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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. To: Josh From: The_Dude Because it’s Christmas, and at Christmas you tell the truth:
  2. From my understanding the most conservative estimate is over 4 million. Ive seen bickering on “what counts” though. Are villagers shot in the street victims of the holocaust? I say yes — but I’ve seen people try arguing they belong in another category of some kind. Not to me that it matters. End result was the same.
  3. The Dudes point is not sloppy. Fully auto is stupid. I hate fully auto. But then again my goal has never been to shoot up concert goers from an elevated position. But I’m sure I could have killed more than the Vegas shooter with just semi and an acog or eotech with 3x magnifier.
  4. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-46611320 Muslims have turned Europe into hell. Muslims ensure that no good deed of the infidel goes unpunished. Liberals across Europe are in revolt over the rape of their culture, and I’m heartened to see real action beggining to make Europe European again. They demonstrate in Britain, France, Germany, and the Low Countries. The poor Serbs are continuing to have their issues that stem back to Islam’s initial quest to destroy Christiandom and European culture. The superior culture will prevail if only the liberals are brought to heal.
  5. I just wanna know who runs the deep state. Probably Soros. Is it Soros?
  6. Human Rights Campaign. https://give.hrc.org/page/28950/donate/1?ea.tracking.id=dr_don_bpi_search2018&ea.tracking.id=DR_BPI_DON_GS_201709AQ&utm_source=GS&utm_medium=AD&utm_campaign=201709AQ&utm_content=246582531334&utm_term=human rights campaign
  7. To me, the gays showed their loyalty when HRC backed Shillary over Bernie.
  8. Well played, Tammy. Well played. Thats a thing?
  9. As a student of history I’ve heard this was a thing. Ive never encountered anybody who claims that the holocaust is a fake Jewspiracy. Not one. Not online, and not in real life. Recently, I signed up for the free speech platform, Gab. My god — the whole community there is literally Nazis. I was trolled so hard I just deleted my account when I mocked a Nazi for his holocaust denial. I then found out I was swimming in an ocean of holocaust denying Nazis. Did you know that since Churchill’s WWII memoirs don’t cover the holocaust that’s proof it never happened? I support free speech — but I do not support nonsense.
  10. He’s an idiot and New York is an awful state but at least this idea is right on.
  11. You don’t have to have played football to coach. And you don’t have to have played football to be a critic.
  12. Well that and because: 1. Hillary didn’t win 2. He’s a rapist 3. He’s a racist 4. He’s not Hillary 5. See 1 & 4
  13. It needs historical context. Im not making googles so I’m not gonna get into specifics, but males were once required to own musket and shot for the defense of the nation. I’m not sure when that fell out. Further, and one needs a background into privateering/piracy — but merchant ships also kept cannons which blows holes into lots of theories on to what degree of arms the people should have.
  14. The thing is — Maddison clearly wrote out what the 2nd amendment met. In the days of yesteryear when I was more liberal I fought your argument to a degree. However, I historied and discovered through the Federalist papers exactly what they meant. And so there’s no merit in the “militia” argument. Afteall, what were the minute men? Nothing more than bro’s with guns.
  15. The bolded is why I claim he's not. I mean he lost the popular vote due to his ideas. Many of his ideas are NOT popular which is why he receives the constant backlash. But, I concede that the man NEVER uses a rational argument. But I think it's because he's incapable of such a thing. Listening to him talk is like watching a squirrel cross the road. Ya never can follow or guess his direction.
  16. Note im not defending Trump. I’m arguing your definition of the word. Trump is genuine. Hitler was genuine. FDR was more of a demagogue than Hitler — but clearly I’m an FDR fan whereas I am not a Hitler fan.
  17. No. No he’s not. He’s genuine. Hillary is a demagogue.
  18. Its not silly you jackwagon. It’s quite right to be concerned that the justice department is a 5th column of the Democrats. That’s way more concerning to me than Russians posting memes on Facebook, and Trump paying off whores.
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