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Everything posted by The_Dude

  1. Can I get a list? I don’t need links — just a list. 2, maybe 3?
  2. https://www.foxnews.com/world/scandinavian-hiker-murder-suspects-arrested-may-have-ties-to-isis-danish-intelligence I bet they were tolerant liberals....ya know, until just before the incident.
  3. There were many amphitheaters built. Not just one. And it wasn't even all that impressive. I do not know the what story you're referring to. What was the timeline? You referenced Greek fire and so the timeline confused me. Forgive me but I thought maybe you were confusing it with the Circus Maximus of Constantinople during the Nike riots. When did this occur? Justinians restoration? Details. Oh, Tammy talking out his ass again -- can't back any of that up. Don't argue with me on Rome thangs!
  4. What colosseum? Flavian amphitheater? Huh?
  5. I've had to make googles to decipher some of Tom's texts. I am but a simple man.
  6. You're an idiot if you think that kinda force was necessary. A ***** idiot.
  7. I'm glad. The job is beneath my talents. I imagine its a lot like garrison army which is the gayest thing in the history gayness. Youre a ***** idiot. Stealing a candy bar should never result in being slammed.
  8. 1. I mean, yeah. You can't just kill people -- that's murder. 2. Their violence of action was completely unnecessary. I could have handled that situation with no violence. 3. I don't presume that -- you just presume I do.
  9. 1. (the bolded) I never made that point or suggested it -- you did for some reason. Your logic is squirrelly at best so I wont try to follow it. 2. ESCALATION OF FORCE -- it starts with 'come here, son' and not a body slam. 3. You're an idiot for the 2nd bolded. Why are soldiers required to make proper identification of a deadly threat, but cops can just assume the potential when it comes to a child? That seems idiotic. 4. Your 3rd bolded -- as a guy who has killed people and used deadly force I think I know a thing or two about restraint and being decisive. 5. I've put many a person in cuffs....well, zip strip cuffs. It's not that hard. 6. The kid deserved detention or in school suspension, not a body slam by an armed, grown man.
  10. If they have a gun and are shooting at you, yes. If they're stealing candy bars, no. Not that hard.
  11. I donno. Let it play out. Goff looked like a joke his rookie year.
  12. https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/forever-21-apologizes-after-store-was-criticized-for-using-white-man-to-model-black-panther-inspired-sweater.amp Id like to add Forever 21 to this list. Black people are VERY proud of the accomplishments of Africa’s only accomplished / advanced country. Never mind that it’s completey fictitious. HOW DARE FOREVER 21 USE A WHITE MAN TO CELEBRATE NON EXISTANT BLACK ACOMPLISHMENTS! Wakanada Forever✊????
  13. I love Jews. That said, pre diaspora they were the Haj of the ancient world. They kinda pushed Vespasian and Titus into doing what they did. Rome had no other choice.
  14. I do not have PTSD, sir. I’ve a many a friend who suffer the affliction. I’d pay good money to go back to Najaf, 2004. If only it were possible. I digress.....
  15. Dude, I hate dead kids. I’ve seen enough. I HATE Haj. I freaking HATE em. But I hate seeing dead kids, even Haj kids even more. I dont remember what I said, but I had to be restrained from beating some MP pog, Nasty Girls ass for killing haj kids. But that was 04. Thems were the wild Wild West days. Najaf 04 — good times. I take great satisfaction in personally shooting up the Najaf mosque. GREAT satisfaction. But on children I am a constant guardian. I know Haj children will grow up to be filthy Haj...but children are children. That said — military age males are game and in 3rd world shitholes and that age is 13 and up. But The_Dude protects children. Even Haj children. All children deserve to be children. As ive stated — my views on Haj are complex and not as simple as they can appear upon first glance at one of my rants.
  16. It’s been so long since I’ve toked. At least days by now. Maybe even a week. My god — so bored. Thank god for scotch!
  17. There it is! There’s a good one! I thank you. If he talks like he writes how could he? Insufferable.
  18. Hey, I’m the goddamn paterfamilias! I knows what I’m doins.
  19. Who's dictating to the world? You raise your kids how you want, leave others to raise theirs how they want. Otherwise you might be the dude getting your ass kicked. Just maybe. I've found one thing that all parents hate is being told how to parent their children. You probably shouldn't do it.
  20. Uh, yes. History is the study of the written record.
  21. Agreed. The only reason this concerns me is they take an inch....then it's 'outlaw high capacity magazines!'
  22. But it wasn't. Each situation is different. Each situation deserves to be handled differently. But I do know when it's a child that small, there is literally NO reason to use that much force. It's just not necessary. I believe in a responsible escalation of force. To an extent.
  23. I do not believe in hitting children. Michael Brown was a big boy, and I was never on his side. That was a big boy. Not a little boy.
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