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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. My guess is the Bills do nothing. They'll talk about the value of draft picks and then on draft day trade them like drunken sailors.
  2. Wait, why did y’all watch? What did you think was gonna happen?
  3. We should have never let him go. He’s better than Tyrod. He was my favorite QB of the drought.
  4. There is no game tonight. It’s been cancelled.
  5. The worst case scenario is that the game doesn’t get cancelled. Im trying to convince everybody I know that there is no football game tonight.
  6. What is it that you’d say the word “politics” encompasses? Idiot.
  7. I hate McDermott. Hell forever be the piece of ***** who passed on Mahomes.
  8. I’m just glad you picked a gif with nice boobs. Those boobs are way better than MNF will be.
  9. Who cares? Does it matter? Is anybody even going to watch, and if so why deprive yourself of sleep for the crap fest that MNF will be? Don’t tell me some of you “Billieve?”
  10. ...maybe it’s something they want now? Probably.
  11. ? I seriously cannot understand non-muslim anti-semites today. What the hell?
  12. I agree. But i also disagree in continuity for the sake of continuity. Had we kept Jauron would he have ever established a great team? Now I have more faith in McDermott than I do Jauron, but not by a mile.
  13. .....yeah, well, like, Jordan Mathews might have some advice for the youngster as to why staying on the Broncos practice squad might be better for his career than an active roster spot with the Bills.
  14. I can’t take match-up y’all seriously when it’s a game we’re all expecting to lose by at least 30.
  15. They have no shot of putting together a good offense in year 3. We may only win 2 games this year, it's possible they get axed after this season even though we know the Pegulas don't want to do that. Honestly, I didn't like the Allen pick. But he's here. Is this regime the regime that can get the most out of Allen? If the answer is no, let them go.
  16. Tiberius, as a former government employee, I can attest that we were briefed frequently and thoroughly on Internet things-n-stuff. Hillary knew she was breaking the law and she didn’t do it out of ignorance. She did it willfully to hide her schedule and other things. Now, is Trump stupid for doing what he’s doing? Absolutely. But that doesn’t exonerate Hilldawg.
  17. McDermott is in over his head. He doesn’t know how to fix this. I want to fire McDermott and hire the most innovative offensive mind we can get.
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