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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Well, I’ll have to go back and look at the tape.
  2. McDumbass is solidly earning the title “Jauron Jr.”
  3. Glad McDipshit passed on this guy? https://www.yahoo.com/sports/big-week-1-performance-chiefs-patrick-mahomes-hints-special-ability-231501595.html
  4. Ok. So? The Marines have long been the poor kids of the military. I remember running into active duty infantry Marines in Iraq when I was with the 101st. I felt bad for them. We had ACOGs, EoTechs, and at worst an M68 reflex sight. All of our rifles had an IR laser and we all had PVS-14’s because I was in the well funded 101st. The marines had jack **** compared to us. Marines have always been the poor kids. Sad but true. No — nobody in America had a job until Trump became president. These partisans — I hate them. If theyre on “team Republican” they act like politics is football game. Anything our team does is good, anything the other team does is bad. Obama could have cured cancer and they still wouldn’t give him credit. They don’t care about the nation succeeding, they care about their team bringing home the trophy. For America, it’s sad.
  5. McDermott being an idiot is a big problem. I’ve long had an issue with his CB depth on down and distance.
  6. He might be. We’ll see. It’s looking bad. I bet he drafts a RB next year with our first pick.
  7. I haven’t been impressed with McDermott. He runs the exact kinda old school football I hate.
  8. How does anybody know if Josh Allen is good enough? I’ve seen encouraging things but let’s hold the horses a bit.
  9. You really gotta give it to him there.
  10. “Yeah this is, Matt” ”Yes, I’m available for a try out!?” ”Fly to where? To Buffalo? Oh, um, oh no — I’ve got a “thing.” Yeah, I’d love to come but I got a thing. But thank you.”
  11. Beane’s done some nice things....but the Darby trade was idiotic. I didn’t like his draft this year. His free agency is looking awful.
  12. Yes. If it’s for a 3rd, or OL, WR, or a 3rd or higher, yea.
  13. Shocking isn’t it? Pat Mahomes is gonna be a HoFer. I truly believe that. His talent is sick. The Process passed.
  14. 1. Obama’s increase in the debt was inevitable to get out of the recession. Further, if you chart it, it did go down by year. Now, in my opinion not enough. But studying it, one could say during the Obama years the increase to the national debt declined by about 50% from his first year in office which obviously required extraordinary measures. 2. I’m not so sure you’re accurate in your claims on cost of insurance. I do know that I was able to get insurance while opening my business during Obama’s tenure. 3. What does “more” mean when you’re talking about illegal immigration? Because the population of illegal immigrants went down during his tenure. http://cmsny.org/publications/warren-undocumented-2016/ id argue a large portion was due to the down housing market from the recession. 4. His economic stimulus was a playbook out of Keynesian economics which has a pretty good historical record. Additionally, I never saw a huge increase in taxes during his years. http://time.com/money/4630346/president-obama-taxes-increase-obamacare/ 5. Uh, Obama had the right to appointed judges. He did that. Nothing to complain about there. 6. He did NOT leave the military in a lousy state. That was the most combat hardened army in years. Now, there’s reason to hate his gayification of it, and his shortsightedness when it comes to women/transsexuals and guns — women and trannies have no place in fight club. Look, Obama can only be considered a radical socialist by people who’ve never studied radical socialists. I’d call him a moderate and I’d call his presidency successful. His presidency isn’t how I’d have played it, but he left the country better than he found it. Lastly, I don’t want to hear criticisms from Trump supporters on the debt increase under Obama....because what the hell are you people doing about it? The debt and wealth inequality are going to be the two great issues of our day...not like that’s anything new........but, still.... When I had to shake hands with them (and I did, and I had to) I’d always involve my left hand by clasping it over their right as we were shaking. Bow? Me? Not never. God Obama wild piss me off with that crap.
  15. If you just wanna laugh, look at Tyrods stats ? It makes me feel better anyways.
  16. I wouldn’t put Allen in. I’d run Ivory every snap and get out of this thing.
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