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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Hes the jew hater. There is nothing outside of antiquity that validates jew hating. I love all peaceful peoples. Now, for those who don’t know, Jews were the Muslims of the ancient world. I can sort of lecture on that a bit. As for my observations being simple, they are. Because history is simple. It’s all very simple so long as you understand people and their motivators. The deep state nonsense is for folks with overactive imaginations. I used to work for the government. The government is incapable of pulling off conspiracies.
  2. The Nordic countries also don’t have our military commitments. The only reason they have the programs they do is because of NATO. Further, both are being overrun by Muslims so they’ll be 3rd world nations in a few generations.
  3. My exact thoughts on America and capitalism right here
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/news/queen-latifah-jussie-smollett-see-definitive-proof-gotta-go-133058497.html The Black community has always had an issue with responsibility. 1. OJ didn’t do it 2. Michael didn’t diddle nobody 3. Michael Brown was a gentle giant 4. Jussie She should be embarrassed. I’d throw shade at MLK, but...I’ll let that go.
  5. My honest opinion is abundance brings decadence. This is why im obsessed with Roman history. After the Romans kicked Hannibal’s ass at Zama to end the 2nd Punic War, the Republic slid quickly into decay. Rome became master of the Mediterranean which meant master of the world then. Greece fell quickly after to Roman rule and the Romans had so much that the citizen-soldier that won Rome its place, the austere farmer that fought the battles, they went by the wayside as Rome indulged. The same fate has befallen us since WWII. The difference between Rome and us is Roman plebs faces real strife and oppression. But like Rome, our values have decayed. It’s cool to not stand for the pledge now. The left calls all patriotism jingoism. We are no longer ‘ask not what your country can do for you.’ Now we’re ‘demand your country give you your neighbors stuff that you want.’ But yes, there is no justification for this stupidity. Churchill said it best (as he always did) when he stared Bolshevism is the equal sharing of misery. The USPS and UPS are perfect examples. UPS - capitalism. USPS - government ran. I send important parcels via UPS because I want them to arrive. With the USPS you’ve got about an 80% chance of success.
  6. Make America Mayberry Again! Thats my motto.
  7. Wait, why didn’t Obama sign an executive order to end veteran suicides? He just sat there for 8 years and did nothin! Thanks Obama!
  8. I am sure that most of you like me are growing increasingly concerned with the lefts embrace of socialism. Nothing right now can be cooler to liberals, and Gen Z kids nation wide. Seriously, a failed economic experiment of the 20th century that has resulted in unmitigated catastrophe, and the deaths of millions is so hot right now. Here's the thing -- when you look back at Russia during the 19th century the conditions there were awful. Marxism made sense then. It offered an alternative to the slavery that most Russians experienced on a daily basis. Maybe "slavery" is a bit harsh, but there was no way before the Russian revolution a low born Russian had a shot at prosperity so it made perfect sense that they'd try something else. What they went with failed, but their desire for change was reasonable and understandable. Now, lets look at American "democratic socialists." The only real oppression these people are fighting is hard work. Seriously. Are things in America perfect? No. But we are unarguably living in a great era. Even our poor people are fat. We have issues, but no other people at any other time have had it so good. That's not a statement to suggest we shouldn't improve, but it is to suggest that democratic socialists don't have a point. The democratic socialist will tell you we have to embrace their politics because in today's America the oppression is so bad that nobody who isn't born rich can succeed. They'll tell you that student debt is crippling them. They'll tell you that earning a living wage off of one job is impossible. Here's my thing....they're all lazy pansies. Now this may come as a shock to some of you, but The_Dude is a blue collar guy. I'm a man. I build things with my hands as well as I break them. I'm in construction, and in construction we have thousands of vacant jobs that pay well. Not one of my employees made less than $40,000 last year. Not. One. That's the kinda salary these Bernie Bros think they're entitled to. So how come there are thousands of openings for welders, plumbers, handymen, electricians, HVAC techs, and so on? I literally am scared to fire an employee today because it can take months to make a new hire. Why? Ya know what you have to do to get a good job as a plumber? Well, you have to start out as a helper for about 6-12 months learning. And in our industry we pay helpers roughly $11-15 an hour. So what's the deal, Bernie Bros? The deal is that what "Democratic Socialist" really means is "lazy pansy." In my country, everybody with a work ethic can make it. I'm not saying America is perfect. I'm not saying we don't have issues like the cost of medication. But I am saying that these socialists are lazy defeatists who have the ability to make the kind of money they want, but they cant do it from the cash register of an air conditioned store. They might have to use a shovel. They may have to get their hands dirty. But the money is there. There is no just cause for this socialist crap that is going on. It's inexcusable. We need to start calling these people for what they are, and that is lazy pansies.
  9. Well the joke is on you because I don’t care single stack. Don’t you feel stupid now?
  10. https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/will-smiths-rumored-new-role-causing-controversy-skin-color-113504252.html Who are these people? Will Smith can’t play a black dude because it’s disrespectful because while Will Smith is black his skin tone isn’t black enough? Like, who thinks this? How many people are dumb enough to think this? Are there really people out there like this or is this the Main Street media trying to convince us this is a thing when it isn’t.
  11. I’m curious as to what’s on everybody’s shopping list. Tactically I have basically every gun I need. I will be venturing into my wants. I want an M1A carbine, and a Tommy gun this summer. Let’s see what we can make happen.
  12. https://www.dailywire.com/news/44230/ocasio-cortez-top-aide-could-be-facing-jail-time-ryan-saavedra I, personally will be imploring my congressman and senators to open an investigation into this for 2 reasons: 1. The Venezuela accusation — the one in which Venezuela helped AOC win her election. 2. It looks like some shady things went on with her campaign finances. If youre wondering ‘what Venezuela accusation’ it’s not you. It’s the accusation I am making up. Yes, I will just simply conjure the accusation up, but even so it will have more weight than the Trump-Russia accusation and look at what a behemoth of an investigation that nonsense berthed. I hope that the pressure is put on AOC until she realizes the only thing better than socialism is suicide.
  13. https://www.dailywire.com/news/44228/rider-university-dean-resigns-after-university-kassy-dillon I. Hate. Liberals. Liberals are tolerant rant of everything other than non-liberals. Truitt Cathy (the dude who started Chick-Fil-A) was a devout, southern Christian who was more Mayberry than Mayberry. Sorry he preferred traditional marriage. Speaking of Mayberry, I grew up with thinking Mayberry was the place to live. How stupid of me. It lacks in diversity, there were no transgender women sharing bathrooms with little girls, and the show was sexist too!
  14. https://www.yahoo.com/news/bernie-sanders-makes-an-appeal-to-black-voters-but-says-no-to-reparations-201059505.html Bernie, bro....at least he said no to reparations. But, Bernie...my goodness.
  15. The federal government is racist. Want a government job? Better not be white.
  16. You're missing my point. China's growing military is my concern. My spat with Tom is over this being a unique threat. It's not like imperial Japan because nukes. The USSR would have been a better choice for Tom, but the USSR was very defensive in its military posture. I know this from several books in which I understood the words. So, it's my opinion that China is a unique threat. That can be debated. But it cannot be likened to Imperial Japan in my opinion. Also, I have a fantastic degree in history. I graduated ***** laude while running a business. So, many professors seem to have thought I read and understand pretty gooder. Oh my god you're dumb. Imperial Japan was able to launch balloons filled with incendiary devices to try and start fires on the West coast during the war. China can nuke it. China is therefor a bigger threat now, than Imperial Japan was. It's measurable, and you're a non-combatant, and a dumbass.
  17. You're the master of moving goalposts, Tom. 1930 Japan is not the threat that China is today because technology. Your point was stupid, your defense of it is amazing. No, that's not my main concern. It is the main difference though between China's military today, and Japan's in 1930. I just had to point that out to our resident know-it-all who for some reason is constantly wrong.
  18. Nice attempt, Tammy. There was no nuclear arsenal before nuclear arsenals. Your point is idiotic. And there isn't a reason why there were so many naval treaties on the sizes of navies during that time. There were many reasons. My bull####? Ho please. '40% of slave owners in the S. Carolina were black. I read it in a very rare census.' 'Ya know the jews did attack the Colosseum.' I mean you've cooked up some real knee-slappers. And you pretend to be better read, more learned, and more intelligent than others, especially me. Don't worry, when I correctly state you're wrong from here on out, you wont have to know. Enjoy your safe space.
  19. Oh. My. God. Do you think I thought....never mind. Maybe go back and give it another read.
  20. Safe spaces rule? Well, that’s telling about your character.
  21. For a guy who has me on ignore he certainly quotes me a lot.
  22. I know history and thinking aren’t your game. Routinely you prove it. Like here. Tell me about Japans nuclear aresanal during the 1920’s and 1930’s. For a guy who insists others are idiots you sure do ***** up a lot. Tom, normally I don’t advise this, but if you’re ever peering out over a ledge and thinking ‘the world would be better off without me’ you’d be right. Take David Lee Roth’s advice and jump.
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