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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Yes, being active is physically more demanding than being sedentary. That’s absolutely correct.
  2. Dude are you for serious? They pick something up, scan it, bag it, and that’s pretty much it. Amazon workers work in huge huge warehouses that require them to not just be standing, but also moving, lifting, and so on. Youre saying being a cashier is the same as working in a warehouse — it ain’t.
  3. Im not advocating a handout. Raising the minimum wage isn’t a handout.
  4. I'm not sure I support a $15 minimum wage. What Amazon did is a bit different because even their entry level employees work significantly harder than say a walmart cashier. But, to me, the great fight of the next 20 years will be income inequality. And in my opinion, the BEST thing conservatives can do is participate in leveling things a bit. My reason is that I fear by not doing something, a groundswell of public support will erupt for "democratic" socialists, and then a manageable situation goes to complete socialist chaos.
  5. I ALWAYS use self checkout at HD. My god — I despise the small talk the cashiers try to do. And they’re always soooo slow.
  6. Going to the playoffs last year may have been a bad thing. We’ll see. Right now it ain’t lookin good.
  7. How could this be piling on? I was unfamiliar with Vox but the article was good. And if it’s a liberal outlet they didn’t bash Trump in this one.
  8. The process that passed on a more athletic Favre? Yup. I think he’s a good defensive coach but this team is so misguided on offense. It’s atrocious.
  9. Draft talk already? Huh. Two weeks early this year. Yeah, we gotta draft a WR.
  10. I’ve been critical since HE passed on Mahomes. In fact, I coined “McDipshit” and all variations thereof. My exact nightmare scenario could be unfolding. Especially if Josh Allen is a bust.
  11. Ok, fair point. I usually won’t read anything from Mother Jones, Fox, or Huff Post. But, the article I posted was good. It was informative. It wasn’t biased. At least, not till it added click bait at the end for another article which looked like biased anti-Trump stuff. The article was good. Even Huff Post on occasion comes out with just a fact based article. On occasion.
  12. K. So, the tweet is pretty stupid. So? That doesn’t mean you discount unbiased, sourced news from the outlet he works for.
  13. Am I bragging about posting something from Vox? If so, where? Because I didn't. And there's NO legacy. This is an internet message board. The guy who lives next to you could be on here and you wouldn't know because you don't go by "John Smith" you go by "Deranged Rhino." Do you see? There's NO legacy here. It's just an internet message board. And yes, a sourced piece of news is good enough. I know a Dale Gribble like you wouldn't agree, but reasonable people do. K, sweetie?
  14. This is happening people -- a guy who follows every word of Mr. Q is slamming me for trusting a sourced piece of news. He's saying that I'm failing to inform myself because obviously all the really "true" things come from 4 Chan, or Chan 4, or whatever it is. Yup.....this is happening.
  15. First, have you ever had your ass kicked? I have. But, never on the internet. I've had my ass kicked boxing, fighting, and doing MMA things....but NEVER on the internet. I have no idea what you're babbling about. I love how you use 'volley.' Did wanna use something like "sortie?" Either way, I would NEVER challenge you to an internet-sourcing thing because I don't care to do that, and I know you do. You love spending hours doing internet things on this very important message board because you're clearly a successful person.
  16. Yes, you're an idiot. When something is published and sourced, I don't look up the current editor and all the information I can find about him and the company that produced the piece. I just roll with it if it's content is packed with facts, and if it's sourced. That's what I'm looking for....facts, sourced, and possibly peer reviewed. That's why I stick to news sources, and your dumb, white trash butt sticks to Q News Central.
  17. Maybe they are, but I agree with you -- Huffpost race baits all the time, and they're as left as left gets, but when they produce something void of feelings and the content is pure facts, I'll roll with it.
  18. Dude, are you retarded? Do I know what Vox is? A news source? Not sure. But they wrote an article and sourced it, so yeah, I'll go with that as opposed to reading the old NAFTA deal in its an entirety and then compare to the new deal in its an entirety? Oh my god. I liked the uptick in the parts that had to be made withing USA/MEX/CAN. Maybe manufacturing can come back?
  19. I have no idea what Vox is, but I made Googles and it provided a good article.
  20. https://www.vox.com/2018/10/3/17930092/usmca-nafta-trump-trade-deal-explained "The US, Canada, and Mexico struck a new trade deal to replace NAFTA on Sunday. It’s known as the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, or USMCA. The three countries reached a consensus after more than a year of talks, which began after President Donald Trump made good on his campaign promise to renegotiate the nearly 25-year-old agreement. It’s basically NAFTA 2.0, with major changes on cars and new policies on labor and environmental standards, intellectual property protections, and some digital trade provisions. Here are the biggest changes: Country of origin rules: Automobiles must have 75 percent of their components manufactured in Mexico, the US, or Canada to qualify for zero tariffs (up from 62.5 percent under NAFTA). Labor provisions: 40 to 45 percent of automobile parts have to be made by workers who earn at least $16 an hour by 2023. Mexico has also agreed to pass laws giving workers the right to union representation, extend labor protections to migrant workers, and protect women from discrimination. The countries can also sanction one another for labor violations. US farmers get more access to the Canadian dairy market: The US got Canada to open up its dairy market to US farmers, which was a big issue for Trump. Intellectual property and digital trade: The deal extends the terms of copyright to 70 years beyond the life of the author (up from 50). It also extends the period that a pharmaceutical drug can be protected from generic competition. It also includes new provisions to deal with the digital economy, including prohibiting duties on things like music and e-books, and protections for internet companies so they’re not liable for content their users produce. No section 232 tariff protections: Section 232 is a trade loophole that Trump has used to impose steel and aluminum tariffs on Canada, Mexico, and the European Union. Both Canada and Mexico wanted protections from these tariffs, but they didn’t get them. They did get the US to make a side agreement that protects them from possible auto tariffs under 232, though. Sunset clause: The agreement puts in a 16-year “sunset” clause — meaning the terms of the agreement expire, or “sunset,” after a set period of time. The deal is also subject to a review every six years, at which point the US, Mexico, and Canada can decide to extend USMCA. USMCA has been negotiated — now it needs to get approved Trump, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto have to sign the agreement, which they plan to do before Peña Nieto leaves office at the end of November (perhaps at the G20 summit in Buenos Aires that month). But the deal still needs to be ratified by all three governments. Canada and Mexico will likely do so. The real question is the US. Congress likely won’t consider any agreement until 2019, and if the Democrats take control of the House or Senate in the midterms next month, they might be reluctant to give the president a win." For anybody interested in an agreement that begs to be summarized. Looks pretty good from my standpoint.
  21. Well there’s no doubt of Moussolini’s socialist roots. Just going off what I remember his father was a devout Marxist. Moussolini worked as editor(s) of socialist news papers. He was a scoundrel, a rapist, and a thug. He was anti WWI when it broke out. I’m pretty sure he dodged the draft. Then he supported Italy’s involvement in the war as he turned from socialist to fascist. He then began demanding Italy become an empire again and reform its former glory which is why the Ethiopia thing came up after. And while that definitely gives a lot to Moussolini’s thinking, I reject the idea that fascism is a leftist ideology. Maybe influenced. But, ya give and take. Even Bismarck was influenced by liberal/socialist politics to an extent — but that doesn’t make Bismarck a ‘liberal/democrat.’ I LOVE Voltaire. If I’m remembering correctly that was in reference to the church. Candide is a favorite of mine. Why? If ya don’t know anything about him he was a famous smartass who was always mocking the church and tradition, and basically everybody else he liked flipping the bird to. Today we remember him as wise?
  22. What the !@#$ is a progressive fascist? I swear to god I'm talking to Dale Gribble.
  23. Where was all this when I was bashing the trade over a year ago?
  24. Lol, you care waaaaaaay too much about what an internet message board thinks of you. No successful person would. It doesn't fit. You're most likely a 30 year old schmuck, chain smoking cigarettes in moms basement. There's no doubt. 1. Yes you are a "Trump guy." The only people who follow the incell known as Q are 'Trump guys.' 2. Who cares if you're devoutly anti-fascist if you're not devoutly republican. Trump is NOT a republican, as in 'one who promotes the idea of a representative government.' Trump is obviously an authoritarian who's annoyed by the constraints of our republic.
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