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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Nothing about any of this makes sense. My bold prediction: Bills fans will want McDumbass fired by the end of the year.
  2. Using military families to me is a big deal. To a draft dodger it wouldn’t be though.
  3. No, idiot. That's the part I'm saying doesn't make sense. That's the part I'm saying doesnt pass the smell test. What I am saying is I believe that he did think the tweet was a good idea, and I believe it was shot down by smarter and better men.
  4. That's the only issue I have with this. I can see Trump saying 'hey fellas, I'm gonna tweet this!' before Mattis has to explain to Trump that his idea once again is stupid. I believe Trump may have ran it by the squad thinking that he'd get high-fives. I don't believe his tweets are sent to NK for approval though. That I toss out. Doesn't mean there's not a nugget of truth in this. But go ahead, pretend the emperor isn't nude all ya like.
  5. Did you read the article? Because I know ya did because you spit some of it back out. The answer is in the article. Go back and re-read. It's a short article. 3 minutes to read, tops. What I'm wondering is, how many of Trumps off-the-cuff tweets about NK went through these back channels before being tweeted. I mean I get the curiosity of it all, but it's in the article. I have questions about these back channels too. But damn man, it's in the article. And, it's an article that I'd like to say -- we don't know how hard the truth is in it....but it fits doesn't it? Trump tweeting something stupid. Especially considering Trump doesn't know how war things go. I bet Trump doesn't even know how/when the Korean War went down. He's that illiterate, and Fox and Friends probably hasn't covered the Korean War, so Trump is probably just clueless.
  6. Are you too stupid to understand their point? Would you like for me to explain how these things go? And I think you should change your screen name to Sloppyvagina. It fits.
  7. What I can’t get over are the people that think the man is brilliant. There’s millions of them.
  8. But if that's true, then he really is as dumb as I think if he didn't realize that would really be a declaration of war. I mean, if we're gonna kick NK ass, lets do it -- and lets evacuate dependents as quickly and silently as possible...lets not tweet it. We could have had a respectable republican nominee but the mouthbreathers picked the game show host. Wonderful.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-spooked-pentagon-almost-sent-tweet-n-korea-161039669.html I hope that’s not true. But it probably is. What an idiot.
  10. McDumbass passed on Mahomes so I do not believe he can evaluate QBs. It’s my opinion that Mahomes was clearly a superior prospect compared to Allen. (Yes I know they came out a year apart)
  11. Im just so impressed with you people. You mention Trump and with the next breath imply somebody other than Trump is a narcissist? Just wow. Somebody gin up that gif of that dude doing the ‘I can’t !@#$ing believe what I’m seeing’ blinking thing.
  12. Some people just want to believe the team is in good hands no matter how obvious the blunders.
  13. Go take a look at the damn budget. This country is not lacking on military spending. One thing I would do to address your concerns is start auditing the crap out the military and taking things away like military balls for non-combatants. That crap isn't important. Blankets, bullets, and beans...that's what wins wars. If Obama scaled back the spending a tad, it's up to the green suiters to ensure blankets, bullets, and beans -- but sometimes stupid officer types spend the money on stupid things. Not Obama's fault. I get what you're saying...but I have NO CLUE how money works in the military. It's very controlled. Routinely at my level I'd get a "shopping order." Like, S3 (operations) says we have to buy stuff right now! Seriously. Because if we didn't spend all of our 20XX dollars then in 20XY brigade or division might not give us the same cut since we apparently don't need it since we didn't use it the year before. They did that crap all the time. That's where you go shopping for things like Oakleys....because when one kills Haj, one should also look cool doing it. Don't blame the President on how the military spends money because people are spending it unwisely.
  14. Believe what ya want. My 05-06 deployment I was my troops Armorer (just one of the hats I wore). and when I put in an order I got what I wanted...quickly. Parts for 50 cals - PVS-14's. We were taken care of.
  15. I loved how he rolled his r in the line "if we cant drive them out, we'll simply bReed them out." classic.
  16. Dude...we're getting a RB in next years draft. Watch. They'll take a RB with the top pick, and then defense. If I were only born in Pittsburgh.
  17. The thing that really concerns me about this team is Terry Pegula. Terry is like Ralph when Ralph had dementia, and sadly Terry doesn't have dementia...that's just Terry. Terry is a HORRIBLE owner. His hires are bad, and the man is an aloof idiot. Everything about this team is baffling to me. Every decision. And what infuriates me is McDermott will NEVER give a straight answer. Is there a plan? I mean I hear about processing. But where's the plan? Because the plan to pass on Mahomes and Watson was stupid. The timeline is clunky. Keeping Tyrod and putting him in an offense designed to get the least out of Tyrod is puzzling. It honestly feels like Ralph/Jauron all over again.
  18. 1. My god guy, no. Please take a look at the history of such financial disasters and the success of Keynesian economics. Economics are complicated, but the success rate isn’t. 2. My business is except from the ACA. I opened it after the ACA. The ACA was the reason I was able to find insurance when I quit my job. 3. You’re making wild accusations here. 4. Right....so it’s like I said, the average American didn’t see tax increases under Obama. 5. Not worth addressing unless I bring up your extreme partisan remark at the end about the Biden rule...whatever that is. 6. bull ****. Army aviation was well supplied. The unit I was most familiar with was the 160th being I spent 5 years at Campbell and the 160th is kind of a special unit that probably got additional funding, but bull ****. The army is very strict on maintenance for aircraft and logistics for them. Army aviaition was well funded during my tenure from 02-12. 7. How is Trump a conservative? By destroying free trade and increasing the debt? Or do you only measure the debt when it’s a Democrat in office? My first deployment to Iraq I was with a poor kids unit (2nd ACR). We had always been underfunded. Logistics in Iraq at the time was still a challenge because when I got there we were still establishing FOBs. But I still wouldn’t say we were underfunded. We did need logistics to catch up and they did. But the fact that we were conducting operations globally just proves that all this nonsense about being underfunded is NONSENSE. You can’t have well paid troops across the globe and not be so. Now as as far as things like you pointed out above — sometimes idiot officers spend money in stupid ways. For example, I ended my career in the POGest of POG establishments — recruiting. Every year, every army recruiting brigade wastes a small fortune on annual training conference (ATC) which is nothing less than a 3-4 day party so that the non combatants can celebrate their great achievements. They rent out rooms and banquet halls and nice hotels. When I was in Houston my first shindig was at a nice hotel called Moody Gardens in Gavelston. Point is, it didn’t matter how badly USAREC ever got their funding cut, they were gonna plan that irresponsible, gay party so that the non combatants could pretend to be real soldiers and give each other awards. During the Bush and Obama years when I was in, it is my opinion that we were well funded. Especially 3rd brigade of the 101st. Because as far as conventional units go, we were creme de la creme.
  19. Heres an elevated conversation; when you’re the head coach and your team gets its nuts stomped like that, “McDipshit” is fair game.
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