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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. I’m not criss with him, so no. Further, that isn’t a move I’d pull in real life unless I had the Glock suckers hands firmly zip stripped. Caution and vigilance.
  2. Really? You don’t write well so that’s surprising. Crackpot Weekly?
  3. At least I don’t have spy novels and fairy tales. Wacky nut job.
  4. Oh yeah?! Well....you’re a poop...poop mouth. You’re like a poop with a mouth that can type and you’ll never have my respeck. Sniff. Sniff. Wait, one last question....was 9/11 an inside job? Was it the cabal?
  5. Ah yes. I should read a 100 page PDF to earn your respect. So, the cabal and government that doesn’t want you to know of it’s existance releases proof of the cabal on a government platform. Brilliant. Truly brilliant. In other news, this years holocaust denial meeting is going to be held at Aushwitz. Zyklon B will be served for refreshment.
  6. 1. I am an *****. A proud one. 2. Reading isn’t hard. 3. You have an overactive imagination.
  7. YES! This is 100% true! Agencies once created become self-serving, and self-preserving. This creates intergovernment competition between agencies that should be working together which is another reason government is so inept. You literally get CIA agents hiding their cards from FBI agents because they want themselves and their department to get credit and what happens is America gets Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Thats where idiots like Rhino come in and conclude Pepe Sylvia with the cabal is behind everything and it’s all an inside job! When in actuality there’s a very simple explanation and it’s government incompetence. I wonder how much Ovaltine Rhino consumes?
  8. How does one get a job with the cabal? Are their benefits good? Where do they hold their career fairs? Who runs the cabal and how are they appointed?
  9. I don’t know a person who’s worked in government who believes the kind of Tom Clancy nonsense that you do because it’s just not there. Because the government is incompetent. I find people who think like you have typically never worked in government and more often than not are uneducated which is why they can believe there are men in black controlling everything. Have ya ever noticed when government does try shady ***** it blows up in their face? Why? Too many people know and eventually one is an Edward Snowden. I think this nonsense gives you comfort or something to do, like a crossword puzzle. Only in this puzzle there are no answers, just bread crumbs that lead to nonsense that you’ve left for yourself.
  10. I don’t disagree. But for there to be a deep state there has to be cohesion and cohesion in government isn’t a thing.
  11. You're suggesting that there are government agents that are all working in lockstep towards some goal. Who heads this organization? I'm sorry, I just dismiss it as nonsense. Government is the most inept of things ever created. The only thing that works in government is military. Who's leading this invisible omnipotent hand? The reason government doesn't work is because its institutions take on a life of their own and theyre run by people who are all working for their own ends. It's completely incompetent.
  12. Sal needs access to do his job. If Sal becomes overly critical players will become less likely to talk with Sal. If that happens Sal loses his ability to do his job. Why is this hard for people to understand?
  13. To All -- I apologize for my bigoted posts. I meant no offense to any save one. There's not a racist bone in my body and I despise racists. However, I am not above making racial comments if my intention is to piss one person off entirely. I have many black, hispanic, and asian brothers whom I served with and would/have gladly risked my life for.
  14. I won’t take lectures on civility from somebody who suggests molesting another mans wife. Family units definitely aren’t important to you people, but they are to custodians of western civilization such as myself. It’s a sacred institution and I’m not shocked you don’t understand. After all it is only a mere 300 years that separates you from a mud hut. Now, GOOD DAY.
  15. You never quit flapping the big gums do ya?
  16. Whats pathetic is bringing a mans family into an argument you piece of *****. Notice I maintained a civility with you until you did so.
  17. I’m not interested in your opinions. Also, I’d do nothing that’d get me sent to prison. I would bait you into making me “fear for my life” though. That’s just my style.
  18. It’s a wide receiver that will catch you when you are falling — time after time.
  19. Don’t be discouraged if he doesn’t hit that mark this year. Not because it’s unreasonable to expect from a rookie, but because it’s unreasonable to expect from a rookie with this surrounding “talent.”
  20. The very idea of a “deep state” is beyond ignorant and offensive to anybody who’s familiar with government or who has worked in it. Not because it’s a shot against their integrity, but because all who are familiar with government know how inept, incompetent, and paralytic it is. Government can’t run the mail properly — and it definitley cannot conduct, and coordinate complex cover-ups and conspiracies. Further, the revolving doors of government contribute to its inefficiency. I suggest that anybody who believes in the Deep State put down their goddamn Tom Clancy novels and spend a day at a government institution so you can clearly comprehend how uncoordinated the government actually is. Leave your tin foil hats at home.
  21. That I am not. I’m a fighter but I’m not a madman. Nor am I shortsighted. A petty act of violence is beneath me and my dignity and I am committed to bringing about change and I cannot do that from a jail cell. I’m a cavalryman. I only fight when I can win. I pop smoke and bide my time when I can’t. Right now I’m much like Churchill in the 30’s. My warnings fall on deaf ears and I realize I only have a shot at righting the ship after it starts flooding.
  22. I’m not here to do internet fighting. But thats just laughable. Carry on hero. Maybe don’t talk about people’s wives ya filthy spearchucker.
  23. If you let me know where you are, don’t be with family. I keep my sub-2000 in the trunk for boys like you. Just like you.
  24. You can suck my Glock, Tyrone. Let me know. I’ll come find you. Let me know. You’ll find out what kinda lives matter around here. It ain’t yours.
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