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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. That was the most insanely idiotic thing I have ever read. You are a complete moron. Youre the type of guy that gets impressed by Clausewitz.
  2. Telling my wife to make me a sammich is a great way to go hungry and celibate.
  3. My dick game is A+ Plus, I'm pretty. I do ok financially. I can be charming when I want to. And, some girls like a dude who's a man. I am definitely that. I'm an expert in cigars, whisky, guns, construction, and basically all the manly arts. Yup. I may be an *****, but I'm a manly *****.
  4. 1. No. My phone does weird things on this site. Only this site. Weird. But, I don't care. 2. My wife is a liberal feminist who idolizes RBG. Generally I despise women. I refuse to do business with them when I'm the customer because they're so frequently incompetent. I have no issue asking a woman if there's a man I could talk to. I think most women are only good for whats between their legs. Remember that old movie, As Good As It Gets. Nicholson's line on how he writes women well 'I take a man, and I take away his reason and accountability.' Yeah. That. But, while I paint with broad strokes there are exceptions to every rule. My wife is one of the exceptions. She's not a f'ing moron. She's actually a pretty badass ultra runner. Lastly, I'll say this, I believe in gender roles. I believe that men are clearly superior when it comes to building, fighting, and things-n-stuff. Women don't build skyscrapers, men do. Women dont win wars, men do. But, women are far superior in things like care for children and the elderly. And those things are very important. I'm misunderstood a bit because I don't care if people like me. Whatevs.
  5. Dude, my job was to kick in doors, and call for fire. You know that. What I find laughable is your focus on the higher echelons. As would most grunts. Them folks ain’t warriors. Those ***** there don’t know how to conduct battle drills or clear rooms. Its not that theyre not important, they’re needed. But they’d all get themselves killed doing grunt things. Your focus seems to be on the people people who wrote doctrine. Guys like me throw out their doctrine and do what works. And if you’re asking if I could coordinate large scale movements and things of the sort, clearly not. But, ironically, the folks who can couldn’t move a 4-man stack.
  6. First, I'm happily married. Second, I wouldn't date a communist.
  7. Chad Kelly is a frickin spoiled brat. Screw that kid.
  8. Changed ignorant to experienced you’d have started off well.
  9. https://www.yahoo.com/finance/video/us-military-could-lose-war-201254331.html like anybody should take a woman’s opinion on war seriously. Her tiny brain can’t even comprehend the subject. On a serious note, other than Mary Beard, I cannot name an intelligent woman. They do not exist. Shut up, woman, and make me a sammich.
  10. I am drunk and watching Always Sunny. Take nothing I say seriously. .......DAYMAN, AHHHHAAAAHHH!
  11. Ok. Lmao. Im addicted to something science says is non habit forming. Good story.
  12. Actually, yes. I keep it locked up and secure along with the means to keep it secure. Sure. In fact, I’ve quit keeping a stash at my house due to my nature. If I buy a quarter or more, I’ll smoke continuously till it’s gone. I’m like that with alcohol too. I have to restrain my comsunption by restraining how much I keep on hand or I’ll let it get the better of me. 1, or 2 joints a week is ok. Smoking every day limits ones potential. I can’t have that. That’s why I don’t keep a lot on me. I’m weak. The temptation to just get fried and watch documentaries is too strong for me to resist. So I deny myself the opportunity by not keeping much around. My phone is weird. It does weird things on this site. It auto corrects to weird things and does things like that. Idk. Oh well.
  13. Not really. But I do have a gun safe worth of solutions.
  14. Yes, dumbass, I’m addicted to a non-addictive flower. That’s correct. Actually, I smoke once or twice a week these days. But yes, somehow I’m the first person with a chemical depedency on weed. My mantra for weed weed is the same for my guns: MOLON LABE MOTHER *****. Out of my cold dead hands.
  15. Hopefully Trump realizes the economic potential of canabis and unleashes a taxable industry.
  16. Even if I had nothing to do, I’d have better things to do than that.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/company-gives-guns-employees-unique-memorable-christmas-gift-190418122.html Out-*****-standing!!!
  18. Iran would. But the funny thing is israel and Iran can’t really go to war with each other. They don’t have the capabilities.
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