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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I like your post — that said, I thought Mahomes was a superior prospect to Luck. There were a few of us.
  2. My ignorant position is based on something I’ve seent. Im sure you do something for a living. I’m sure you’re awful at it. Now, GOOD DAY, SIR.
  3. I have. Getting high before games really helps. Peterman throws a pick and then you giggle. Weed is a must before Bills games.
  4. teef.....official zen master of TBD. Well said. Yeah, I'm still the guy that throws the remote. I'm out for this season. Cancelled DirecTv. Cable is a waste of money and I aint payin another dime for this. Maybe next year. Hopefully Allen shows a little somethin. For an arrogant fool I'm right a lot. Like a lot.
  5. Well if this is something you're good at, then you suck at what you're good at. Also, I freaking love dogs. I'd shoot you before a dog.
  6. No, it does the opposite. It does NOT make me feel better that I could do a better job than McBeane (only when it comes to picking players, not coaching) because I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired of Bills football. I just want touchdowns again. I was 12 when Jimbo retired. I'm 34. I've seen a lot of suck, and the Bills brad of football isn't even NFL caliber. It doesn't make me feel better to see the Bills making the same mistakes year after year. It enrages me to the point where I don't know if my love for the Bills is now exceeded by my hate for the Bills for 20 years of awful football. It does NOT make me feel better -- it makes me feel hopeless.
  7. Uh, no. In fact China wants nothing to do with them. Many in Europe despise them. I do not think that's right.
  8. Homeboy, I don't know where you live. But like I said, I've seent it down here in the greater Atlanta area. I read the local news also. I'm sure you want a link. Maybe you should stick to what you know, fluffer.
  9. No, well maybe. I'd like for people to quit arguing with me, and to quit having blind faith in a coach that cannot evaluate offensive talent. Clearly, there's a case to be made that McDermott is clueless offensively. What I want is a freaking QB. That's it. I just want a freaking QB. Maybe it's Allen? Hopefully. If not, I'll get my wish and McDermott will get fired. But yes, I'm better at this than the Bills. Also, I find it funny when Bills fans say Bortles sucks. Look at the crapfest we've rolled out for 20 years.
  10. Ill move on when McDermott is fried. When we have a franchise QB, I’ll move on. And, I was right in that we needed to ditch EJ after his first year and the best option in the draft was Bortles. I was right on both those accounts.
  11. 1. No, I will not move on. I love hated McDumbass since that awful night. 2. Bortles was the closet thing to a miss I’ve ever committed. And how wrong was I? Did he not throw for over 300 the other day? Did he not get his team deep into the playoffs last year? Was he not the best QB in that class? Was I correct in wanting to move on from EJ before a lot of people were? I know good QBs when I see them. Im better at it than scouts, especially Bills scouts, and any person unfortunate enough to follow my ramblings over the years can’t deny that. Everybody brings up Bortles with me. But how wrong was I?
  12. I see that smartass comment ALLLLL the time. Thing is, any retard named “Polian” can get a job in the league. The NFL is run on nepotism, not talent. So yeah, I could get a job as an intern making nothing and leave my company that provides me a wonderful living. I could tell my kids it’s up to them to figure out how to eat now. I could do that. But there’s just a tiny bit of reality separating me from doing that.
  13. No, I knew. How? Because when you watch Mahomes he can throw darts with pinpoint accuracy, off balance, and from multiple platforms. Meaning the dudes arm is so talented his footwork doesn’t matter and he can squeeze balls into double coverage that other guys can’t because of his accuracy. So he doesn’t have to be great at reading defense or footwork. Because he’s a better version of Favre. So I knew.
  14. If you’re gonna play the fool, you should at least edit my quote to where my Barney-style breakdown is omitted.
  15. Look, I don’t know if you work for Walmart or something, and I’m sure that’s the case in numerous instances, but I’ve seent it. I seent it.
  16. No she doesn’t even though she does. NYC was gonna have to give tax breaks to work that deal. Any city was. Because NYC did think of the taxable wages that will come with the new headquarters. ......this has been a thing since forever. Thats why you see old walmarts 1/2 mile away from old Walmart’s. Walmart comes in and gets x years of city tax breaks. X years go bye, and Walmart tells the city it wants new tax breaks, the city says no, Walmart moves 1/2 mile down the road and leaves the city with a vacant building. Theres no changing this rigged system. Everything is too greased and too many people are in on it. There’s no stopping it. You have to manage it and not let it get too out of hand. But there’s no reigning it in. Take on the military industrial complex while while you’re at it. That’s just as futile.
  17. This is the problem with this fan base. We beat another bottom feeder and all of a sudden Bills fans are planning on taking down the Pats.
  18. Can we change the title to “Europe and the Muslim problem”?
  19. Yeah. I was quite vocal about it on this board and some other Bills board that I got banned from from for something or another. But I said he was generational pre draft.
  20. That’s phenomenal. I’m glad we’ve got a guy on the board who has access to all 32 teams boards. Terrific.
  21. I like Tre even though I call him “Not Mahomes.” Also, it concerns me that McDermott felt Allen was worth the 7th overall pick and Mahomes wasn’t worth the 10th. That’s very concerning. And if available evidence is to be investigated, McDermott has no clue what he’s doing at QB or how to evaluate them.
  22. I’m pissed about it. Yes. Draft generational QB or trade back for a cover 2 CB? McDermott committed the Billsiest move in Bills history.
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