thing. Additionally, the climate of the middle east was more mild. Climate change helped spark the French Revolution. That's an undisputed fact. Climate change can be naturally occurring and man made. One being right does not invalidate the other. Currently, we should embrace environmental laws more than we are. It's really not up for debate....unless of course you wanna debate the earth being flat, and the "fact" that the universe is geocentric cause it obviously is!
  15. Right. But there’s a lot of value in a good backup QB. Ask Philly!
  16. I really like Peterman. Unlike many of you I like the WGR crew. But Schoop made a comment last year on Peterman that I found soooo stupid. I tweeted him that I like Peterman because I think he's a Chad Pennington type and while he'll probably always be a backup, I think he'll have a long career as a backup, like a Colt McCoy type. Schoop said if that's all you predict for a players future then what's the point in drafting him? I was blown away by that logic. I mean, to me backup QB is a position on the team, and you want the best one you can get. And yes, I believe in drafting and developing QB's even if you think the most you can get out of them is backup material.
  17. Good. Based on how I think the line will do, good. I don’t want Allen behind that line.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/news/wing-demonstrations-counterprotests-stabbing-chemnitz-slideshow-wp-175449546.html Does the word “xenophobic” only apply to white people? From it’s written use I have to conclude yes. Also, why’s it wrong for white people to want to live next to white people. I moved to a town that’s 98% white for a reason. Crime and pollution is low, and people here are employed?
  19. Well, I’ll always be a Blink fan, except I don’t recognize their current unholy configuration. There is a man singing with them that is NOT Tom. He ain’t Tom, and I ain’t recognizing that setup as Blink. As for Limp Bizkit — yeah, I got no defense there. Im still a fan of early Eminem. Before he transitioned into a lesbian. However The_Dude’s taste in music is exceptional. I’m huge into 70’s rock; the Stones, Floyd, Zepplin, and stuff. I love 80’s Metallica. But for me, ain’t nothin better than Guns ‘N Roses Use Your Illusions albums. Written by Jesus himself.
  20. ...or, and wait for it — I was 17 and only knew of three jobs in the army; infantry, mechanic, and cook. Because, ya know, I was 17....and all I knew is what I learned from Wayne, Eastwood, Stallone, Seagal and Noris. I knew how to serve fast food, lifeguard, wait tables, and work at the movies....because I was 17. Maybe it was just that I was young and inexperienced. Wild suggestion. Actually I made that bit up. I got Mom to sign the ‘he can sign papers’ but I lived by my rules at 17, and so I lived under my roof! My roof was a ‘88, 2-door Grand Am if anybody is curious. The year is 2002. Yeah, I’ve been a self-made man for a while. Had a lot of bitches in that Grand Am listenin to some Limp Bizkit and Blink-182, and Eminem that still said “faggot” ?
  21. I was a 19D, I don’t get no CIB neither. But I do gots me an EIB but I can’t wear it. But I’m out now. Funny story, I picked 19D over 11B at MEPS because I asked if “19 Delta was “Delta Force”” and the man gave me the old up-down nod. I thought I joined Delta Force. Went home and told mom allllll about it?
  22. No. I take nothing from your name. Sure there’s “comm” as in commo but there’s also 11 which therefor could indicate you’re claiming to be an 11 series and therefor not a pog. Further, if you were commo then you have huge potential. But, I will say that on occasion a commo guy rises above. My first deployment, our commo guy had as many kills as any other man. He was our C.O.s driver....or maybe just his RTO. Anyways, my man straight delivered. He had an old school M16, and he worked it. He....was no POG. Commo guys on line troops are typically no POGs. However, some commo guys most definitely are. But commo’s important. So important every SF team has a commo guy. So, if you were in a signal battalion and never left the FOB, yes that’s a POG for sure. But, if you were a commo guy on a line unit then no. It’s a complex issue. I’m pretty Roosevet about it. Egalitarian and all to all the bro’s who were on the line??? In fact, all bro’s on the line get love from me. Our supply guys may have been skidish bitches but they made supply runs for us. Our mechanics manned up when we needed additional security during riots. I got love for all the line people. POG’s on POG bases who never left the wire — POGs!
  23. How most people who I served with took it — they expected it. They knew we were fighting Iranian proxies, and they accepted it and we fought back against it as best we could. But nobody i knew thought McCain was behind the IEDs.
  24. They may not be cowards necessarily. They could also be selfish. Yes, if they were born between 1980-1990, and they were able bodied, they should have served. Plus, you can easily be a coward in the military and have everything be alright. POGs serve a great purpose while hiding behind real soldiers at the same time. Sure. M’hm. Yup. Plus, you should count yourself lucky to have the wars we did. The wars weren’t overly hard and our deathtoll was low. I couldn’t have been dealt a more favorable war. I was glad to be a part of it. Can’t believe how many pussies out there missed the fun. And I’m including most POGs. Poor POGs. If you were a reflective belt to “combat” you in fact did not go to combat. Fact.
  25. Ok, it’s my opinion to NEVER involve yourself in a proxy war. Proxies cannot be controlled and it should never happen. As for Iran, Iran is Haj, I hate Haj. Yes, the really cool IEDs came from Iran. It is well known. And yes, I’d like a war with Iran. That was VERY creative. You took what I wrote and changed it. Very clever. That’s a very clever thing to do.
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