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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Who are these “millions” of people who were jobless during Obama’s tenure and then magically found jobs when Trump was sworn in? I’ve never heard of these people. And I’m not “wanting” to give Obama credit, I’m wanting to tell the truth. If an idea you didn’t think would work works, should you hate the idea? No. But in this country it’s what happens all too often.
  2. Like the economy that was in the worst financial crisis since the depression that Obama’s administration was able to turn around? He needs to shut up about the economy? The economy is one of the things I actually give him credit for. He was talking about factory jobs that have been outsourced by companies like Nike to sweat shops. Obama’s right — those sweatshop jobs aren’t coming back. The economy is doing well right now. Certainly Trump’s administration has been around long enough to deserve credit. But it’s not like Trump found the economy in the gutter when he took office like Obama did.
  3. I agree with a lot of what you said. I get frustrated when people say ‘conservatives are racists.’ I get equally frustrated when conservatives pretend none are. I believe in fixing weaknesses and conservatives could work on that. I was recruiting for the Army in the sticks just north of Houston during this time period. One thing I had to do my first year was cold calls. I’d call Johnny to see if he wanted to do man things after high school. I can’t tell you how many times a parent said their child would not be in the military under Obama. Sometimes they’d substitute “Obama” with “N*****.” It wasn’t a daily occurance, but it was often enough. Further, I’m a white southerner. The vast majority of us are conservative. There are a ton of racists. I won’t pretend there aren’t, nor will I let it be swept under the rug. I do not believe the TEA party would have had its turnout without Obama being black. I believe eve there were many good people in the TEA party who were as you say. There are MANY good liberals out there. Many. There are also plenty of welfare abusing scumbags. Due to the nature of my business I see these savages on the daily. The conservative side is the same though. And there’s an issue when you’ve got Nazis on your hands like we currently do. These white power marches and what have you — this is the Palin/Trump side of the GOP. And id like to have a meeting right now on fiscal responsibility from the government because I’m not seeing it. I’m not seeing a balanced budget amendment. I’m not seeing solutions on the obscene debt — but I have been assured America is great again recently...
  4. She’s an idiot. I wouldn’t make that mistake drunk. I hope she gets nothing less than 30 years. But that’s me being hopeful. LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP!
  5. The fact she’s a cop is VERY concerning. I’ve been saying for years cops need higher standards and higher pay. Kinda hard to argue with me when they do crap like this. A girl i used to date in high school — her brother heard a noise in his kitchen and went to check it out. 3 of “Atlanta’s finest.” They shot him in the leg and killed his dog because they not only went to the wrong house but they let themselves in through an unlocked door. Retarded cops are a very real thing and very concerning. Itd be cool if their standards weren’t the same as Walmart’s. And so her tiny woman brain couldn’t figure out which apartment was hers? I mean in my most unsober of states ive never messed that up. She was sober. A man lost his life because of woman and her tiny brain. Sad.
  6. Sure, when I say women can’t drive it’s because they drive the speed limit in the turning lane...but I fully support their right to drive, I just wish they didn’t suck at it. That’s my “American” response. Now a muslim Would make it against the law and institute punishments of which might be rape for any woman who drives. Now do you understand? I think women are just inept....but I don’t think they should be raped or murdered for being so. There’s the difference.
  7. No, no it’s not. See, when I say women can’t drive I don’t mean they’re not allowed. See the difference?
  8. Sir, that’s just crossing the line. That’s below the belt. I think he was. I’m not trolling. Just telling you what I believe. Don’t like it — that’s fine.
  9. I disagree on that. I agree with Colin Powell when he stated that there’s a dark vein of intolerance in the GOP. Also, as a conservative I must say we do a crap job of reaching out to blacks. And the TEA party was nothing more than a club for village idiots. And their rallying cry was racism and they veiled it by saying they were concerned about the socialist in the White House. If obama was a socialist he wasn’t a successful one.
  10. W.! Awful president. Good guy though. I like W. Best years of my life. So look, I think the Tea Party was in response to white people taking the country back. I think a lot of it was racism. I consider myself one of the last real republicans and I despise racism. What happened is after 2008 the Republican Party split. John McCain and the real republicans went one way, Sarah Palin and the crazies went another. Moderate republicans like myself got overrun by the crazies. We could have a standup guy like Rubio — but we were overrun by the Trumpers. Now, I just hope there will be a Republican Party left to salvage when Trump is mercifully done. Ah, she can try I guess. I mean if she wants to call me a jerk face she can. Im not going to defend Obama’s actions on that.
  11. I strongly disagree. I strongly disagree. I believe most conservatives would have stated ‘look at this inexperienced schmuck.’ ...not even a little.
  12. I believe in being a constant gentleman. Women are not to be objectified. I despise sexual harassment and have zero toleration for it. But i paint in broad strokes because it’s easier. I identify with what Jack Nocholson said in “As Good As It Gets,” when asked how he writes women so well. “I think of a man and I take away reason and accountability.” All my life experience tells me that’s pretty much accurate. There are exceptions to the rule, but that’s pretty accurate.
  13. Ok, so when I say ‘history will remember him fondly’ I’m talking 20, 30, 60, 100, 1000 years down the road because most of what conservatives hate the man for won’t stand the test of time. And no, a 12 year would not have and that’s an ignorant comment. Obama invaded an ally to get Bin Laden on shaky intelligence. I commend him for that bold decision. Can you imagine the conservative reaction had Bin Laden not been there? I cant stand political pettiness and that’s what the whole country is these days. Double standards everywhere. Well, ma’am, the opinions of women have never been of much concern to me. So, just a little dirt on my shoulder is all that is.
  14. Trump knows enough to know lie loud, lie big, lie often. Eventually the lie drowns out the truth. Trump is such an awful orator that foreigners who are fluent in English have a hard time understanding his meaning. He changes subject without segwaying into a new topic. However....given a speech prepared for him I have heard him walk away with a good speech every now and then. But he likes to free style most of them and it’s always an absurd mess. I like Trump’s policies better. But I’ve no respect for the man. I do respect Obama.
  15. That’s how I see it. He’s getting hung out to dry while we wait to build the line we need for our future.
  16. Listening to Trump talk is like watching a squirrel cross the road. You never know which way he’s going, and you won’t lose any sleep if he gets run over. His presidency will NOT be remembered as a failure. His administration undeniably pulled us out of the recession. In fact, I won’t argue it if you want to challenge me on it because I find any counter arguments to be ridiculous. Now, I’m not a fan of his foreign policy. I’m not a fan of his gayification of the military. Lots of things I don’t like about the man. But I believe history will remember Obama in a positive light.
  17. Say what ya want about Obama, but the man can give a speech. He’s a modern day Cicero.
  18. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/rapper-mac-miller-dead-26-apparent-drug-overdose-212615874.html I tried to warn everybody. Nobody listened. Now somebody has died. A white rapper. Unconfirmed if this happened in a rap battle. May god help us all.
  19. I’m a “guns guy” and that’s a complex issue, man. I don’t want some untrained jackass shooting down a corridor, especially if the halls are made of cinderblock/brick as is the case in many schools. I think most people are too stupid to carry in a school.
  20. I wanted Dunkirk to explain the situation. It didn’t. And how many planes did Tom Hardy shoot down? 50? Also, as a francophobe I wanted Dunkirk to put the French High Command on blast for being so stupid. How is one country so consistently stupid and arrogant. I mean they built the Maginot and when war broke out they refused to believe Germany would do anything but launch itself at their defenses on the Maginot. God, I hate the French. And WWI, don’t even get me started on them bastards for their idiocy in WWI. And I’m just glad I don’t know much about the Franco Prussian war because I just can’t take the stupidity of the French. From the 1770’s-present, that country is just amazingly arrogant for being such spectacular failures. This has been bugging me all day...Band if Brothers is the gold standard of historical accuracy. It was a show. The Last Kingdom is true to Aethelered. I honestly thought they’d take out the witch saving his baby in the marsh because who’d buy that really happened? That was a show. I’ve seen numerous shows done very well. HBO’s Rome — that was amazing. There’s a scene that I thought was awesome due to the detail — there’s a scene were Mark Antony is having a slave scrape him with a weegee type deal and olive oil. That’s how they cleaned themselves — the baths were for swimming, socializing, excercize, and general leisure — weegee and olive oil was how they’d get dirt off themselves. There’s even a scene in a public shitter and the shitter is on point. Shows get so much right but movies suck balls in terms of accuracy. In fact, as crazy as it sounds, 300 is accurate for a movie. I mean, more so than others.
  21. ....Das Boot was amazing. I !@#$ing loved that movie. Ive heard there’s a really good movie on Stalingrad (not Enemy at the Gates). A Russian flick made in the 90’s. I haven’t seen it. Dunkirk was awful. Tom Hardy shoots down the Luftwaffe and they didn’t even explain the situation. They didn’t explain what happened at Calais. They didn’t explain how the BEF got cut off. I was so disapointed in that movie. They didn’t even get to the halt order. And then there was the other abomination in which Gary Oldman did a great disservice to Churchill. Awful movies.
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