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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. If I wouldn't treat Haj like that, I don't expect an American citizen, boy, to be treated like that. I did NOT observe anything of the sort in the video. That cop used excessive force on an American citizen. Did you do stupid things at 14? And an ass kicking by an adult and an "authority" figure is not a lesson in morality. The cop needs a lesson in morality. That part is true. 100%. I'd like to see what happened before. Exactly. American children deserve to be treated better than filthy Haj. That's my point.
  2. When I was 14 we used to rob the vending machine after football practice. I doubt a cop would have touched up a middle class white kid like me like that. When I was in Iraq my first deployment we used to hand out money to Haj. I don’t know why, I don’t remember. We’d meet head Hajies at the hand-Haj-money place. It’d be me (5’6”, 140 lbs) and a few other bro’s trying to manage hundreds of Hajies all pushing and shoving and trying to get their way up front. Frequently I’d have to grab Haj by the neck or give Haj a good stiff kicking. On a few occasions I had to utilize my Haji-be-good stick and give one of the savages a good smacking. But NEVER did I get that rough with Haj unless Haj deserved it. $1.25 candy bar ain’t worth that. That’s just a white trash cop who needs to be put in his place. That cop is a coward. That boy is a boy. Shame on him. And if the kids dad makes a thing of it with the cop — he’ll get a round of applause from me.
  3. A 14 year old kid stealing a candy bar does not deserve to be put in a position where he could be paralyzed. That was unnecessary and excessive force. He’s a child. I saw him being assaulted and not resisting anything. By the time he turned around, he was being assaulted. Illegally. Do you mean tyranny? ?
  4. The cops lucky I’m not the father because his badge wouldn’t save him from me.
  5. History is the study of the written record of the past, not the past. I am unfamiliar with works older older than the Sumerians. Perhaps you can enlighten me?
  6. Consideing you think history goes back 10,000 years I’d say you probably don’t know much about it.
  7. I too would like to know the good-bad cop ratio...if ever there was a way to judge and find that out. Nonetheless, I think we can both agree that there are bad cops and police reform standards is a conversation worth having.
  8. I couldn’t disagree more. I believe in education. I believe it provides perspective. I believe it weeds certain types out. I believe that the amount of educated idiots I’ve met, compared to uneducated idiots speaks volumes in my favor. Further, if somebody can’t afford an education and wants to go into law enforcement, they can spend a few years in the military and get a GI Bill. Lastly, as a man who makes his living on skilled trade, I think it’s fantastic that you bring that up. We need more plumbers, mechanics and the like. And those are honorable professions. What we we don’t need is the remedial standards it takes to be a cop because we get way too many retards with guns. Something has gotta give. Lastly, I’ve thought of something that would possibly be a good compromise — hows about a paid, longer police academy? Seriously. Why not a 3/4 year police academy? Make the standards higher and pay cops what they should be making and make police termination incredibly easy. My ideas are not perfect, but they’re better than inaction and of that I am sure.
  9. Unequivocally. I personally had the worst Lt. ever commissioned. He was far and away the exception. The finest soldiers I served with were officers. That’s not to say there weren’t many fine NCOs. But a captain is far and away better than any E5/6.
  10. As it currently stands, the basic requirements to kill American citizens are equal to that of a Walmart cashier. I advocate change and am not open to opposition of change but I am open to better ideas. I’ve thought it through and while my plan isn’t perfect it’s better than doing nothing. If you have a better plan please do share.
  11. If at nothing else a 4-year degree will weed out a great deal of the lazy and stupid from achieving a “badge.” And by that alone it should be implemented.
  12. Thats because you’re an idiot. The Clintons weren’t my point, they were proof of my point. God you’re stupid.
  13. Youre an idiot. I went out of my way to say that’s not my point. My point is compared to Clinton, Trump is being treated unfairly. Justice shouldn’t be political and there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that it is. I can’t make it anymore clear.
  14. I’ve long maintained that I do not / will not grammar check my ***** on a message board. I’m too busy to spend the time I do spend on here as it is. I don’t spell check / grammar check message board posts or emails to subordinates or when I’m the customer. Far too busy.
  15. Yes! Oh my god are you retarded? The DNC and Debbie Wasserman Schultz got their ***** sued for fixing the DNC primary at Clinton’s behest. Bill illegally campaigned at a polling station. Do you live under a rock? Im not saying Trump is good because Hillary bad. Im saying you cannot hold Trump to a standard that his political competition is excempt from. Why’s that simple point so hard for you to grasp? Youre an Idiot. I ain’t alt right. I didn’t deflect to the Clintons. I name dropped them to show a double standard. Idiot.
  16. Was “asswhole” an attempt at humor? And thats not my point for this. That’s not my point. My point is that educated people are a higher caliber of people and that is what we need in law enforcement. It is not incorrect for me to state that cops are given more leniency in their actions than deployed soldiers. US citizens are treated in a way that soldiers can’t treat terrorists.
  17. And I do. However, I don't proofread my stuff and even if I did I'd give myself a 75% chance of missing it. No joke, I got a very mild slap on the wrist for shooting a car with non-lethal shotgun ammo on my 2nd deployment. (04-05) My first deployment (03-04) was grand theft auto rules! Thems were the days. But yeah, they were soooo damn strict in 04-05, and during the Obama years you were supposed to let Haj kill you before firing a warning shot.
  18. Ok. But he doesn't deserve special treatment. Either way. So, since clearly Hillary has done the EXACT same things and is made of teflon, I don't care what you say Don has done.
  19. ....everything is ok if you're black. Or gay.
  20. Yeah, it does. Go survey the KKK on their education level.
  21. Tibs, the double standard is disgusting. To anybody whos not biased this is disgusting. Democrats are manipulating the justice department and law enforcement. Don’t even deny it. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting was NOT to discuss the grandkids. Hillary vagrantly cheated to win her primary so I don’t care about ***** Russian made Facebook memes.
  22. The double standards in our justice system is gonna result in people like me putting on vests. My vest ain’t yellow.
  23. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/14-year-old-boy-choked-body-slammed-police-stealing-chocolate-school-vending-machine-scared-life-191740898.html The problem with American cops is that they're uneducated, extremely aggressive in situations where they don't need to be, and cowardly in situations where they need to be aggressive. Look at this fatass cop slam this boy. That boy weighs 120 lbs. In no way was that reaction necessary. The theft of a $1.25 candy bar does not give a cop the authority to hurt a child. What if that boy landed on his spine wrong and fatass Barney dealt that boy a life altering spinal injury? Routinely I am disgusted by law enforcement in this country. Since cops "waited for SWAT" at Columbine I've known our law enforcement isn't up to snuff. Further, what do we expect? We're paying these uneducated morons like they're uneducated morons. Part of that is the problem. I believe base salary for a cop ought be $80,000 a year. I promise, $80,000 a year with benefits will increase the talent acquisition. But, we need to start demanding educated cops. A 4-year degree should be the floor for that position. Most cops will disagree with me because they're largely uneducated which is why they're always doing retarded things. This may really piss people off but it's the truth. I was an uneducated NCO in the Army. It was obvious that officers were superior soldiers to NCOs. Education is a thing and it helps. Because I was so aware of that gap, the first thing I did when I left the service was put my GI Bill to work. Further, I have a HUGE problem with police hiring standards. Odds are if you're a cop, you lied to get your job. I submitted an application with a law enforcement agency when I left the service. I was clean as a whistle with a decorated military background. I was denied. Why? I admitted to the heinous crime of buying a dime bag of weed when I was 16. When I brought this up on social media I had 3 veteran friends, then cops, PM me and state 'bro, you gotta lie.' Whatever....It worked out for the best as that road block resulted in my making more money than a cop so I'm cool. We need law enforcement. But we need them to be better, because fattymagoo slamming children is unacceptable. BUT -- ya gotta pay for it. If you offer $30,000 a year then your hiring standards can't be more than a GED, a pulse, and a lying applicant. And we've got plenty of them. Now, obviously there are a great and many wonderful police offers who are a credit to their profession who don't meet the standards I outlined. Grandfather them in, but for gods sake raise the standards, and for gods sake we gotta pay for it. It's a hard job, and they deserve better compensation. But the piece of ***** in this video deserves to be fired, and jail for assault of a minor.
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