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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I wish you could edit headlines on this thing. Oh well. The rest of the post is ‘nive.’
  2. https://buffalonews.com/2018/12/08/buffalo-bills-josh-allen-tremaine-edmunds-sean-mcdermott-jets-new-york/ It’s mostly information you already know, but it gives the reader a true appreciation for the youth of the team. The future here could be bright. And I’m a pessimist. I didnt see this already posted and wanted to share.
  3. So I despise the French because they’re arrogant cowards. I digress...moving on. Im so freaking happy to see the riots/protests in Paris. It’s a direct indictment on globalism and liberalism. American liberals should be on notice because the political violence is only going to increase. I’m sick and tired of liberals trying to influence/change the demographics of my country. When I drive into Atlanta I don’t see many Americans anymore, just disgusting interlopers trying to change the values that my country was founded on. I’m seriously ready to fight. I’m not going to tolerate an elevation in socialism in my country, and I’m ready to fight. The thing that’s different about us Americans from the French is the 2nd amendment and guys like me. So....keep it up American liberals. Keep it up. Because if ya keep pushing guys like me, it’s really gonna hurt when we push back.
  4. I was about to post something similar till I saw the comment. Suppressors are expensive and a pain pain in the ass to own because liberals think they work like in the movies where all one here’s is a very quiet ‘zip.’ The waiting list. The stamp. Then you usually have to replace your barrel. It’s a huge pain in the nuts. But some retarded liberal picked that picture because they think that gun is scary. In truth I wouldn’t be shocked if it’s a 22. Good. I’m glad when liberals suffer for their idiotic decisions. “Rossanne said Valarie Jarrett looks like a monkey! Let’s take her show away from her since Trump supporters like it and resurrect the geriatric lesbian sitcom Murphy Brown!” ”Let’s label any criticism of Islam, and transvestism as hate speech on social media platforms!” ”Let’s quit selling guns because ***** gun owners. They’re all Trump loving Nazis.” /rant
  5. I was at a skating rink. My mom had the game on the radio on the way there. I was crying. I was putting on my skates when my sister told me to quit qrying about the game because I was being a baby. I then threw a skate at her and tried to stab her with the other. We were then kicked out of the skating rink. I was sent to my room when we got home. Hours later (I was still in my room, grounded) I heard the phone ring in the kitchen. My mom answered. “YOURE KIDDING ME?!l THEY WON?!” She called me downstairs to tell me. I thought she was messing with me so I called her a B word. I spent the bulk of that playoff run grounded.
  6. I like Schopp. I don't agree with about 50% of his opinions, but who cares. It's HIS opinions, but the guy is good at his job.
  7. I’d like to read the article but not enough to download the app or pay. I’m good.
  8. 1. Yes 2. I get the “Lorax” nickname, but honestly when I hear Lorax I think of bearded Ryan Fitzpatrick. That dude definitley speaks for the trees.
  9. Goodell deserves the ax for this. But he’s a spineless coward. So I bet he avoids any responsibility.
  10. https://www.foxnews.com/us/3-teens-arrested-in-murder-of-louisiana-pastors-wife its important to remember how very much their lives matter. And I’ll say that woman should die for all her white privilege. We all know that these young boys only committed this crime out of need. I’m sure they just needed her vehicle to make ends meet. This is all the white mans fault. Wakanada forever✊?
  11. I’m just waiting for a SJW to complain. Glad somebody could make a joke of it!
  12. Kelvin sucked balls. I was never ever sure why Holmes was on the team. Still unsure.
  13. I’m honestly more pleased with Allen than I thought I would be on draft night when I was trying to drink myself into a coma.
  14. Two things I want from McD this week. 1. I want a win 2. I want $1,000,000. MAKE IT HAPPEN ONE BILLS DRIVE!
  15. IT IS MY GAME. When I start it, I make the rules. And ill conclude that as a rule, Gaul’s are horrible warriors, void of talent in the art of warfare. My god, from the Franco-Prussian war on they’ve just been a floundering disgrace, always looking for the first chance to surrender. I wish i cpuld find credible information on the great french mutiny during WWI.
  16. Yes, because when it’s my game I make the rules. Further, I’m not sure the Normans would have seen themselves as French. Also, William really wasn’t a great general was he? I mean he barely beat an exhausted army at Hastings. Barely. Nothing about him demonstrated military cunning. I’d argue Harold was the better Commander. Then he raped, murdered, and pillaged the North. Not very kingly. I detest the French. They’ve been nothing but cowards and military failures since the Napoleonic Wars. Oh, I do.
  17. Mike Schopp, not the radio personality Buffalo wants, but definitley the one it deserves.
  18. I wouldn’t count the William. He was English. At least he was when he died. Ive already stated Napoleon doesn’t count. He was from Corsica. His parents hated the French and so did young Napoleon. Gosh. Rochambeau I wouldn’t insult for obvious reasons.
  19. They keep showing the Arc de triumph. I don't get why the French have an arch of triumph. It is arguably the greatest military embarrassment of Western Civilization. I cannot name ONE great French general, aside from Lafayette. And the French tried to kill him for being too awesome. Tear the whole damn thing down!
  20. Are you joking or retarded? Sarcasm is hard to gauge on the internets. Shirley, you're joking.
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