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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Some people do, but that’s not you. Way to avoid having to show you have any knowledge of the new trade deal you’re lauding on behalf of your diety.
  2. Uh huh. If you call how you spend your work day "working."
  3. Excellent point. Tell me, did you find that we won the Textiles battle? I read it -- it was a little hard for me to make heads-n-tails of. What's your expert take? Did we come out better on textiles than we were with the original NAFTA deal? I mean, clearly you read it. Tom Petty?
  4. Based on a lot of things, if I had to guess your age I'd peg you at around 30-40. What is it that you do for a living that allows you so much time for message boarding?
  5. Reading isn’t hard. Reading trade agreements often can be difficult though.
  6. Does anybody know the specifics of what we gained/lost by this? And can anybody with a thorough understanding of macro economics break it down for those of us not in finance and economics?
  7. Yes, because it’s done, it’s money already spent, and nobody cares about the intro (other than you) so why spend money to make a new one?
  8. Dear American Great Leader, Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle Which feed among the lilies. Love, North Korean Great Leader. https://www.inquisitr.com/5094998/trump-kim-love-relationship/
  9. I watched it. The world watch it. I laughed. The world laughed. It was a good time.
  10. Yeah, I watched, and I agree with this: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/emilytamkin/diplomats-un-laughed-donald-trump See, when he says 'my administration has done more in two years than' everybody in the room was like 'oh my god, is he really about to suggest his presidency has been a historic success' and then Trump said as much. So, at that point everybody had dropped jaws from Trump's tall tale, he was then heckled, and then people laughed because somebody finally told the emperor he wasn't wearing clothes. But you think what you want. And hey, drink Ovaltine.
  11. So it's your opinion that the audience was laughing at Trump's witty comeback? The cult of Trump is strong!
  12. Yeah, the emperor is totally not naked. Sure! He's dressed in the finest threads, everybody says so. https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-claims-meant-laughed-world-165625906.html
  13. So, how are you Trump folks spinning the whole 'Trump is the laughing stock of the UN" thing because EVERYBODY there was mocking him yesterday.
  14. As a small business owner I HATE this ****. It is so damn hard. There’s no guaranteed paycheck for me. I can’t tell you how many times mid-month I haven’t taken a check because of frickin payroll taxes. It is so bad im honestly considering going corporate and leaving my partner with this mess. The only incentive for me is no drug test. It is is so hard being a small business owner. It’s honestly the worst. And my god, good help is hard to find. I won’t fire my retards for fear of not being able to hire another retard of their caliber. Edit: if businesses as small as mine were able to waive the owner contribution on payroll I could honestly afford the office lady with huge breasts that I’ve been wanting sooo damn badly.
  15. Hopefully nobody else anywhere has to suffer through Tyrod Taylor ever again.
  16. I voted Mahomes, but give me a few more games like today and I change my vote. And its early. But I’m really, really excited with where Allen is. I’m really impressed.
  17. That article was absolutely absurd, and absolutely unamerican. That’s some 3rd Reich **** right there.
  18. I don’t think so, but I’d need to be reacquainted with the facts of each.
  19. Fascism. https://www.businessinsider.com/white-house-executive-order-investigate-google-facebook-antitrust-2018-9
  20. Honestly it’s why I wouldn’t play McCoy. We have NO shot at winning. Why bust McCoy’s ribs even further? Lets do a tactical retreat in an effort to at least win one game.
  21. I tend to do that. I’m complex and I love chaos. If nobody’s bleeding then I’m jokin.
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