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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Or I’m telling you what I wrote when he was coming out. I knew it was obvious how good Mahomes was. McDermott didn’t. That’s concerning to me. Keep your head in the sand, guy.
  2. I stated he was a generational talent. Numerous times. All anybody had to do was watch the kid. Generational. Far superior to Andrew Luck.
  3. No, I’m not using hindsight. We had an awful QB situation, we had a generational talent fall to us, and the man that thought Nate Peterman is NFL caliber passed on Mahomes for an extra first and a cover 2 CB. That’s stupid. That’s a stupid move. It’s fair to criticize.
  4. ...because when ya need a QB and you pass on a generational talent at QB, that's something people are gonna remember. And remembering the folly of the move isn't petty. It's a fair criticism.
  5. Hows about no. Passing on Mahomes makes his first draft awful any way you slice it.
  6. https://marketrealist.com/2018/11/chinas-slowdown-deepens-as-trade-war-takes-a-toll?utm_source=yahoo&utm_medium=feed&yptr=yahoo And this is why I support Trump despite despising the spineless douche. His foreign policy is pretty spot on. The best hope for dealing with China if one desires peace is to force switch their focus from military expansion to economic rebuilding. I think we ought to go full board and force an embargo and force huge companies like Apple to leave China. Sneaky Chinese dogs.
  7. I do not believe Trump’s ‘I love the troops’ is genuine. I mean, I believe he likes/wants a huge and prolific military because all authoritarians do...but that’s a far cry from the genuine appreciation that guys like George W. Bush. I couldnt phathom not making it to Arlington on Veterans Day. It’s unrcontionable. That said, I’ll probably vote for the douche in 2020 because I can only imagine the train wreck that’ll win the DNC.
  8. Didn’t attend Arlington? Probably for the best. Draft dodgers ought not tread on hallowed ground.
  9. 1. Macron spends $30,000 a year on makeup. I'm not at all interested in what he has to say. 2. Ehhh, I wasn't a commo guy and I don't know all the rules. But I had a government cell phone and there was nothing swoopy about it. Although, I'm sure the sensitivity of USAREC is a bit different than that of the POTUS. Maybe a tad.
  10. Israel, If you wanted to just "handle it," aka "the Palestinian problem," we promise to not interfere with anything more than words. - America
  11. 1. I was not defending nor attacking "nationalism." 2. If there was a story that came out that shows Trump doesn't use cell phones, yes I missed it. I'm not as glued to the computer as others.
  12. .....like the protocols that prohibit the POTUS from using cell phones?
  13. Good for France. Perhaps maybe they'll stumble upon another Corsican general and find their balls again and really do something.
  14. I consider it the most horrific war ever fought. It would have been my honor to attend. I would have done so in any weather conditions.
  15. Because I didn't think my point needed to be explaining, but apparently it does because of your comment on how the Chiefs offense isn't turning the ball over. Of course they're not -- they're a good offense. Now, look at their record. Now look at ours. We have the #1 defense and yet we've been largely un-competitive, and blown-out on several occasions. I like a good defense as much as the next guy. But with the way the league is structured now, the offense should be more the focus. The Bills, under McDermott, have yet to focus too much on the offense. And the record shows the folly in that.
  16. Well, I’ll argue and win the aforementioned people all have better records in terms of judgement than the Bills experts over 20 years.
  17. Ok. But it doesn’t. I mean of course the exception to the rule pops up here and there. But feel free to believe in backwards ideologies.
  18. I know that the Bills were undisciplined. I know Marv mismanaged those games. And I know that was an era long gone.
  19. I wont be thinking about the Bills. I’m 34, and I can’t remember “good times.” Merely my point. Not death bed thoughts.
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