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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. But Meghan is half black which makes her so much more awesome than Kate! My god, Harry...you’re not the first to go slimming but you don’t bring the hood rats back to the palace.
  2. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/separated-families-running-time-magazine-132716449.html You’re shitting me, right? Border jumpers are on the list for ‘people/person of the year?’ I’m gonna throw my 2003 award in the trash.
  3. https://www.yahoo.com/news/border-patrol-handcuffs-demonstrators-supporting-migrants-222106987.html i hope they whipped the ***** out of em!
  4. https://www.yahoo.com/gma/activists-again-demand-green-deal-stage-demonstration-dem-210007464.html Look at these gays, lol. Oh man. They want our government to basically do what Macron is fixing to lose his head for.
  5. If I read it correctly....Macron has promised to have employers give their employees non-taxable bonuses. Im not sure how capitalism works in France.
  6. It depends on gas or electric. Also, like most folks I’m a flat rate guy so my price includes COGS. For residential I do 40/50 gallons, mid-highs (size/height) for about $900. Those of course are the 6-year warranty ones. But don’t buy anything over 6 years because it’s a waste of money. However, if somebody provided the water heater I’d have it done for say $300.
  7. I always thought the opposite. The Bills have a great attendance record for the lousy product they put on the field. My only explanation for this is that Buffalo is such a boring/rundown place that it’s the only thing to do. I mean for serious. There were more cows than people where I lived in WNY when I was a kid. Boring, desolate place. I figured the reason people attend is that it’s either attend the Bills game or watch the cows.
  8. I’m unfamiliar with that commercial. But as a guy who owns a company that replaces water heaters I think it’s hilarious people still pay for that. I figured shark bite fittings would make the service obsolete but nope. Still selling them everyday.
  9. No biggy. It's not like there's anything left to play for. The kid has proven he's a baller. Get healthy, and see ya next year.
  10. This is true. Our defense is overrated. It’s good. Not great. It’s good enough to win with. But it’s not good enough to stand alone with.
  11. Filthy, dirty, Hajis. Guess how many times “Islam” is written in the article? https://www.yahoo.com/news/fbi-charge-2-ohio-accused-plotting-separate-attacks-174620455.html THIS IS WHAT COEXISTANCE GETS YOU. Filthy savages. I swear to god Im gonna make what the Serbs did in the 90’s look like a Disney movie given the chance.
  12. Slavery was a universally accepted practice until modernity. I fault no race, religion, or whatever for slavery. It was/is a universal practice. ...which is why I love the American black attitude that slavery was some great injustice suffered only to blacks.
  13. Tibs, imagine a crowd like in Paris only it’s armed. What’s a cop(s) gonna do? They’re gonna reflect on their future prospects and their pathetic salary.
  14. Um. What? Not really sure how any of that is relivant to what I said. But, erm, for what it’s worth I fully support your right to criticize the Bills.
  15. But ya know what they can’t do? Deal with an armed, pissed off guy like me.
  16. That's hilarious. "betters" I mean that is seriously ROTFLMAO. What you're referring to is what I call the "Marthas Vineyard" liberal. Idiots who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, and couldnt change their own flat. Helpless idiots.
  17. Do protests typically take place in corn fields? I mean, sometimes I guess when it's a pipeline....
  18. Well, that and I’m not a western New Yorker. I used to be. Haven’t been in nearly 25 years. So I don’t have an attachment to the area. It’s an ugly city and the football is bad. So why continue to torment myself with bad football?
  19. This is true. The Bills patheticness is not an indictment on me. However, it’s been like 30 years since this team was good and I deserve better. This team still sucks. Sucked last year too. Most fluke playoff berth since the 7-9 Seahawks made it.
  20. I support gerrymandering because I despise universal suffrage. Most liberals don't deserve to vote, so denying them an impact makes perfect sense to me. Anybody ever notice how the bill of rights don't say nothin about voting? There's a reason for that. Allowing everybody to vote was never something the founders wanted because they knew better.
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