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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. You weren't wrong about Tyrod. Just because Beane and McDermott are awful at evaluating offense doesnt make you wrong on Taylor. Taylor is a worthless starting QB. Hes a decent backup, if you have a super bowl team with a good defense.
  2. How does this revisionist history happen so quickly? I'm not trying to give you a hard time, but Whaley did NOT draft EJ. Buddy Nix did. Buddy Nix said 'whoever is our top rated passer is the pick' and it didn't matter to the old fool that EJ was both the top rated, but also with a 3rd round grade.
  3. McDermott is a very respectable defensive coordinator. That’s it.
  4. To me it was obvious. The reason was because his accuracy is pinpoint with sloppy footwork and throwing from multiple platforms. Do ya get it? His arm talent is so good, it doesn’t matter if his feet are set. And he’s pinpoint, and puts it where it needs to go. You could see all that watching him in college. So if you got a guy who’s arm talent allows him to throw into double coverage and get away with it convincingly....that’s talent you can’t teach. That’s Brett Favre. And McDermott said ‘I’m good, thanks.’
  5. Thanks, Scott. Im arrogant and combative about this because when they passed on Mahomes — that is literally my WORST sports memory. Haunts me more than wide right. I’m not gonna go through this thing and found where I wrote that, but i wrote it on many birds, many times. I was made fun of many times for it. But I knew I was right then like I do now. It’s frustrating being better than your own team at this.
  6. I called it. I called it many times while he was coming out. I loudly, vocally, and often stated. I said he was a better prospect than Andrew Luck. I was right. As per usual. I’m better at this than other people. I can watch college QBs and I know the good ones. I called Mahomes the best prospect in 20 years. McDumbass obviously is not as good at QB scouting as I.
  7. No, you’re wrong. Mahomes was a HoF worthy talent coming out. If he were on the Bills, we’d be significantly better. O
  8. Because it doesn’t make sense. We we all knew before that draft Whaley was a dead-man walking. The only reason he wasn’t let go before the draft is because ya fire people after the draft so they can’t reveal your board. If youre firing the guy do you let somebody who isn’t gonna be with the organization run the draft? Hell no. Further, if the owner wanted Mahomes, we wouldn’t suck right now because we’d have Mahomes. I dont need to be a fly on the wall to read between the lines. McDermott passed on Mahomes. McDermott will lose his job eventually due to bad offense. McDermott basically set his career up for failure that night.
  9. If you’re getting tired or pointing out that Whaley was the GM when Buffalo passed on Mahomes then people are getting tired of you spouting idiotic nonsense. Yes, Whaley was still employed by the Bills during that draft. No, he was not running it or calling it. McDermott was in charge of that draft. Whaley was only there to ensure he kept his mouth shut for secrecy till after the draft. This is a well known fact.
  10. It ‘can’ be eaten by hobbits. It can be eaten by men. But I would associate it with the elves and not the hobbits. Again, Tom, you’re a bit off. I seriously advocate, at the border, firing gas, then warning shots, the lethal force. We’ll kill 20 or less and the rest will route. Awful? Atrocious? Yes. But it’s the best scrnario for us and them in the long run. Sometimes machevelian tactics are the most humane.
  11. I’d liken it more to a biscuit of sorts. Softer than tortilla, harder than naan.
  12. Ya don’t have to be poor to be white trash. Chad is definitely white trash.
  13. Of course you’d show up to defend the honor of your boyfriend. Youre not not nearly as annoying when replying in GIFs. My god, your pompous writing style makes me wanna put bleach in my eyes. Do all incells write like you? My guess is probably.
  14. Arent you splitting hairs. Legislation isnt political according to Tom. Neither are politically motivated assasinations. Amazing. Must be nice to be able to move the goal posts to wherever you need them. Tom, you may be the smartest, dumb-kid, I’ve come across.
  15. No. I did. You’re an idiot. Franz Ferdinand then.
  16. Call it economic. Call it social justice. Call it whatever the ***** yup want. And way to go on finding out about Pergamon. That decree followed by the challenge to the senate, from the Assembly(ies) set years of civil war into motion. And the elites were squatting. That’s what happened. It was a good piece of legislation that brought down the senate because they refused to budge even a little and in a few years their greed left them impotent.
  17. Ok. Idiot. Sure. Let’s all forget about the fact that this happened due to the lex agraria. Ya know, nothing political about legislation and stuff. If you knew half as much as you pretended you’d be a very educated man worth listening too. I may may not know about boat war. But I worship the Romans and I’m a subject matter expert in Roman things because I am such a student of warfare. I can name more Roman politicians than Americans. I know the late republic better than you, and you’re wrong. You couldn’t be more wrong.
  18. ...I’ll bite. How does one answer the question? Because it seems like you’re wanting a survey on political violence dating back to the Bronze Age. No dumbass, it was political. You freaking idiot.
  19. I wouldn’t know where to begin. But, idiot, I literally mentioned Tiberius Gracchus. So there is literally one. Or was that economics? *****in idiot.
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