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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. It makes me sad to think of all the Bills fans who’ve gone to their graves with nothing but disappointment.
  2. I’m sure everybody with child porn claims to have been hacked. Sick *****.
  3. I've no idea. But who would take that job? The baddest Green Berets and SEALS wouldn't take that job. That job gets you dead, for sure. I really wonder -- how many of you on here who live in New York comply with their silly laws? I wouldn't. Like an AR "pistol." It's illegal to put a fore grip or butt stock on..... Who thinks I follow those laws?
  4. Ya know that scene in Billy Madison where Adam Sandler grabs the fat kid and shakes him saying "don't you ever say that" after the kid says he cant wait to go to hike school? "Don't you ever say that!"
  5. Hey, my motto is Molon Labe. Any time they wanna try. That said, I do absolutely support banning private party sales, and 80% AR lowers without a background check. I had an extra upper laying around, so I bought an 80% lower the other day, and the parts kit. In 30 minutes I had a new AR. Literally EVERY gun I own is on the Fienstein hit list. What makes me laugh is how Dems think they can actually pull this off... NOW HIRING: Gun Confiscator Roles and Responsibility: Knock on peoples doors, tell them you're from the government, and they are to hand their weapons over immediately. Salary: $40,000 a year
  6. No, I'd love to watch hockey. It's just not a thing down here. I moved to Georgia when I was 10. I played pee-wee when I was 6, but I don't know the rules. I don't know the strategy. It's fun to watch though. If the Sabres get good, I'd be willing to buy the hockey deal from DirecTv.
  7. Yeah, just like the last 20 years of the most pathetic football ever. I live out of state. I'm a Georgian now. We don't have hockey here. The only reason I know anything about the sabres is because of WGR.
  8. ....it was fun. It was nice the drought was broken. But that was a fluke. And this season is more of an illustration of what McD and Beane really are. They have a backwards, 1980s way of thinking. Enjoy the crappy football. You deserve it.
  9. His results since becoming an owner. Oh. My. God. Yes, that’s why they suck. Do you not get it? Their “process,” is why we suck. Their decisions have all turned out to be bad. When you continually make wrong decisions you get a 2 win season. You act like everything they’ve done has been well thought out and that the currrent results were inevitable. That’s not the case. The case is the owner is an idiot. He hired an idiot coach. The idiot coach teamed up with an idiot GM. But hey, at least the culture is good and there’s a bible study.
  10. STFU about that. We all knew Incognito was crazy — way to go pissing him off by messing with his money, Beane! And they had plenty of advanced notice on Woody. Guys like you who make excuses are the same guys who’ve been making excuses for years. McDumbass sucks. Beane sucks. And Terry definitely sucks.
  11. https://wcbs880.radio.com/articles/lawmakers-drafting-bill-would-allow-social-media-checks-gun-purchase?fbclid=IwAR1zoxIJoCzsikc4q-LgBaS89TrIlsRw-1yoc4NmqPMqoqxx0f3xXIlx77k New York, what happened? Did you all lose your balls? What a pathetic state. My god, just go join Canada.
  12. Ya know what, you keep giving Terry your money. I’ll keep mine in my pocket.
  13. Just suspended my DirecTv. No point in paying for this *****.
  14. Yes. And that faith has a name, and it’s “Nathan Peterman.”
  15. Hes an idiot when it comes to sports. Disprove that.
  16. As a former dragoon I know how to spell the word. A thousand apologies there. Wealth isn’t an indicator of intelligence. And if I owned the Bills — we’d be talking about Mahomes to Watkins.
  17. Peterman had an average game.... Not for an NFL QB, but for a Bills QB.
  18. Anybody grieving for the Browns backup QB is an idiot and doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. B'bye.
  19. Lol, I know. Just stokin the fire. It's a damn crime and shame that the marthas vineyard liberals are calling all the shots. Disgusting. But New York's gun laws are un-American and gross. I'll stand by that.
  20. Stupid post. What are you arguing? That Tyrod's potential 6 passing TDs would have us in a much better place?
  21. https://www.foxnews.com/world/farrakhan-chants-death-to-america-in-iran Liberals love this guy too.
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