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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I’d love for you to say that to my face...boy. We got a way in Georgia of handling it.
  2. What about the 4th and 5th amendments? Are they in the constitution? And if so, how come the liberal politicized FBI doesn’t extend those rights to Trump and his associates?
  3. I love my wife. I do. I really love her. She is a bleeding heart socialist who probably speaks 40,000 words per day. I can communicate with her in grunts but she’ll still spit about 40,000 words per day. She’s pretty and I love her. But she spends a great deal of time talking while saying nothing...my experience with women is that’s just what they do. This contributes to my belief that being gay isn’t a choice. Because if it were — I’d just find me a man who likes guns, golfing, and silence.
  4. Its 50% joking. But I hate pointless talking. Women speak on average 20,000 words per day. Men speak 7,000. I find men talk too much.
  5. I use a lot of hyperbole and over exaggeration. Thats not how id do it. Im honestly a very humane person and I’d do it humanely (though I’m sure you’d didsagree). I also advocate for strengthening ties with moderate muslim nations through trade deals. But since NOBODY can supersede Muhammad’s laws, you CANNOT have Islam without the extremism. And so I’m for banning it from our borders. Your white people retort is different. There’s no white guy doctorine preaching rape, female muyilation, and fascism. There is for Muslims. Hide your head in the sand and consider me a bigot. I don’t care. I know you dislike me — but thanks. I’m not a Hitler even though I give people who don’t like me reason to label me one. But I’m not.
  6. Youre an idiot. And of course I fear Muslims. I fear they’ll become numerous enough to ruin my country like they have Europe. But, like I’ve stated, guys like me will handle it before it comes to that. Circa Sarajevo 92. If that’s what it takes.
  7. I cant imagine that. But I’d be down to trade BIG for him. I’d give them this years forst, next years first, but I’d demand a 3 or a 4 come back to us.
  8. It’s not hate. It’s wisdom. But I don’t care if you don’t get it.
  9. Not interested. If we trade for anything it better be a receiver.
  10. Tiberius, if one of us is a *****, it ain’t me. And what am I gonna do with them guns? Get my way. The same thing I’ve always done with guns. Get my way.
  11. You...are an idiot. Nobody’s advocating murder. Freaking idiot. Also, this country is 50% on revolts. I like them odds.
  12. Do you think I'm the only one? Lol. Silly boy. There's plenty champing at the bit.
  13. 1. I don't have PTSD. I sleep just fine at night. 2. By white guys -- you mean the most successful demographic in history? The people who made America the greatest country on earth? The creators of western civilization? The men that built America? You're a silly goose, Jim.
  14. Yeah....torries said that kinda crap to folks like Sam Adams.
  15. Shut up, Jim. My personal experience with Islam has nearly gotten my fine self killed on numerous occasions. But my argument is to do with the fact that Islam is a religion that is incompatible with the civilized world because NOOOO Muslim can override Muhammad's canon, and because of that you cannot have Islam without terrorism. It's impossible. You cannot have Islam without female mutilation. You cannot have Islam without rape. It's just not a thing. It doesn't belong in the civilized world, and maybe neither do you. My personal experience with Islam includes the UN Bombing in 03 (I was actually a little 'serve's ya bastards right' when I got there, I piss on the UN). My experience with Islam is dead children. My experience with Islam is literally watching Haj cornhole donkey's (night vision). Haj is all about some goats and donkeys. I've seent it. Gross stuff. Disgusting religion. Disgusting people. Now, have I met "good muslims?" Of freaking course. I grew close to the Imam near the central bank district in Iraq. He and his family lived in the oldest Mosque in Baghdad. As soon as we pulled out he and his entire family were killed. My views on the subject are far to complex to be summarized. But I'm smart enough to know they do not belong in our civilized world. And as you cannot decide which ones are the good muslims, and which aren't, and as you can't predict which ones will drift towards fundamentalism, you can't have it.
  16. Here's why NOBODY cares: Who the ***** were the Clintons not in bed with? Isn't it weird how the Clinton Foundation is suddenly no longer a thing? I'm not a Trumper...but this whole thing has been a damn witch hunt by the savage liberals because their demagogue didn't win and they've politicized the Justice Department. So yes, I will lock-and-load, and there will be hell to pay if Trump is indicted, and I hate draft dodgers.
  17. I do. And then you opened your mouth and confirmed it.
  18. Yup. You went full retard and let me down. I thought you were going to say that ‘communists burnt the Reichstag and so my point was moot because my target is a religious group instead of a political one.’ Theres insufficient evidence on the topic of the Riechstag Fire. The water is very muddy on that topic. 9/11 was the work of Haj. And Hajis around the world celebrated it.
  19. Yeah I did. Reichstag Fire / 9-11. There ya go. Or are ya gonna give me the ‘communist spin’ on it because you’d have a point albeit an obnoxious one.
  20. Getting awfully defensive of Haj lately, Tom. https://www.yahoo.com/news/palestinian-child-dies-wounds-border-clash-gaza-ministry-214901433.html They LOVE dead kids because it’s great pub. https://www.bbc.com/news/amp/world-europe-46530265 Im sure he’s got plenty of help between the Franco-Prussian caliphate. Muslims hate Christmas. He’ll have plenty of help.
  21. ....well there is certainly a lot to breakdown there. In what year did Muhammad bloody his child wife when he consummated?
  22. https://www.vox.com/platform/amp/2018/12/12/18134945/alexandria-ocasio-cortez-aoc-president ....Theyre retarded. So retarded. We need a corsus honorum. Post Sulla. Pure brilliance. Maybe they could have kept the republic had they stuck to it.
  23. Imagine when Americans (real ones) get pissed. Oh im looking forward to it. And I am ready (logistically speaking).
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