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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Dude, you’re like the !@#$ing Alex Jones of this board.
  2. Oh wait, I forgot, since some people don't like me I didn't do army things. My bad.
  3. If you were a 19K you went to Knox. We ate at the same defac. KP in basic was the best. Only got to do it twice. We jockeyed for that ****. We got to eat all day and we were ALWAYS hungry. We got donuts, man! Totally worth it. And, you didn't get smoked until after dinner. Totally worth it. edit: wait a tick, y'all didn't eat at the same defac did ya? Y'alls barracks were down across the street from the smoke pit / track, right? I think there was another one there. But, it's been a loooooong time for me. And then the Marines were just up the street from where I was. ....i don't think I did. I don't remember KP other than the donuts. There were donuts. And what was bad was after a couple of months the nasty looking women from E-town started to look like something you could get through. But thanks for the shot I guess.
  4. 149? Holy smokes! at 6'! Jesus. I'm 5'7" and I looked like a holocaust victim in Iraq when I caught dysentery and I got down to 129. It was bad. I mean I was sick-skinny and wasn't much lighter than you! Wow.
  5. My first duty station was Ft. Polk. I don't know why but there were AF guys there. I hated them. Why? Money. We lived in these AWFUL barracks. Like probably made during Nam and never upgraded. I believe they're gone now -- in fact I think they are. Anyways, the AF guys lived in better barracks, but the AF gave them an additional allowance for 'substandard living' because they lived in better barracks that we did. I'd come to find out that'd be par for the course during my tenure.
  6. Well, thanks. I'm sure there's plenty on here. Commo guy. Milfhunter. Many more I'm sure. I suppose we all have to post DD-214's along with a picture ID nowadays though.
  7. Dude, I just cannot entertain your bull **** anymore.
  8. Stop trying to use big words to make yourself look learned /smart. And you're such a lackey for Tom that it's kinda gross. And gay. Tiberius is a vet? No way. YOU IDIOT! I probably armed terrorists. Did I arm terrorists so they'd come kill me? No. I did it because we'd confiscate weapons and redistribute to the Iraqi Army, and police, ohhh I'm sorry, I meant IA and IP (you're in the know, I forgot) and some of those weapons went unaccounted for and many of them ended up in the hands of the insurgents. War isn't a linear thing. Mistakes happen. And when you use proxies it will always happen. That doesn't mean that I tried to have my own platoon killed. Goddamn.
  9. No, it's because you're stupid and predictable. "Yeah, al qaeda sucks" "GOTCHA! Because McCain did al qaeda things and I have some bull **** evidence to show you! Checkmate!"
  10. Yeah, well, try to convince the other vets on the board of that because if I'm faking I have an unbelievable amount of intimate knowledge. Also, I don't care what you think.
  11. I'm not answering that unbelievably stupid question. Do you consider water wet or dry?
  12. The "kill chain" is a stupid bit of nonsense. I read it and I felt like I was reading Clausewitz or Sun Tzu. I kept saying 'well duh' the whole time. What do I know? Idk, maybe how to call for fire, the 9-line medevac, the Australian peel, CQB, every infantry battle drill, and how to run mounted cavalry maneuvers. Stupid things like that. I haven't read Tooze (idk, maybe I have, I don't remember authors well unless they give me a reason to) but willful genocide isn't economics and anybody who says otherwise is a jackass. Thats where you come in, because you're a know-it-all jackass. Killchain that.
  13. No, I write "Haj" or "Al Qaeda." If you're trying to connect the dots to McCain, it's as I said, you're dumb and have an overactive imagination.
  14. I'm pretty sure you've not read any books on Stalin or his 5 year plans. I'm fairly certain you googled some nonsense and now believe yourself sufficiently educated to question me because you're a dumbass. I will not address any of those questions until somebody can explain to me how willful genocide is "economics." Because I nearly minored in business and I took economics, and it's weird -- we never studied genocide. Weird.
  15. I'm sorry, I don't speak Chan4. I don't know what that means. I do know John McCain has his faults, but he is a man of honor, and you're an insignificant pissant compared to the man. You're the very reason I want to repeal universal suffrage. You're literally too stupid to vote. Well I ain't killed anybody about it. So it's probably not economics.
  16. I'd retort if I could decipher them weird marks upon the screen. Since I clearly can't I'll refrain.
  17. What? Maybe they did. They didn't do it to fund ISIS you knucklehead. They did it to fight a proxy war which is ALWAYS a bad idea but something the United States is committed too. But you have this idiotic idea that Obama and McCain played these James Bondesque villains because you have an overactive imagination. Don't like Obama? Fine. But the man wasn't funding terrorists to kill US troops and if you truly think that I truly think you need to change your name to Deranged Mongoloid.
  18. I am academically trained to separate facts from bull ****. You're spewing bull ****, sir. Any learned person would not buy what you're selling.
  19. So, explain why the real press didn't jump all over a chance to skewer a leading republican? BECAUSE THERE'S NO TRUTH TO YOUR NONSENSE. Jesus christ. Will your bull **** picture pass muster? No. You can't publish that because no editor would let it run. Academically if you tried to publish that you'd get skewered there too. Now on a stupid message board, filled with stupid conspiracy theorists you'll find idiots that will eat your bull **** up and call you a smart guy. But you're not. Nothing in your insinuation is logical, it doesn't pass the smell test, and I don't know an analyst that would identify that ****ty picture as Baghdadi. Because the picture sucks. But you, some schmuck on the internet has it allllll figured out. John McCain tried to sneak treason past you, but you noticed. I bet it was McCain that sprayed flammable materials on the beams at the WTC just before 9/11, huh?
  20. I said Snopes is more legitimate than YOU. That's a fact.
  21. Snopes is more legitimate than you. And, yeah, it's well sourced. You have a ****ty picture that you feel gives you the right to disrespect an American hero. I don't wanna call you dumb, but you're dumb. You don't think the liberal press would have skewered McCain if there was a shred to any of that?
  22. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/john-mccain-meets-isis-leader/ Bro, just stop. How deranged are you that you think that an American Hero was helping organize ISIS? Just stop. The man spent 5 years in a POW camp and you're regurgitating nonsense and dishonoring his service. That's just wrong. And dude, they all look the same.
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