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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Buddy, there are probably 100 people on this board that could run the Bills better than the Bills.
  2. Im not a man who cares what people think. Nor am I the type of guy that’ll search this board and others to prove that I felt that way. I just know I’m better at figuring out QBs than the Bills. But that’s not saying much.
  3. Yeah, it’s amazing how bad prople are at their jobs in the NFL. It was obvious the kid was a Hall if Famer coming out of college. I notice people have quit mocking me recently for saying that. Two years ago everybody told me how dumb I was.
  4. We have the most pathetic offense in like 40 years and some of these fans are so far up McDermotts butt they don’t know we suck. It’s amazing.
  5. ? And my personal favorite Seriously, everybody should watch the 2nd video. God bless the Brits.
  6. Course he is. Damn inmates trying to run the asylum is what the NFL is. They always act so oppressed. Divas.
  7. It’s important to understand why and where it comes from. My god, if the Sicarii only knew what they were throwing in motion.
  8. But why? Who’s going on IR? Who quit, or who got cut? Why a ***** show.
  9. No, 2 of our OL did not suddenly retire. McBeane has plenty of warning on Wood. How’d they handle it? They were obviously gonna draft a QB, and Peterman and McCarron were their answer to be temporary placeholders? Stupid decision. Then, they use 2 of the top 3 picks on defense and the only real money spent in FA was on defense. Defense doesn’t win in this league anymore, ask the Chiefs. Their moves have been disgusting because their process is inept.
  10. Yup. The Bills are the exact kinda team that wants to pay a RB over 30, over $9 mill next year. You’re correct. The Bills are that stupid.
  11. I keep hearing it’s a rebuilding year. Tell me, what coach comes in and says during their hiring interview, ‘I wanna win year 1, and then blow up our offense so that it’s historically incompetent in year 2!’ Because a lot of homers are acting like this abortion is all part of some great plan.
  12. Shaun McDermott has by far created the most embarrassing team ever. I hope DA retired tomorrow. I hope players quit. I want McDermott out of town. Peterman does not belong on an NFL field. This is an offense that is gonna quit on Sunday.
  13. Yeah they are. I don’t care about the interview. All this nonsense should have ended the day it began giving the league a black eye. They’re employees. If they want to speak their mind, fine. But at work, don’t cause your employer grief and do your damn job without being a distraction.
  14. They'd be like the Ravens and instantly become good. Maybe it's the lake?
  15. It doesn’t matter what we do on offense with McDumbass running things.
  16. Eric Reid is a spoiled piece of ***** who thinks he’s entitled to take his politics into the workplace. Do you know what would happen to regular employees if they started getting political at work and it caused their employers headaches? Eric Reid’s stance is that he should be entitled to a roster spot and have the freedom to act however he wants. Who amongst us has that privilege? But I’m sure Eric Reid would discount everything I’m saying because I’m white and out of the two of us he’d probably suggest I’m the privileged one because of my skin color.... im so sick of these spoiled brats.
  17. I’m not ashamed. I’m a winner. The Bills should be ashamed. Everybody in that building from Terry and Kim on down ought be ashamed. Thick-n-thin, you can save that. Anybody on this board that isn’t trolling is a true fan. How could they not be? I know. If I just had one super bowl to point to. Pathetic.
  18. That's what good teams do. They improve their team.
  19. I suppose it isn't if you enjoy celebrating, ya know, the opposite of "success." To each his own. You like crap football, I like good football. Fair enough. A ***** football team is good enough for you, but it isn't for me. I understand. Very principled.
  20. Yes. Look, I'm a Bills fan till the end. I hate the Bills. I hate them for their incompetence. I hate them for the past 25 years. This is awful. If I could swap teams I would -- I wish I were capable of it. I really care about this team. It negatively effects me when they're like this. I'm 34. I've been a Bills fan since I was 5. I can't remember the glory days (where we never won a super bowl which makes the glory days pathetic). This has been awful. I cant remember the last time I thought the Bills were going to do anything but ***** the bed. It's so embarrassing. I live out of state -- think I rock Bills gear? Hell no. Why? Because when I do people come up to me and are like 'dude, why do you like the Bills? They're awful.' I really wish I could un-be a Bills fan. This isn't fun. McDermott isn't the right coach but we'll have to roll with him next year, I just know it.
  21. Shawn McDermott needs to be fired. Terry Pegula needs to have nothing to do with picking the next coach because he's had two swings and ***** it up both times.
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