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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I've wondered about this but haven't seen it reported anywhere. That's another reason. Libs laugh at the problem. People laughed at the Serbs when they said they had enough in the 90's. They quit laughing after a while. That is another reason I'm ready to fight. They think their hijabed congresswoman from Somalia is the most awesome thing ever...I disagree. How does that savage deserve to be a representative of the country I fought for when my whole reason for joining fight club was to kill Muslims? Unacceptable. Islam is as un-American as it gets.
  2. Does your character make you feel better when your team sucks? I've been a fan for nearly 30 years. The losing and patheticness has gotten to me. Especially the idiotic moves. This team may be good enough for you, but some of us are winners in life and like to be around winning.
  3. Naw. Andy Dalton got us there. How pathetic is that? Another teams QB is a Buffalo Sports legend. Man, I am gettin closer and closer to bolting for Kansas City. Never thought I'd get there, but its fast approaching.
  4. Wait, you think McDermott is going to get the team to a "big game?"
  5. Socialists. Staring with their leaders. And I won’t be an ‘army of one.’ Imagine a Parisian organic protest springing up in America against the repression of socialism. That’s how these things start.
  6. Socialists. I’m disgusted by the lefts embrace of socialism. I’m not ready to lock-n-load yet, but I swear to god some of these savages that liberals have elected are gonna force violence upon themselves. If they so much as even try universal basic income there will be blood. I believe that. Regretably i have french blood in me. It disgusts me to know and acknowledge that. But I’ve convinced myself that my French blood is merely from Romans who settled there. Not like Gaulish or anything that reprehensible.
  7. Nick Mullen’s just tossed over 300 yards. There’s that.
  8. If they try enacting universal basic income I’ll go into revolt. I’m not joking. I’m armed. Also, by this authority will I take action: ”The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure.”
  9. What? And Beane did NOT bring McDermott in.
  10. https://nypost.com/2018/05/30/assault-rifle-ban-didnt-hurt-sales-at-*****-sporting-goods/ https://money.cnn.com/2018/08/29/news/companies/*****-sporting-goods-under-armour-nike-guns/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2018/11/29/gun-ban-dents-sales-*****-sporting-goods/2152134002/ its so hard to get real news these days.
  11. I think we’re restructuring ourselves out of bad players is all.
  12. Who’s on the board and what’s the compensation and how deep is the draft?
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