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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Like my preconceived notion that “Q” was/is just some asshat with internet access?
  2. The government can’t run the USPS correctly. Nobody in Washington can keep a damn secret. Yet idiots on this board are convinced in a “deep state”?
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/egyptian-actress-face-obscenity-charges-013539417.html But this story will go unreported or just casually mentioned by the liberal press because they're so racist. Liberals think that a religion or idea may only be attacked if it's 'white.' Right, like they'll attack Christianity all day long, but they wont say a thing about Islam because most muslims aren't white which in their tiny brains makes Islam good. And since Islam is good, and not white, we need to inject as much of it as we can in our horrible society to atone for whiteness, and white sins. So they wont even bring this up. God I hate liberals. I'd let them all march to their deaths, but we seem to be attached at the hip. We must destroy universal suffrage.
  4. You're such a gigantic jackass. 'Hey everybody, look at me! Somebody died, and I'm spitting on them! Know why? It's because I'm sooo smart. Look how smart I am! Tell me I'm smart?! Please, TELL ME I'M SMART?!' That's how what you write reads, incel. What a gigantic jackass.
  5. He’s 100% toxic. What Washington did was stupid. Let’s not follow the Skins into stupidity.
  6. I clicked on this to see who would be the first to post a dochetastic post. Its your popmus ass. Not shocked.
  7. I love it but it’s a Kel Tex which means it’s made with cheap parts. Strongly recommend upgrading everything, especially the trigger.
  8. Not 'not funny' but not a knee-slapper. 6/10 at best. Decent.
  9. Yeah...so, I'm a bit overkill.... The reason I rock Glock 9mm is because I have a custom Kel Tec Sub 2000, with G17 grips that stays in the trunk. 9mm out of a carbine is serious business! So, I make sure that all my guns that I carry can be fed with G17 mags. No, I wont keep a G17 mag in my G26. I'll only have the loaded mag on me, and in my console are 33 rd "happy sticks." Does anybody need to carry that many guns and ammo around? Well, I can seriously piss off a large crowd because my mouth has no filter. So.......also, I believe in maintaining basic combat load of 210 rds at ALLLL times. Excessive, I know. But if zombies come I aint gonna be lookin stupid.
  10. I had a Gen 3 I got rid of 3 years ago in a trade. Regretted it ever since. I’ve been carrying a G17 and want something smaller so I can conceal when I have to go into the “hood” and I despise my M&P 380. Im a Glock man through and through.
  11. What the hell Georgia? Those are rookie numbers. We gotta pump those numbers up. That settles it. I’m going to buy a new Glock today. I think I’ll go with the Gen 5, 26, with tru glow night sights of course. #Freedom
  12. “Buffalobills.com?” I haven’t heard that name in years.
  13. Dumb and Dumber. It’s a quote. Obviously “Dear John”
  14. But there were so many. And I got perma banned a couple years before the plug was pulled.
  15. Its the quiet ones that do it. We had a PA in the army who did it. He was a captain. A ranger. Former infantryman. Obviously educated. He got a John Deere letter while we was deployed and ate 5.56. Sad.
  16. If you’ll excuse me I’m going to find some ice....I just got burnt. Lecture me on the French Revolution, incel.
  17. Fair enough. Good post Tom. Those you referenced aren’t retarded. Retarded is confusing genocide for economics.
  18. They’re not really offended. They just love controlling what people can say. Makes them feel powerful. It’s pathetic. My mom was a special ed teacher and I have a special needs cousin.
  19. Football. And I said ‘McDermott was being retarded.’ Then somebody wrote ‘there’s people on this board with kids with special needs.’ Theres a HUGE difference between saying “thats retarded” and “hey little retard” to a kid with special needs which is evil and something I’d never do.
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