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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. How’s about no. Let’s just watch it unfold. I have zero confidence in McDermott right now.
  2. What? I think it’s past time we all start questioning the process.
  3. There's a HUUUUUUGE difference between McVay and McDermott. I wont look for that. I'll look for the Bills to do the opposite, because McDermott is not a forward thinking individual like McVay.
  4. Until I don't have a reason to watch the QB's, I'll start with them.
  5. They’ve never dealt with anybody who doesn’t play by their unofficial rules. And they’re all seemingly too stupid to adapt.
  6. https://www.yahoo.com/news/dianne-feinstein-acknowledges-having-secret-170246446.html $20 says this is going to be even more retarded than Corey Bookers “bombshell.”?‍♂️ The thing to me thats so so fascinating about Trump is how calculated people launch themselves at him with nothing and wreck themselves in the process. Patience. Give the man the rope he needs to hang himself, and once he’s in place simply kick the stool out from under him.
  7. Thats true. Lots of lousy coaches look good with a franchise QB. Jim Caldwell to me was one of the dumbest coaches ever. I mean he was dumb. But Peyton Manning kept him employed for a minute.
  8. There have been warning signs about McDermott from the beginning. He’s an organized guy. He’s got attention to detail. But at the end of the day he’s Dick Jauron Jr.
  9. I’d trade 2 first round picks for Mcvay.
  10. No. I mean, I get your point, but no. Last year was flukey, and last year this team was way more the team that’d get blown out than it was a playoff team.
  11. I’d actually be fine with Anderson.
  12. If they don’t bring in a guy and cut Peterman that’s very concerning to me.
  13. You are undoubtedly the WORST antisemite I’ve come across. Not in that you’re incorrigible, but in that you’re just bad at it. You suck at jew hating. Why would the Jews want Trump out of office when he had been all too happy to comply with recognizing Jerusalem as their capital?
  14. I’m hoping for a violent murder after a violent sodomization.
  15. We need another QB and once they got the playbook Peterman can go to rot on the practice squad.
  16. Islam is fascism. I support tweaking the 1st amendment to allow for the legal banishment of Islam from our borders. Muhammad was a liar who created a religion using whet he knew of christianity and judiasm so that he could rape, pillage, and plunder. Muslims today use Islam for the same thing. Its a religion that deserves mockery, and zero acceptance. It is a danger to western civilization. 9/11 was Haj. F*** Haj. I hate them all. Never forget. Never forgive. F*** Haj. Those are my thoughts. I will never forget that horrible day.
  17. We need to see Allen play so that we know. I knew EJ was a bust after 3 games. Why? Franchise QBs can complete screen passes. Play Allen, we need to know.
  18. So you’re calling Belichick, Crazyhorse. I got ya. Can’t disagree.
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