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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I got the joke. Nonetheless, political cartoons like this are designed to be satirical reflections of the truth. And that’s far from the truth.
  2. What are you babbling about? Im seeing a lot of revisionists lately. https://www.factcheck.org/2017/09/obamas-final-numbers/ It is undebateable that the country was better when Obama left office than it was when he assumed office. That cartoon is beyond stupid. It’s not even funny it’s so eronious. Ya know, if you’re good ya don’t need lies.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/sweden-naive-integration-ex-peshmerga-swedish-mp-144113383.html Apparently it’s not going well. Apparently the Muslims have no intention of adapting to the Swedish way of doing things. Oh my goodness, how shocking. I mean it’s not like anybody tried to warn those idiots.
  4. So, like I said, I support a lot of Trumps agenda, just not the man. Yeah, I agree those things are great. Im not a fan of most of what Obama did. But, if you’re not gonna be biased, you take a look at his presidency and I think over time it will be remembered well. Look at what he got, look at what he left. Better in many categories. But also, I do caution on how far deregulation goes. There needs to be a bit of regulation. Many laws come from many lessons learned.
  5. Also, butthole, (3rdnlong) on here I write like I talk. I despise people who are disingenuous and I pride myself in being authentic. So I don’t use big words. Can I? Sure. But I don’t. Why? My audience. Not that you couldn’t understand them, but it’s a football message board, not a thesis. Much more at the link: Ya know to me the most curious thing about you is I wanna know what B-Man thinks, not what B-Man agrees with. I’d much rather read your take than see you post something you agree with.
  6. Youre very niave when it comes to macroeconomics. Look, I’m a contractor for a living. One of the things I tell my customers is I pride myself in knowing what I don’t know. I know a ton about remodeling and stuff and I’m very aware of what I don’t know and that keeps me clean. For example, you say ‘Dude, I wanna expand the house this way and upsize my HVAC to handle it.’ I know how to inspect your electrical to see if it can sustain the additions. If it cannot, I know enough to know I ought not !@#$ with it and I need a grab my handy-dandy phone and call the experts because I know that I don’t know enough about electrical to call the shot and I don’t want to burn somebody’s house down because people have a way of becoming angry and not paying when you do that. Macroeconomics is like electrical to me. I know what it is. I know a bit about it. But I don’t know enough to oversee it or manage it. You sound to me like a guy shooting from the hip. This is very complicated stuff. My fallback on these things as an amateur historian is to think ‘ok, what was the last crisis like this’ and then go do the research on it and come up with a formula. But I cannot come up with specifics. That’s beyond me. That’s probably beyond you if you’re being genuine. So let’s not pretend economics is easy or settled science, it isn’t. Bro, I’m gonna tell you something and I just want you to know you can still look yourself in the mirror and say ‘I’m good enough, I’m conservative enough, and gosh darn it, people like me’ if you give a liberal credit. Man...in politics and war I can’t tell you how many disasters could have been averted if people could do that.
  7. Sarah Palin coulda rallied me any time, and any place back in 2009!? Are they built for comfort or speed? I don’t know but I still kinda wanna find out.
  8. Semantics. I hate debates when they devolve into semantics. I think you know that by now. I assume I can expect more semantics from you?
  9. Ok, that’s probably all accurate. Wikipedia is well sourced and pretty accurate.
  10. Bro, anything that traces it’s roots back to Sarah Palin can’t be good. Shes as embarassing to conservatives as Maxine Waters should be to democrats.
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