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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Looking forward to see how this effects the situation. I read, and not from anything reputable, that immigration / the Islamification of France is a yellow vest issue. Maybe this weekend we’ll find out.
  2. I don't know if it's time to "trust" Josh Allen....but it is time to invest in players around him. I'm frustrated that he has such crap around him.
  3. Thats a matter for Sarah Silverman, Lena Dunham, and Amy Schumer to decide.
  4. I don’t know, but I’ll be pissed if that’s the plan. That position had better be addressed.
  5. I don’t care how Allen generates the yards. He has a very mediocre receiver in Zay Jones, an O-Line comprised of Swiss cheese, and no running game. Ive seen him drop dimes and hit dudes in stride, something Tyrod couldn’t do (hit dudes in stride, not dimes). Im fine with where Allen is. For now. He looks way more promising than what I was expecting.
  6. Gays consider all conservatives to be Christian fundamentalists. Also, the gays showed their loyalty to their “allies” when they backed Hillary over Bernie. I pounded the table for gay marriage. The fight was won. Now the gays insist we must all fight for transvestites to use the same bathroom as my daughter. No way, gays.
  7. I like how Josh is doing. I’ve been pleasantly surprised and I’m optimistic for his future as of right now. But Baker is the better passer right now.
  8. I’m on a job demoing the ***** out of some stuff right now. But if anybody’s interested I can make a rational argument with facts-n-such later. My general argument is this: Not all Muslims are violent. But you cannot have muslims in a non-Muslim country without continued acts of terrorism. And since terrorism is part-n-parcel of Islam, we can’t have Islam. And that there’s no prospect for change because of Islamic canon and the rules set for in the Hadith. But right now I’m working so some socialist can take my money and redistribute it to some last ghetto savage.
  9. Maybe it’s just my experience talking. But dont worry, they’ll give me my Riechstag Fire soon enough. Apparently 9/11 wasn’t sufficient enough for you people.
  10. They cannot be trusted to not blow stuff up. What race is Islam? I am not a racist.
  11. I can’t rmember the game, but I’ll always remember that schmuck for a game in which we were getting blown out. I mean it was a typical, embarrassing, Billsy Sunday. Late in the game a BAD pass went to the receiver Clements was covering and sailed way over the receivers head. Next thing ya know Clements is making an ass out of himself by celebrating his amazing lockdown skills. Doing the ‘don’t throw at me’ finger waive. He was one of the douchiest players of the drought by far.
  12. https://www.yahoo.com/news/twitter-users-tauntingly-tweak-donald-082934179.html Twitter fags shouldn’t be so sure. Guys like me don’t have twitter accounts because twitter is freaking gay. If I see other people locking and loading, this calvaryman is tojours pret.
  13. From my understanding it has to do with border regulations into Northern Ireland? People are pissed that the UK can’t control that. If I understood the nonsense I read correctly.
  14. I wish Chuck and his piggly, ***** niece would just go away.
  15. Liberals are to blame for this. They’re the idiots who think Muslims are awesome because they’re largely non whites. They’re niave enough to think Muslims will love them back if they’re just super sensitive to Muslim needs. Idiots. This problem can’t be solved without violence and forced internment and relocation.
  16. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46535552 Filthy, dirty, Haj.
  17. After looking at everything, I have no issue with Jenkins threat. He has a family and a future he cares about. He’s trying to protect that. If Dawkins did something to threaten my livelihood I’d have the same response.
  18. Washington and Adams were called trash during their time. Didn’t stop them from doing what they did. If there’s two universal truths they are these: 1. Charlie don’t surf 2. Liberals can’t fight Trust me, I want political violence because the ends are guaranteed.
  19. I knew I would probably regret clicking on this and yet I did it anyways.
  20. Trump is a douche. That said if hes indicted im locking and loading. Hes done nothing wrong. This is a witch hunt. Liberals should be very careful what they wish for. There are plenty like me ready to throw down and I do not own plastic shields and sticks.
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