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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. This is the kinda crap that pisses me off. HUGE FAIL, MEDIA. My god — they are butchering this. Trump is the kind of idiot who will hang himself given enough rope and time. But the media is so desperate to destroy him they’re breaking themselves on him. Who was the guy that approved this story? Just a huge journalistic fail.
  2. Week 10? Damn. That’s how long he has to show up to get an acrued season?!
  3. I honestly believe Bell’s most likely team if not the Steelers is the Bills. Think about it — Bell’s better than Shady. You got a young QB. You bring in line / WR help in FA, get Bell, and a talented WR/TE....and it can be done next year with the money gets cleared up. I could see Buffalo trading big to get him.
  4. I appreciate early Marshal. I have no idea who Machine Gun Kelly is. I guess I’m out of touch with what the kids bop to nowadays. But this has completely taken over my Facebook feed and my conservative friends are team MGK, and my liberal friends are Team Shady. I dont really care. I just find it amusing. Also, word on the skreets is this may result in a mobilization of D12. Does MGK shave homies to mobilize on his behalf? ...things may get crunk.
  5. Things are heating up. We are in the midst of a very serious, and escalating rap battle — NAY — rap war. Mic’s on both sides of the aisle have been dropped. Venom has been spit. Fire has been lit. Who’s side are you on, and what is the potential fallout? Discuss. Im just hoping both sides take a step back before this goes too far. It’s a mad world.
  6. I made googles. There’s a deal just outside the ruins but kinda attached that was pyramidy but if I’m remembering right flat at the top. Naturally it being a high point it was used for commo towers. I think that thingamabob is what you’re talking about. But my pre-Rome knowledge is ****.
  7. I HATE helicopters. To the point I wear not being air assault as a badge of honor which is impressive because I was at Campbell for like 5 years and always got out of it. I got mid tour leave my first deployment (not everybody did back then) and I got flown back to the green zone from BIAP on a Blackhawk. Honestly though I was gonna die — it was night and I heard a hiss and looked out the door and all I saw was a red ball. I thought it was an RPG for about the longest second of my life. It was a flare. The Blackhawk I was on shot it. They did it for friendly identification. WTF? Why? Who the hell us was flying around Baghdad then. I hate helicopters oh my god I hate them. So many of my buddies wanted to go Warrant — not this guy. !@#$ helicopters. Now don’t get me wrong I like that other people liked them because we used the hell out of Kiowa’s in the summer of ‘04 in Najaf. God bless them dudes. They’d drop us Copenhagen and made little parachutes out of PX bags because we were straight living in the desert and there wasn’t a PX set up yet. Super jelly about the fannies though. Member the porn DVDs the Haj kids sold? We’d flip through them and buy them based on the picture the disk came with but the girl on the picture was NEVER in it? we got some weird porn out there. Nothing like 20 dudes watching porn huddled around a portable DVD player with a 3” screen.
  8. They were near a place called, Al Hillah. When I was assigned to the green zone with 3/2 ACR in 03-04 there was a KBR compound off the river in a village called Al Hillah. During the middle portion of my first deployment my job was escort missions. We'd escort Vips around country. The ruins weren't too far from there. The Ishtar Gate that is there is a replica. The Germans took the original when they excavated in the 50's. I was in OSUT in 02. Never got punched, but did get choked out against the wall. God bless my DS! I studied history, not archaeology . But I remember this long covered chamber there. They ( a Chaplain guide) told us they didn't know what it was used for. To store ice? A warehouse? I just remember being awe struck that I was standing under a roof so old. Awe struck. And wondering how the !@#$ there was a ever a garden there because while we were close to the river, we were still a drive away.
  9. The movie...is good...but when you realize they got EVERYTHING wrong out of stubborn, willful ignorance it’s frustrating. They could have made a movie just as good had they not altered the customs or facts. And I hate that Edward I (Longshanks) looks like a douche. He wasn’t a bad guy. I don’t remember much about studying him, but what I remember is that I was like ‘whoa, Braveheart got this ALL wrong.’ Point is there was never a need to detour. Real history is as strange as fiction. History is as twisty-turny as a George RR Martin novel. Btw, I LOVE GRRM, but he’s a lot less creative when you can be like ‘Greek Fire.’ He took that from this. Nonetheless the man is a genuis and he really shows how bad Tolkien sucked. Boring ass Hobbits.
  10. If I remember correctly it was an outnumbered type thing but the Scots has the bridge so the English numbers didn’t matter? Im also intrigued to see if the Scots were really as unorganized in battle as made out to be? Ill say this for them — they made the Romans say ‘!@#$ this, it ain’t worth it’ and that is impressive....for barbarians. Or — how’s about this for a show — “Punic.” All 3 Punic Wars. 12 episodes per war. ?????
  11. I REALLLLLLY recommend The Last Kingdom. Amazing work that show. And I have a huge love for Aethelred. And they do the story so well. And oh my god if I could petition Hollywood for one thing it’d be a 3 season show on the amazing life of Caesar. Why are they always remaking old movies when they have blockbusters and amazing shows just waiting if they just open a history book. And there’s no reason to embellish. Just tell it true, man!
  12. I wouldn’t hit you. I’d give you a chance to escalate it though? Maybe both middle fingers within an inch of your face. Something special. Something like that. Gotta be careful. I’m no racist, but racist jokes are the best.
  13. Well, voice inflection and familiarity goes a long way. I embrace some friends by letting them know that I almost didn’t get out the back door in time when they were walking in the front. Voice inflection dictates intent (serious/sarcastic) and familiarity does the rest. I make racist jokes with my minority friends alllll the time. But only after we’ve become familiar with each other. I don’t walk up to an Asian person I don’t know and complain about their depth perception and inability to drive...ya gotta know them first.
  14. Ok, argument aside -- I HATE THAT MOVIE. There were no kilts then. William Wallace didn't wear a kilt. Edward I wasn't a bad dude, I think he ruled well, and Robert the Bruce waaaay more important than William Wallace. I loved that movie till I found all that out. If you're interested Netflix has an upcoming series on Robert the Bruce coming out and it looks amazing. Hopefully it's as well done as The Last Kingdom.
  15. It was cool. Frickin' Germans took the real Ishtar wall with them though when they excavated in the '50's. Had I known then what I know now I would have found Ctesiphon (ruins of old Persian capital) which I KNOW I had to have driven by and spray painted SPQR (the senate and people of Rome) on it in crimson or purple for old times sake lol. I'm glad I got to go to Babylon though. You walked in the ruins where Alexander the Great died. That's very cool.
  16. ....idk. I was a recruiter right before I got out. People would try to by my groceries and stuff if I stopped by the store on my way to my house. People who I could tell I made WAAAAAAY more than. I think they thought soldiers were poor (not even close). Do I feel people need to thank me? No. I got paid, and I got the GI Bill, and at the end of the day, no matter what I did it was never enough to compare to what the guys in WWII did. I don't go to Applebees and get my free annual meal. I refuse to ask for a veterans discount anywhere. But I never get angry over somebody's good intentions. Most of the time they just want to tell you about their family member they're proud of who is in or was in. No big deal. But, I never feel I deserve thanks. Trust me, I milked that GI Bill for every dime -- that was thanks enough. But a friendly conversation aint never hurt nobody. Damn I gotta get off this thing or I ain't gonna get my work done. And if I don't get my work done then my customers don't pay their tolls. And if they don't pay their tolls I dont get no rolls.
  17. It's alright, bud. He'll get tired and all tuckered out in a bit. Just ignore him. That's what I'm gonna do. He just wants/craves attention -- don't give it to him.
  18. I wasn't stationed at BIAP. I was at the Green Zone. FOB Wolfpack, just down the road from 4-heads palace. We got extended in late April after we had all of our **** packed up and ready to go to Kuwait. They then sent us to Biap for less than 2 weeks, then we got to go to Najaf for the whole Mahdi militia thing which was a BLAST. Best time of my life. I hope you got to go to the Babylonian ruins -- those were awesome. I used my knife to carve out a brick inscribed by Neberkenezer and some horrible navy girl took it at Kuwait before I got it home. I was sooo pissed. Also, I didn't feel bad for "stealing" it because odds are some terrorist was just gonna blow it up anyways. Nope, don't care.
  19. I was a light scout (hummer) and I did NOT know that about tanks till Iraq (OIF 1 was my first field problem, it was a big one). I was our LTs delta. Pulled up right behind an M1 at BIAP that was sitting there but on. My gunner started kicking me in the head. Whoops. Sowwy. ?
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