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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. https://www.yahoo.com/news/turkey-sets-free-american-pastor-143743137.html Put that in the W column.
  2. Haj, hajjing against other Haj’s, will always bring other hajjing Haj’s into it. Every time.
  3. McDermotts process and choices leave a lot to be desired. The fact Peterman is on the active roster is a joke.
  4. I love 1911’s. But I don’t think highly of handguns and I put a premium on magazine capacity. So I prefer double stack. And yes I know, there are double stack 1911’s. But those are abominations and just wrong. But for its time, and many years thereafter, it was supreme. Still has superior aspects. But magazizne capacity ain’t one of em.
  5. I need to change it out with a Glock due to the fact I also carry a Sub 2000 with Glock grips. Fun little carbine.
  6. https://www.foxnews.com/us/portland-antifa-protesters-caught-on-video-bullying-elderly-motorist-woman-in-wheelchair There's nothing I hate more than white, anti-white, liberals. Ya know, the white folks that 'aren't even a little bit racist' and go after white people because all white people are racist who aren't yelling at white people for being racist. Actually, I hate Haj more, but then them. I wish they'd try this where I live. Oh my god, that's exactly why I keep my XD under the steering wheel.
  7. Look, it's like this -- Haj is gonna Haj. That's just what they do. And, look, I hate Trump, but Trump is doin' what Trump can to keep Haj in Durkadurkastan, and the hell out of here. So, if you hate Haj (and you should, because Haj hates you) then be more supportive of conservative travel bans. Cheers.
  8. Ah, no. I'm not about that. I mean it's just such an Orwellian thought that I just don't even no where to begin on why no.
  9. Meh. It's been four games. If he's still where he's at 4 games into next year I'll hit the panic. Allen has shown me NOTHING. Nothing to suggest he'll be great, and nothing to suggest he'll be a bust.
  10. I agree with you to an extent. I disagree with your Tyrod vs. Allen comparison. Tyrod didn’t pass for much because he refused to pass. Allen isn’t passing for much because as of right now he sucks. But Allen’s a rookie and has the tools to be great if he can put it together. There was enough evidence with Tyrod to prove he’d never put it together.
  11. We won ugly on Sunday and had 64 offensive snaps that Allen participated and learned in. You can do both.
  12. Josh Allen could be Paxton Lynch, or Blake Bortles, or a John Elway. He's not EJ level bad so there's no need to freak out yet.
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