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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Ya know, I’m coming off a 2 week ban for saying “retard.” Im glad to see there’s not as many pussies on this portion of the board. I can’t even talk Bills football on this forum anymore.
  2. Thats why the liberal idea that diversity is awesome is idiotic. NOBODY really wants diversity.
  3. Thats a product of a stupid cop. And ain’t nobody takin this good guys guns. So, buh bye.
  4. Ah, so read what I wrote again because that’s what I was saying.
  5. That is probably very true. Its economic. And not intelligence, “education.”
  6. I think you’d be shocked at the amount of educated farmers.
  7. The old political board on BBMB was awesome. So they did away with it.
  8. I love that one. I’m sure fried chicken and grape drank are also Hillary favorites. I’m not familiar with that one. What’s the context?
  9. Depends on how they're dressed, and how much bling is in their mouth.
  10. Muslims hate non-muslims, and then they hate the muslims that don't muslim in the way that they muslim. It's who they are, and what they do. England is a place for the English. The English are white. They are Anglican, catholic, and various types of protestants. But they ain't muslims. Hopefully they'll be able to retake their Island after Brexit.
  11. I wasn’t. But I’m getting there. Every time a liberal calls me a racist I get one step closer. Well, you have to craft your argument to your audience. Minorities still lag behind in education.
  12. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2283777/Boy-9-hanged-bullied-white.html Do you see what the savages do? And I freaking love how the article refers to the barbarians as “Asians.” They won’t even call them Muslims. “Keep England White.” - Winston Spencer Churchill
  13. I share Trump’s feelings. We bailed them out and now they bailed. ***** GM.
  14. Ya don’t say?! https://www.yahoo.com/news/border-patrol-arrests-ms-13-223833511.html Zyklon B. How do you know? And why would anybody be using regular smoke? Tactically that doesn’t make sense. Yup. Zyklon B.
  15. https://www.yahoo.com/news/california-assessing-legal-action-against-force-mexico-border-180928809.html i...am so ready for the political violence to increase.
  16. He did and I appreciate the way in which he did it. ***** GM. I’ll never buy a Chevy again.
  17. https://www.yahoo.com/sports/oakland-university-staff-distributes-hockey-pucks-defend-armed-shooters-035422491.html Havent they heard that you’re not supposed to bring a hockey puck to a gun fight? And, to make a safe campus, shouldn’t the campus be a hockey puck free zone? We obviously need to consult with some biracial, transvestite, Muslims to help us figure this out.
  18. There is NO need for me to do that. We all know the answer to that. Clearly he'd make a plan and follow through. I mean, when I think of legends, I think of Brian Boitano. Freaking legend. But look, all I want to know is what can we do to make Alyssa Milano happy? Clearly I need to adjust my politics because Alyssa Milano, Jim Carrey, John Cusack, and others are very upset. Clearly Hollywood is the nations moral compass. Clearly.
  19. .....They’re wanting readers to read the headline and believe Trump impaled a woman. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/migrant-mom-impaled-front-her-children-falling-border-115803192--abc-news-topstories.html
  20. Also, WWMD? That’s right, what would Machiavelli do? Seriously, if you shoot to kill a few of them, it’d be the best thing for everybody (aside from the half dozen people that got shot). It’d deter future caravans. It’d incentivize Mexico to ramp up efforts to keep their southern border from being invaded. But, we’d definitley be subjected to another Jim Carrey painting and John Cusack frowny face tweets.
  21. They just love f’ing with Colton. Poor Colton.
  22. Any idiot who’s crying about this has never had the pleasure of dealing with an angry/hostile horde. They’re not Americans. Screw em. We should be treating them in the way Israel handles the Palestinian savages.
  23. The only thing I’m regretful over is that it wasn’t me who threw the beer can. Whoever threw that beer can, ya done good! Don’t let none of these PC people tell ya different. Ya done good!
  24. Well, I’m quite sure you’re not my type, Jake from State Farm.
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