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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. So, I’m sure you’ve all seen the Proud Boys movement out there. Personally, I find their name stupid, and I’ve never felt the need for a social club, but I like these guys. They don’t seem racist to me. They surely don’t seem fascist if they claim to promote western culture which is undeniably the home of democracy and republics. And I like that they beat the tar out of ANTIFA — it’s always good for a laugh. But are they a good thing? I mean I like them, but to promote them is kinda like promting political violence and that’s a slippery slope.
  2. McDermott is a GREAT defensive coordinator. Hes an idiot when it comes to offense and that has me very concerned for Josh Allen’s future. I think the Pegula’s might have to fire him to get a guy who can work with Allen if that’s even possible.
  3. The mistake was made by McDermott who doesn’t know what good QBs look like. We’re so screwed.
  4. Do you need significant assets or $20 to buy a sammich along the way, and a bottle for your canteen.
  5. https://www.yahoo.com/news/pompeo-us-takes-khashoggi-disappearance-very-seriously-151200857--politics.html Dang it POTUS — shut your damn mouth and stay out of it. Let them kill each other. There’s nothing more satisfying.
  6. My guess is they all have enough money to make the journey and are provisioning along the way.
  7. And what does the 3rd ranked defense coupled with the 32nd ranked offense net you?
  8. It was refreshing enough to entice a response. Why are you so obsessed with me?
  9. Why? ive never seen him play but according to what I’ve read he’s just a mid size, slow receiver. We’ve got plenty of them. Perhaps we need even less experience on the 53 though? Idk. Hopefully the kid can play cause ain’t nobody else doing *****.
  10. Kanye? Who the ***** talks/writes like this? What a gay.
  11. Haj kills Haj. Who cares? Nothing to see here. We should encourage this sort of thing ya know.
  12. ‘The handling of QBs wouldn’t have changed anything?’ What team has this dude been watching?
  13. I used to do that scene from a 180 when I was recruiting. Id ask the applicant if they’d be willing to learn, shortly after my buddy would start in with the Airplane quotes — bathhouses, gymnasiums and all. Good stuff. Nothing better than gay jokes.
  14. ...that was such a good gay joke, I’m honestly not even offended. I mean, that was good.
  15. Thing with Allen is I believe he can be good but that he never will be and that’s why he was a dumb pick. I think Allen will run out of runway before the towel is thrown in because McBeane planned this thing so freaking poorly that they’re playing him before he’s ready. McBeane’s dumbasses are gonna get canned because of how atrociously they butchered this. Nobodys forgetting McDermott processed Mahomes to Kansas City. Then, gambling on a risky pick when a safer option was on the board — those are the moves that get guys canned. You dont draft Josh Allen unless you Pittsburgh, or LAC....and if ya do it, when you’re Buffalo, ya gotta have a better plan than ‘last girl to get asked to the dance’ in free agency, and the 5th round pick from the year before with a popgun arm, and fearless recklessness. And my god with, McDermott, I get it — he’s a defensive guy. That said, if ya wanna impress me, bolster your weakness with the talent when building and use your coaching/scheming ability to make the most out of the defense....but dude went balls to the wall on D, and left any/every QB on this team exposed. None of the 3 QBs when camp opened were solid ideas. And McDermott decided to surround those dudes with no help because he wanted to spend on defense? I cant believe he didn’t use one of the first two picks following Allen to get Allen a weapon. This is bad bad planning on McDermott and I think it causes Allen issues, and I think pressure mounts, and if McBeane get canned it may be a concession to the new coach that he doesn’t have to take Allen, and Allen gets released, and his career suffers, maybe flatlines. McDermotr’s offensive plan has been so idiotic from the get go. Which is another reason that makes me believe Allen’s screwed anyways, because Allen probably doesn’t have the coaches he needs around him. I could be wrong. Daboll could be great....it could all just be Allen starting too soon, or his just not being good. I don’t know. But I think McDermotts idiotic process has doomed him and Josh Allen to failure. We’ll see. Josh Allen will needa get good, real quick.
  16. I think Tyrod thinks Tyrod is an elite qb. I’m positive he thinks that. What I can’t figure out is why.
  17. I wonder why it's unicorn and not unihorn.
  18. I disagree. When I was an Army recruiter (worst thing EVER) if I had sex in any way with an applicant, no matter how consensual, the army would have UCMJ'd the ***** outa me. I hold the commander in chief to higher standards than I do run-of-the-mill NCO's. He may be a civilian, but he was commander in chief. I held Hilldog to the same standard for her *****-up's, like the emails. We had briefings out the ass in the military about emails/data sticks, and so on. Hillary got the same briefings. Why hold junior enlisted to standards she wasn't held to?
  19. Damn....I really wanted to See McDumbass stand behind Nate "the process" Peterman one more time.
  20. Transvestites...... It's XY, or XX, aside from certain medical conditions. And I will not placate the weirdos on this. If Bruce wants me to call him Caitlin, that's fine....he's Mr. Caitlin Jenner, unAmerican freak. What happened to the American austerity that made us great?
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